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Duke Nukem Forever: When you've nothing to show...

Started by Sevenforce, July 19, 2008, 06:02:53 AM

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...just make an awesome trailer, completely devoid of content except pictures and soundbites :D

Trailer + Article. Two for one!



And by nobody, I mean a lot less people than ten years ago.

Seriously, they STILL have nothing to show? :banghead: This won't get finished for a while, that's fodamnsho


I'm of the opinion they're stuck in a reverse time loop.

First they had gameplay, and an actual plot...

Then they had videos of gameplay...

Then they had that high resolution video of Duke pumping iron...

And now they don't even have that.

When(if) this game gets released, its gonna be the biggest flop in the history of gamedom, simply because of the giGANtic development time.


I love that they offer a high def version of that trailer, god forbid you might miss any of the spoilerific details.



Best. Trailer. Ever.
I'm stoked. I'm pumped. I'm pumped full of stoke.
If it's taken this long, you just know it's going to be the most awesome game(s) evarr.


I'm confused.  At various points in the trailer, I could not tell if those unmanned devices (which resembled firearms) were shooting or steaming that universal symbol for radioactive material perched atop the "Duke Nukem Trilogy" logo (which seemed to be the recurrent, staple, devoid-of-meaning symbol of the trailer).  I suppose the Duke likes his symbols free of wrinkles...

Good grief!  "F" for effort.  :thumbdown:

Phantom Bunburyist and Fop o' th' Morning

Silver Shocker

*Cackles giddily*

Oh man, I both love and hate this. It's just stupid how much ado about nothing it is, but it is just so full of faux-awesome. It's like cotton candy or something, no substance whatsoever, but still sweet.

Now, I'm kinda curious if the games will be any good when they come out, but no sense in worrying about that right now.


 :roll: :roll:  I guess this is the 10 year anniversary of the first E3 trailer...at least that one had some awesome gameplay...for it's day.

Silver Shocker

Quote from: ow_tiobe_sb on July 19, 2008, 06:52:31 PM
I'm confused.  At various points in the trailer, I could not tell if those unmanned devices (which resembled firearms) were shooting or steaming that universal symbol for radioactive material perched atop the "Duke Nukem Trilogy" logo (which seemed to be the recurrent, staple, devoid-of-meaning symbol of the trailer).  I suppose the Duke likes his symbols free of wrinkles...

I watched the trailer again and I think those are supposed to be Duke's freeze rays (seen in previous games in memory serves) because when you seen them "firing" at the smoke mask guys they kinda change color as if they are being frozen.


the funny thng is that these are psp and DS games that they are advertising...we're still going to have to wait for forever

Lord Elcorion

i liked the music.. but that's about it.. otherwise, this was about the most worthless trailer i've ever seen for a game.. though it certainly leaves you with no question whatsoever as to what game it is.. the titles appear how many dozen times?

Glitch Girl

So which do you think is going to come out first?  Duke Nukem Forever, or Guns N' Roses "Chinese Democracy"?  :D

PS: Worst.  Game trailer.  Ever.


Wow! This is the coolest game trailer evar!

I just hate how other trailers show you the name of the game being previewed only once or twice, I much prefer seeing it 500 or so times, very fresh approach.

This will change the way trailers are made.....


I watched this yesterday and, I have to say I'm still pumped.


On the plus side, I can say that I would be more tempted (tempted) to purchase the song that constituted the trailer's soundtrack than the game.

It might be fair to say that we will live to see an actual Chinese democracy before either Chinese Democracy or this Duke Nukem game are released into the wild.

Phantom Bunburyist and Fop o' th' Morning


Quote from: ow_tiobe_sb on July 21, 2008, 08:29:33 AM
It might be fair to say that we will live to see an actual Chinese democracy before either Chinese Democracy or this Duke Nukem game are released into the wild.
Phantom Bunburyist and Fop o' th' Morning

From this end I would have to say.....no.  Likely neither of the three will happen in our lifetimes.



Is there anyone out there who is actually holding their breath waiting for this game? No insult intended but with all the other great FPS's out there who cares when Duke comes back?



Quote from: MJB on July 25, 2008, 10:20:19 PM
No insult intended but with all the other great FPS's out there who cares when Duke comes back?

Duke 3D is still one of my all-time favorites. I still pull out the disks and play it once in a while. Besides being a good shooter, it had a certain style and attitude that I enjoyed, and haven't really seen since. If they ever manage to get the sequel out, I'll play it.