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Started by miclee, March 05, 2008, 02:04:49 PM

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Yeah, like the title says. In FFEDIT I put all the paths in and stuff, but I can't find a tutorial anywhere!


Um...what tutorial? A tutorial for what? What exactly are you having problems with and maybe someone can help you...though the mod tools have documents that tell exactly what ffedit is capable of and how to go about doing it.


In the documentation, I'm stuck at the scripting part. It says it's going to guide me through the "Test Mission" scripts, but instead, I see a link back to where I was before. :thumbdown:


Quote from: miclee on March 05, 2008, 02:43:56 PM
In the documentation, I'm stuck at the scripting part. It says it's going to guide me through the "Test Mission" scripts, but instead, I see a link back to where I was before. :thumbdown:

Ahh, I thought that was what you were on about. That file used to be on freedomfans, but they took it down some odd years ago. It was also on freedommods but that site died. So what I'm saying is, it's no longer available. It wouldnt be much use to you anyway since it was for ff1 and you have ffvttr, iirc. But if you really want to track it down, I think renegade (mesher) still may have it. Otherwise, if you want a tutorial mainly for scriptiing, there's a few tutorials on the FR wiki and a 16 page one by myself. If you want one on mapping/ffedit, there's one on tiobe's site (don't remember the url) and other places by Tempest. I believe the name was, "Making a Freedom Force mod"

Edit: Tiobe preserved it here



Do you want to learn scripting...or do you just want to make a mod?

The reason I ask is because M25s EZ Script (included with the latest FFX) makes scripting encounters much easier.  Check the scripting thread and you'll see quite a few EZ Script-related posts.

PRO: EZ Script is, well, easy.  Just follow the instructions (in the FFX documentation or from M25s web site) and you can set up simple and even relatively complex encounters and mods (linear and freeroam).

CON: EZ Script is not scripting per se, so if you want to learn to script using Python, it can't help you.

Good luck
