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EZScript custom encounter not ending

Started by HumanTon, November 27, 2007, 03:29:17 PM

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I've been messing around with custom encounters in EZScript and have run into a snag.

I've made an encounter where there's a power trap that fires off a Power Null power every so often, plus there are also some villains to fight. Here's the encounter:

Encounter: Power Null Trap
Type: custom
Villains: Random
Minions: Random
Actions: item exists, item starts on ground, item has power, item uses power on heroes, item can be destroyed, Villains Fight Heroes
Item: nazihq_lab_machine_4
Trap Power: ffx_psiantibody_zap
Next: Dummy2

Alert Cutscene:
Yellow arrow on Villain

Start Cutscene:
Camera on Villain
Villain turns to Hero
Villain says, "The intruders will be helpless against our new power nullifier!"

End Cutscene:
Hero says, "End of Power Null Trap"

The good news: the villains appear and fight, the trap appears and fires off the power null power, and the trap disappears when you destroy it.

The bad news: the encounter never ends. It never plays the End cutscene or goes to the next encounter. I had assumed it would end either when the villains are defeated or the trap is destroyed, but no such luck.

Can anyone figure out why this encounter never ends "for real"?


I believe it is a bug in the 'item can be destroyed' action that isn't being triggered correctly.

EZ script update 1 should fix the problem.

