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Subtypes in M25 AI

Started by apfarmakis, August 02, 2008, 05:11:56 PM

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Say for example you want to create a new subtype (e.g. green lantern) so that your M25 computer-controlled AI will attack it in a certain way and/or avoid attacking it in another. How can this be done?


Absolutely. That's one of the great things about M25's subtypes. Just add green_lantern to the subtype section of the AI file, then add the subtype="green_lantern" or subtype="not green_lantern" parameter to the AI tactic that you want used or not used against the character with green_lantern in their subtype section.


Thansk TM for the qick response. So, you only add it to the subtypes section for each AI in M25aidata.py and nowhere else?


Just to make sure, we are talking about FFX3 for :ffvstr:, right?

If so, your line of thinking is correct, if the character is a built-in. For Customs, it would go into their m25ai file. Although, I've seen built-ins use an m25ai file, so you don't have to use the m25aidata.py file, if you don't want too. Also, check the newly updated AI documentation included with FFX3.3 or on the FFX website for more info on subtypes.


Thanks again TM. I'm using FFX 3.2 (soon will be updating to 3.3) and I only make and use built-ins as opposed to customs.