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Transformers Mobile Is The Transformers Game We've Always Wanted

Started by Volsung, August 01, 2008, 10:24:15 AM

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QuoteJust look at this video. Look at it. It's Advance Wars. But with Transformers. G1 Transformers. With tech specs and back-of-the-toy-box quotes and the spinning transition animation and everything. So why is this coming out on mobile, and not the DS? (Oh, and before you ask/complain, no, there's no sound in this vid)

So true  :)

(Source Kotaku)


Wow.......why have they not done this before?  And, you know, for Xbox and PC and such?  I even hate this kind of Final Fantasy style of gameplay, but I would totally play this!  If it came out on the DS, I would be forced to buy a DS to play it.


i'm on the verge of tears!!!!  this would be perfect for the ds... i spend so much time playing advance wars/drone tactics/FF tactics etc.  this game would rule them all because i would actually be interested in the story.

Glitch Girl

Not bad, what little I could play through before it timed out on me.  (In my best game, I managed to make it to the second battle and defeat two decepticons before it timed out on me)   Wish I could try a more complex battle to see how stats and skills make  a difference, but nice they got at least A demo up.


Here's hoping that this somehow leads to a PC and XBox version......... ^_^


oh man, its super robot taisen but with robots i actually care about...   i want this to come to DS so badly


thanks benten for the link to play it, it'll be awesome if it came out for ds.


Volsung is the one you should be thanking Raijin (and I should too!), as he provided the link.  Yeah......I'm going to keep an eye on this.


I gived up those kind of games long ago (after an intense period of super robot taisen/war).
But I admit that I would love it on Ds  :)