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possible to combine ff1 with 2?

Started by argentico, February 18, 2008, 09:52:44 PM

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i was wondering if its possible to combine ff1 with ff2 too make a giant campain. Is this even possible?


Well, actually, the FF1 campaign has been ported over to FFvTTR (there is no FF2) so you could, if you knew how, string them together, if the engine can handle that many missions.  But then you'd want to rebalance the FFvTTR campaign to be playable with really powerful characters.  Then you'd have the issue of characters coming and leaving in FFvTTR.  And you can expect to do all this work yourself, or not have it done at all.

Now if you'd like to try it, you can ask questions and we'll try to answer them, but it's still a lot of work.


Yep just what Cat said...The balancing between the differences of values in the two games (not just characters, but game objects as well) would be quite a chore.

And as someone who worked a little on said port, while the scripting of the missions from FF1 is mostly compatible, its the little small hair pulling details and quirks that will cause you a lot of headaches.