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EZ Script Question/ Plug-in Request: "Story Starts When:"

Started by Boalt92, October 16, 2007, 11:41:08 AM

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First of all, great work with EZ Script.  I definitely wouldn't be playing anymore without it.

Now the request:  is it possible to create a "Next Story: StoryX", or a "Story Starts When: StoryX at End" command/plugin?  These could be called just below the "Story Name:" line.  Another option (again, if possibe) would be a "Next: story_XXXX" command to be called from a standard encounter.  Ideally, it would search either the ffx3\MiniMod or the ffx3\stories folders for the story names.  Otherwise, it could use the ffx3\skirmish directory (as with standard minimods).

This would be most useful in a freeroam setting, as it would allow you to string together several related (or not) minimods, particularly if it can be used in conjunction with the "Simple Choice" encounter plugin.  In theory, it would open the door for a "true" freeroam campaign, with outcomes/encounters based on a PCs decisions.  It would also be useful in sharing minimods and in keeping down story file sizes.

Here's an example:

1. You catch the mad scientist's sincere, but misguided assistant.
2. The assistant tells you how to catch the scientist, then professes to have changed his/her evil ways.  If you will let him/her go, the assistant will provide you with energy X canisters, FFX weapons or other help long after this mission ends.
3. You agree, and the "help" story begins.
4. You disagree, and, unbeknownst to you, the "revenge" story begins as the assistant and/or his/her brother/sister/mother/father vows to "get you....whatever it takes!!!!!".
5. All the while, you contine with the original "mad scientist" story, stopping the baddy and saving the day.

Obviously, I Know nada about scripting, so I don't even know if it's possible, so it's really just a thought and not a deal-breaker by any means.

Thanks in advance



I may be able to do something along those lines.  I'll look into it.


It took a bit of re-tooling to EZ script itself to get this working in freeroam mods, but there is now a plug-in to allow you to start new stories from inside of a story.

It requires an update to the EZ script code available on the wiki.


I should point out that the player can always move stories in and out of the freeroam directory of a freeroam mod to customize the freeroam experience themselves.  Any stories in the freeroam directory will be used even mid-campaign.
