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Syn's stuff...

Started by UnfluffyBunny, January 31, 2007, 06:08:02 AM

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well I started this thread last night but boom :P
aaanyway, texture practice getting ready to start a portfolio:

these 3 things are textured on sdk files released from the polycount forums.

256*256 practice heads:

time lapse on the blue head:
[click me]

and started last night:

Hi Res Pics:

Constructive critique gladly accepted (if your going to say something looks off pleeeease tell me what and why so I can work on it ^_^ :P )


i like what I see. My only critique would be that Iron Man's armor is a bit too pink. I understand that it is hard to show the highlights of red without it coming out pink but too much and it no longer looks like red armor.

Perhaps you could darken all the red a touch?



The blue barbarian textures are really, really cool - quality work all around :blink:

Captain Pluto

your mesh is looking really great :thumbup:

Deaths Jester

Quote from: MJB on January 31, 2007, 06:15:33 AM
i like what I see. My only critique would be that Iron Man's armor is a bit too pink. I understand that it is hard to show the highlights of red without it coming out pink but too much and it no longer looks like red armor.

Perhaps you could darken all the red a touch?


I've gotta agree with MJB...he has a pinkish tone to him...other than darkening all the red a touch, ye might want to change the color of he light ye use to something a bit darker....just an idea.


I've got to say, the blue guy wowed me the most. It's too bad his earring gets a bit messed up by the model. Still, I'd have to say that is professional level work. Beyond, actually, considering some professionals, but let's not go there.


syn loves mudbox
50 mins work on a "bust" base, very first time using the program

[edit] hiiiiding that in a link cos it's pretty terrible :P tho leaving it here for comparison


ok, I think I got this down now :D

Deaths Jester

Ye bastad...ye got Mudbox!!!  Ach...I've been hording cash to get that prog before ye....rrrrrr....and now with everything going wrong with my periphs I'm not going to be able to get it!  Ohhh.....how I envy ye and ye Mudbox while still having seething in a complete an utter hate that ye got it before me!!!



Cool stuff! I love the man in blue and the wierd super soldier!


A little character concept


Looking sweet. A nice oni warrior type thing going on.
Are you going to be doing a body shot, because I dig it?




Thanks for the comments guys :)

Quote from: UnkoMan on February 19, 2007, 10:18:34 AM
Looking sweet. A nice oni warrior type thing going on.
Are you going to be doing a body shot, because I dig it?

Depending on what I can decide further with him, I may put something together for him in FF, but a full body in this style is doubtfull right now


Well i've been quiet recently so I guess I should fill you guys in, when I havent been working i've been concentrating on doing texture work for a program called "second life" (blame kommando :P)
it's basically a giant 3d chat program, Kommando runs a star wars RP sim, but enough about that, if anyone wants more details i'm sure we can push K to post about it ;)

anyway, here's an example of what i've been upto:
Female Base

Male Base (still WIP)

some clothing examples

a themed set of female tops

my actual avatar in second life (i've been lazy tho, shirt and skin are mine, everything else I picked up ingame)

some custom work for star wars ness

the males there being zabraks, so of course I had to pump out a texture for the best known zabrak

(between me and Kommando we got out a full darth maul avatar, I supplied the textures and Kommando supplied the model work)

ok I wanted to write more but I gotto go to work now ¬_¬

Deaths Jester

Ye've been overtaken by the bloody bastad program known as "Second Life"?!?!?!?!  What's wrong with ye, mon ami!!   Good work, though, on the pieces...very nice.


Really great texturing, some very cool clothing.   :D


Its pretty fun, and Syn is doing some great stuff.  I am kind of waiting him to get his base skins done so I can experiment as well (you might recall my base skins weren't all that great and I need some more practice before I am confident to try them again).  Its kind of nice to be able to make an avatar and then walk around in it in a virtual world.  Though we still have yet to make superheroes, Syn's shirts do in a pinch (even if his female avatar looks like a Spikey Carol Burnett).   :lol:


More secondlife work, I know some certain people wish I would spend more time on FF stuff but to put it bluntly, SL is bringing me in money for custom work, and I enjoy making things that I actually use (I have still never played FF)

the character in the 3rd pic is an example one of my female skins, including a custom costume I made.


the prevmo loves the buster sword. Will you be doing anymore FF items...like Loz's gauntlet thing?


Cool Stuff Syn! :)

Wonder if C6 has looked into SL? It'd be cool to see him make some money off of his awesome superhero skins.


somthing new, kommando makes alot of these, this is my first:

problem with making aircraft is you have to keep it under 31 prims, and each passenger (including driver) counts as 1 prim for it to be flyable, this one being pilot only is 30 prims, the textures I made while SL was in maintenance, so i'm pretty happy with how they fit :lol: butyeah, it flies, the guns shoot, the engine fires up (emits particles) the 'pit opens, there's a console you can see while flying (I should take a shot of what you see while in flight) and it has it's own HP so you can get shot down (if you get shot down you get ejected from the ship and the ship starts emitting thick clouds of black smoke)

pretty standard stuff with most craft in SL, just most of the features I re-scripted to fit my tastes a little better :)
(odd how FF was the only game i've made things for which I never learnt to script for....)

The Pwime

man, that is so sweet...  :o



I suppose I need to take some screens and start up my own thread at some point?  Gonna show them the RC Helmet?


I was gonna wait till I had a full RC av >_> maybe i'll preview the helmet :P


here's the helmet preview then :P
scripted to have a light emitting "low visability" mode

i'll post more on this once i've made the full armour :P

The Pwime


that is soooooo damn cool.  :)


Geeeez Syn. This stuff you are doing for Second Life is incredible. You make money off of this too, right? Or you can...

Still... Freedom Force weeps and begs for the soft stroke of your hand.