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Started by Panther_Gunn, April 17, 2008, 01:08:33 AM

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Ok, so who's got a hero file, or detailed info/stats for the classic, green-skinned Braniac?  All of the info I can find when I search the various sites is either for the rebooted mentalist, or the upgraded Pre-Crisis version.  Shrink ray is easy, but he's got to be able to do something else.


I don't especially recall that he had much in the way of personal powers, aside from the 12th level computer intellect. I think he devised a variety of devices and robots to plague Kal, but he was often encountered in his ship, which had various energy weapons and which he could surround with an impenetrable force field.

Of course, it could well be that he was strong, fast, et cetera, compared to a human but that it seldom came into play when he faced Superman.

I don't recall if Koko the space monkey had any powers, either.