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Teleport problems

Started by Dr.Volt, February 25, 2008, 06:18:53 PM

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I'm having difficulty getting the special power teleport self to work.  Ironically this is the first time I've ever tried it.  I'm using Valandar's really cool Nightcrawler mesh for the record and using  :ffvstr:.  I try to access the power like any other movement power, but it doesn't seem to want to go.  Come someone help me?


Hmm, I use it frequently with no problems ....

A first guess is that it's something wonky with either the animation or the FX. Try this:

1) First check out Microwave!
2) If it works on him, make a generic male_basic guy with the power, and give him the default Teleport Self FX.
3) If it works on him, try giving Nightcrawler the default Teleport Self FX.
4) If that works, then it's probably the FX. If number 2 worked and number 3 didn't then it's something about the animation or mesh. If it doesn't work on Microwave then probably something in your installation is busted.

(Of course, that's all assuming we're talking about a human-controlled character. If you want a computer-controlled character to use the power I believe you have to run M25's AI generator on the character.)


I'll try that.  THANKS!

Update:  It worked!  Thanks again!!