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Remote Use Active Defense Crashes the game?

Started by Failed_Hero, June 03, 2008, 10:17:00 AM

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Hey folks,
I have created a character who one of his primary abilities is shielding people.  He has the summoner attribute but when I try to reinforce his creations with his shield the game crashes?


I have this problem too, I think everyone does. However I do believe they work if the character is built in, so you may have to use EZhero and convert him to a datfiler.


thanks Lunarman. atleast I'm not the only one. the funny thing is it works on so of my characters.


Yeah, that's a known bug.

Tasmaster X has FFX attribute to get around this. For characters, there is a fix to the Guardian Attributes but it probably doesn't work on non-squad members.


I downloaded EZ Hero but it is having trouble saving in the character's dat file. any suggestions?


What kind of error are you getting?

You also might check to make sure the dat files aren't set to "read-only"