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FFX Using Vulneribilty

Started by Failed_Hero, November 04, 2007, 05:41:12 PM

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How do you give a character an attack that is used to affect the vulnerabilty attribute? 


You don't.

Sorry, but attacks currently don't trigger Vulnerability.


would it be possible to ceate a state swap that affects one's vulnerbility


Possible yes.  We've talked about it actually.  It would probably also require some adjusting to the Vulnerability code, although I could be quite wrong about that, depending on how that code is set up in the first place.


Thanks Cat and Thor.  I was hoping to give Captain Marvel and Lex Luthor the alien material swap in order to fight superman


Waitaminute. I haven't used this really, but what stops you from just swapping limey lure to summon and set the character's object template to alien_mineral in the Control Centre? Or, if the vulnerable character's trigger isn't isAlienMineral, then just hit him with the power that triggers the vulnerability. In other words, if I have a vulnerable character whose trigger is isIrradiated and he is hit by a successful irradiate attack, then his vulnerability effect kicks in.


now that's using the old gray matter  -  good call


Now that we are thinking how do we make characters vurneable to two substances, and how do you us "magic" as a weapon in FFX it is listed as a Vulneribilty but there aren't really magic attacks in the game


I hadn't really thought about magic as a vulnerability in the same way alien mineral is, probably just because Superman isn't vulnerable to magic (he just isn't as invulnerable to it). But there might be other characters who are actually weakened by the mere presence of magic...

The isMagic FFX customization refers to a list in ffxextras.py of characters who are magic. We could probably change that to isMagicCharacter and add a list that would work for a new function isMagicObject. Right now, adding non-character objects to that list won't work because isMagic checks that the object is a character. I'm not sure if there is some application where that is necessary or not...

A problem with having magic attacks (i.e. attacks with the mystical damage type) affect characters who are vulnerable to magic is that the magic/mystical attacks are often used for attacks that may not at all be magical. E.g., blindness could be ink in the face or a cloud of soot or whatever like it is for Black Jack. Ditto for static attacks that represent a character who is tangled or ensnared by mundane means. Even a damage type like hex can represent some other mundane effect that sickens or short circuits a character when they try to use a power.

(As an aside and possible note for the next release of FFX, I've never looked at that list before and two things strike me about it. First, there are some characters listed who I wouldn't consider magical at all, like the wraiths and Entropy, who are energy-x creatures, IMO, but that's a judgment call. Second, the isMagic() function is using Object_GetTemplate() to get the templates, which I think will fail for customs and even some built-ins in the Rumble Room. It should probably use FFX_GetTemplate() which uses the chardata module to get the "real" templates for characters and should work for customs.)


I've not really experimented with this, but maybe an FFX tech can address my comment:  Doesn't the state-swap "mental damage" actually affect whatever vulnerabilies the original power had?  For example if I use hypnosis for the swap, it affects mental vulnerabilities; but if I use stasis or blind, it affects mystical vulnerabilities.  Right?

I don't know if this addresses the original quesion, but I thought it might be related!   :thumbup:



I thought the OP was talking about the FFX attribute VULNERABILITY, which causes specific deleterious side-effects when some object is near the character with the attribute (similar to how Superman is vulnerable to kryptonite) or when the character is afflicted with a specific state.