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Confused: Creating a New Atrtibute?

Started by Figure Fan, November 17, 2007, 08:05:33 AM

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Figure Fan


I'm trying to make the attribute "malleable form" following Mike's instructions on the FFX site, but I'm lost.

I put in the name and description part into the Strings.txt file found in the regular FFvsTR folder, not the FFX one, like this:

QuoteATTRIB_MALLEABLEFORM_01, malleable form
ATTRIB_MALLEABLEFORM_DESC_01, your body has become resistant to crushing, piercing, electrical, and energy damage, and has granted you jumping abilities and resistance to knockback.

Now I'm supposed to recompile the strings database?? What does that mean?

Can someone help me out with this and the rest of the process? I basically just wnat to add those resistances and paste in the Density Control attribute. I'm surprised one like this hasn't been done yet.


Hi FF,

I suppose you're refering to the "making your own attributes" and "combo attributes" pages of the FFX 3.0 manual (as an aside, even if the former page hasn't been updated in the FFX 3.2 manual, you're still usually  better off refering to this more recent version instead – http://ffx.freedomforceforever.com).

Where is it mentioned that you should use use the strings.txt under the regular FvsTTR data\? This was the case in FF1, but definitively not in FFvsTTR. Recompiling the strings database means using FFEdit (contrarily to what the manual states, the FFvsTTR version now works correctly, even if the path input/output is tricky) to convert the strings.txt source file to the strings.dat database format used by the game.

But the basic issue with what you're attempting is that doing this attribute is impossible. As mentioned elsewhere in the manual, only FFx attributes and scripted versions of the defaults one (i.e., built from scratch using FFX to simulate the the default ones) can be set to form a new "combination attribute". And until we get some improbable breakthrough, the only scripted attributes we can create have already been.

Which explains why this hasn't been done yet. :(

Figure Fan

Ohh, ok. I see now.

I ended up combining attributes that could be combined so that I have some free space to add in regular resistance attributes.

My only problem now--

Recompiling the string tables..

What does this mean? How do I do this?


As Epi tried to explain, this involves clicking the "Compile String" button in FFedit.

I suggest having something else to do while it compiles.  It can take a while.

Also, I think someone (probably m25) recently created a utility that can compile the strings itself, a lot more quickly than FFedit.  There's a thread about it somewhere around here.

Figure Fan

All I see is "Compile Trimmed DATs" which doesn't seem to allow me to select the string tables, whatever those are.

Is there a site with a detailed explanation of this process? Maybe with screenshots?

Thanks for all of the help so far. I'm starting to wonder if my FFEdit is different, or older..


Figure Fan

Quote from: Thor Reborn on November 17, 2007, 10:16:14 PM
its the generate language files button

Ohhhhhh! Ok.

Thanks, Thor. I wasn't sure which one it was.


Sorry.  I remembered the name of the button wrong.


An earlier post referred to this, but, just in case you didn't know...

If you're using FFX, you'll want to make sure that the output directory is "...\FFX\Lang\English".

(back everything up just in case!)
