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Codemasters do it again! Rising Force now Free

Started by UnfluffyBunny, October 27, 2007, 04:26:14 AM

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Just to add to the number of MMO's i'm playing @_@
Rising Force Online is now 100% Free, just like they did with archlord (yes you can buy extras in the online shop, but as far as I can see it's stuff that you can get ingame very easily anyway)
I played RF for a while when it first came out, first thing, it's a korean game, that means if you dont like grind, dont play.

the premis of RF is a world devided, much like archlord but still not quite

your 3 races are the Bellato (commonly known as bells, the more human race) the Cora (the elvish race) and the Accretians (commonly known as the toasters, bio-mechanicals)

the bellato are very technology orientated, their 4 classes are warrior, ranger, spiritualist (caster) and specialists, the bellato specialists are the driving force, because, and no pun intended, they become "drivers" and get to pilot MAU's (massive armoured units *basicly mechs*) which they can upgrade or adapt to their fighting style.

the Cora are less technoligical and rely more on magic, once again warrior, ranger, spiritualist and specialist, this time the specialist is more of a crafter, the spiritualist on the other hand can summon elementals to aid them.

the accretians are the only genderless race (something different from archlord, bellato and cora you can choose your gender) and only have 3 classes, warrior, ranger and specialist, conforming fully to the technological element, once again the specialist shines through with a sub class which allows them to carry, and then bond themselves with launchers, to supply heavy firepower, tho at the highest levels the accretians have superior armour to any other class.

it should also be noted that just because you choose for example, to play a cora warrior, although you wont have the power or summons of a cora spiritualist, you can still learn magic to increase your ability.

you can also team up with other races :O tho unless you have a translator, you cant communicate, and your "team-mate" could stab you in the back at any time...

you can also raid the outposts of other races ;)

now here comes the fun part
after attaining a certain level, you can help your race in the "chip war" for control of the central mines where rare minerals required for upgrades can be attained very easily.
the chip war is... in short... a server wide confrontation between all 3 races... ie... chaos :twisted:

all in all, it's one of the best looking games out there, its now free, each race is very different, you have purpose, chip wars are amazing BUT grind grind grind, as I said, if you dont mind grinding, mindless hacking and slashing, then this could be right up your alley.
if thats not your thing I wouldnt reccomend the game.

either way, it's free, no harm in trying right  :cool:



Thanks for the heads up. :)
Guess I have another MMO to try.
