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New map-the Golden Age

Started by HumanTon, December 30, 2007, 10:57:06 AM

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Just in time for a New Year is a a new map: the Golden Age! It's a large night map, with a night club, museum, jeweler, cathedral and mansion. It's perfect for pulp heroes ... and also makes a nice Gotham City for Batman.

It's also EZ-Script enabled, with a bunch of location-specific markers in addition to the usual encounter markers. See the readme for details.

Like all my maps, it uses the original game objects so it's a snap to install--no messing with DAT files.

Get it at the Yahoo group in my sig.

Here are some screenshots:








Looks good,and the setting is something I was looking for. Thanks HT. :)


Tanks alot Humanton for the cool map - I find myself picking city maps more often than other maps so i'm sure this will get plenty of play - who is the character on the Texas Jack mesh? :blink:


awesome, like electro city maps are my fav


Thanks, guys. The characters in the squad are as follows:

Guy in the gasmask: the original Sandman.

Guy in red tights: the original Starman

Guy with pistols and black cape: the Shadow, legendary pulp hero (and main inspiration for Batman.)

Guy with white hair: the Avenger, another pulp hero.


very nice map, sir humanton. Thanks for sharing it with the community.


Now we just need a Golden Age EZscript mod! :o :D