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Mod Tools Not Working...

Started by miclee, February 28, 2008, 03:12:15 PM

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I recently installed the mod tools for :ffvstr: , but they aren't working. When I go to install them, it says the game is not installed. :banghead:


You need to give more info such as:

1. Where is your game installed?

2. Is it the US or UK version?

3. Not a really a related question, but did you read any of the faqs listed on these forums?


1. Where is your game installed?
Default directory(C:\Program Files\Irrational Games\Freedom Force vs The Third Reich

2. Is it the US or UK version?

3. Not a really a related question, but did you read any of the faqs listed on these forums?
Not yet, but I was planning to once it installed...


Then I'm not sure. If you installed the game correctly (and the cd didn't have any errors), then the mod tools should also install just as well unless the registry entry for the game is missing or something odder has happened.


The game itself installed fine, no errors...


I click on the tools, says it's extracting files, starts the installer up, I click next and it says "Please install :ffvstr: before installing the mod tools"


ok, this may fall into the realm of stupid question - but I'm a pretty stupid person...

Is the error msg 'install  :ffvstr: first'  or 'install  :ff: first'

I'm wondering if you installed the mod tools for the wrong game...


It's saying this exactly: :ffvstr: must be installed before installation of Mod Tools can continue. Setup will now exit.

Anyone able to help??


With Freedom Force's Mod Tools, some people got a very similar message until they ran the 'ereg' (electronic registration) programme, which set some obscure flag in the registry. Once it was run the tools could be installed without a problem.
I don't know if this is a similar problem, or even if FFV3R HAS an 'ereg' executable, but if it does, it may be worth a try.


I've seen this happen occassionally, even with the old game.

For some reason, some of the modding I do to the games messes up whatever the installer is looking for.  To fix it, take your game folder, rename it, reinstall the game, install the tools, then plunk your old folder down on top of the freshly installed one.  Problem solved.


Just tried it, and it didn't work... Still getting the same error...


I don't think FFVTTR has ereg anymore. Miclee, from which site did you download your tools? Would you happen to have a link or something? Something just seems off about either your installation or your mod tools executive.


Not to bring up an iffy subject.. but this came up in another post, and I figure it doesn't hurt to double check.

You installed the game from a legit CD right?
This wasn't installed form some illegal bittorrent download or anything?
That could screw up registry stuff... among other things...


Yeah, my game's a legit CD, picked it up a few years ago.


You may have already done this, but another approach would be to completely uninstall FFvT3R first. Run the uninstall, rename the game folder, then go into the registry an make sure everything for it is gone. Then reinstall the game and try installing the mod tools. I suggest this because it's very likely that the mod tools are looking at the registry to see if/where the game is installed and a messed up registry entry can cause trouble for the mod tools installation, even if it lets the game play fine.


Also, if all else fails, you can actually install the tools without the game installed...certain tools will just operate differently (Ctool).


Quote from: stumpy on March 01, 2008, 01:26:14 PM
You may have already done this, but another approach would be to completely uninstall FFvT3R first. Run the uninstall, rename the game folder, then go into the registry an make sure everything for it is gone. Then reinstall the game and try installing the mod tools. I suggest this because it's very likely that the mod tools are looking at the registry to see if/where the game is installed and a messed up registry entry can cause trouble for the mod tools installation, even if it lets the game play fine.
Just did this, checked the registry, and I think soemthing is missing. In the  :ffvstr: section fo the registry, it only has The Default thing...
It says:
Name         Type           Data
Default     REG_SZ     (value not set)

What should be in there? I'm really confused.

Quote from: Previsionary on March 01, 2008, 01:40:41 PM
Also, if all else fails, you can actually install the tools without the game installed...certain tools will just operate differently (Ctool).


Can someone send me the files that are already extracted, in a rar/zip format?


Again, my memory may be wrong, but I think it may be possible, using winrar or similar to manually unpack the modtools. You dont actually need any registry entries for them to work (I just built a new PC, fresh Win XP install, NO installation of FFV3R OR the Modtools, I just connected up the old hard disk with all the FF stuff on it and run the executables and both the game and editor, ctool etc work fine.
Again, it may be worth a try.
(I just checked and winrar does indeed open up the 'FFVT3R_Mod_Tools.exe' file and extract its contents, so give it a go)



My pleasure.
And welcome to the community.



Ack... my problems 'aint done yet... What am I supposed to put in all of the spots in the FFEDIT options(primary, secondary data path, NIF library path, sound path, game EXE,level editor EXE, and python editor)?


FFVT3R_Mod_Tools\program files\Irrational Games\Freedom Force vs The 3rd Reich\Help\FFEdit
open 'index.html' in your browser, click on 'ffedit'.
