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EZ Script Traps and Turrets

Started by joemama, February 19, 2007, 10:30:14 AM

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Can anybody suggest a way to create a trap or turret similar to FF1 for EZ Script?

I don't think you can do it with EZ Script per se, so I'm trying to simulate one using a character (or an object?) and custom AI.

All I can think of is to use a character mesh.  Make it immoble and give it a ranged attack.  But what about the element of suprise?  I suppose I could give it cloak and have set to cloak when enemies (i.e. heroes) are near?  I was also thinking about gaseous form, but I'm not too sure how to incorporate that.

Lastly, how would (or could) I use an object instead of a character?  For example, a hypnosphere?  Would it need keyframes to execute an attack?

Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.


If I remember correctly, turrets were just characters in FF1, and they didn't need custom AI as the built-in AI worked well.  I think the turret AI still exists in FF2.   If you wanted it as a custom AI, make sure it doesn't have any move commands in its AI file. 

As for traps, give me a more thorough write-up of what you are looking for.  I may be able to whip up an encounter type that covers traps.  It sounds like something that would be useful in general.


I can certainly think of some good uses for that kind of thing!


Thanks for the reply M25,

I think I can solve the trap problem by spawning a character somewhere else and then teleporting them in and having them use something similar to the evil female self explosion.

But since you asked.

If I ruled the world (or knew how to code)...

...there could be a "proximity mine" encounter (or villain?) that triggers an area attack explosion, fireball, electric current, etc. when you get within x range of a certain marker.

...there could be a group teleport command (i.e. "teleport all heroes/villains/minions" to x coords. or marker x).  Would be a good trap (i.e. hit within range of a marker and a gang of villains teleports in or you teleport to them).

Just a thought.  I have no idea if this is even possible.


PS--Love EZ Script by the way.  I've producing some linked maps for it right now.


IIRC, the FFX special objects might give you a headstart (cf. the manual, under "Using FFX in your Mod": "Special Objects".



I think I see where you're getting at:

For a trap, I choose an object.  Say the Hypno-sphere.  I re-name it "offx_ex_fire_small".  Then I place an ffx_tigot named "ffx_ex_fire_small" next to it to cause the explosion?  I give the trap 1 health point so it gets destroyed in the explosion?

For EZ Script, I would just create a marker called "trap1", and then "trap1_villain1" at the exact point I want the occur(?).  I could call it using an "examine_object" or any other encounter for that matter(?).

Even if this doesn't work, it gives me something to think about.  Thanks for the help


Just thought of something.

I should be able to place this trap directly on a map without regard to EZ Script, right?  For example, create a damaging forcefield by tying the ffx_tiggot to two cuban shield tower emitters (using the animated shield beam)?  How could I incorporate the shield beam so that it disappears when the emitters are destroyed?


Sorry Joe, I haven't tested these much, and it's been a few years... I don't remember anything. :(


A quick trap question, can we spawn multiple traps in one trap encounter?  So, multiple objects are shooting their powers until they get switched off?


"For a trap, I choose an object.  Say the Hypno-sphere.  I re-name it "offx_ex_fire_small".  Then I place an ffx_tigot named "ffx_ex_fire_small" next to it to cause the explosion?  I give the trap 1 health point so it gets destroyed in the explosion?"

No, it's easier than that.  If by "trap" you mean " an object that triggers a power like, say, an explosion when you get within the encounter radius," it's actually already in EZScript.

There are two standard encounter types for traps: One Shot Power Trap, which sets off a power once when the encounter triggers, then stops, and Switchable Power Trap, where the power keeps triggering until you turn off some switches. If you want a repeating trap without switches, (or a trap object that can be destroyed), you can set it up by creating a custom EZScript encounter type. For examples see the Nazi HQ and Evil Base EZScripts in the Misc section of my Yahoo group, linked in my sig.

So creating a visible trap object is easy, and you can also create an invisble trap by using the tiggot.

In principle EZScript also supports group teleporting via the TELEPORT ALL TO, but I admit I've never gotten it to work.

Teleport All was added in a patch, by the way, as was the amazingly powerful custom encounter system, so make sure you have the latest and greatest.


Sorry, I really should have started a new thread, I just hate to clutter the forums.  Anyway, I'm using the EZScript traps, and I'm just trying to determine if I can spawn more than one in a single encoutner.  So, you know, I'll have two objects each using a power until a switch is used.


Dunno about the multiple traps on one encounter. My philosophy is: try it and see.  :lol:


Haha, thanks HT, that's my plan!  If it fails catastrophically, though, I'm gonna' blame you! :D