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Just wondering

Started by cvc, February 01, 2007, 07:18:46 AM

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I don't think this is a bug if it is its a good one, I've had no trouble at all but I went in rumble room to fight with Magneto and Galactus and Galactus has new powers, is this because I have those hero files on the drive anyway like I said its a good thing, and got beat down witch I mite have needed :Dffx3.2


I have no idea what you're trying to say.  Please try to explain exactly what is happening.


Well I had him Galactus set up with powers that I put on him and it seemed to add acouple more, so I was wondering when I ran fcc if it used a big file of hero stats I got and use those on him. Trust me its nothing I was just wondering thats all.


Quote from: cvc on February 01, 2007, 08:17:34 AM
Well I had him Galactus set up with powers that I put on him and it seemed to add acouple more, so I was wondering when I ran fcc if it used a big file of hero stats I got and use those on him. Trust me its nothing I was just wondering thats all.

Make sure you have run the control centre on the ffx directory.  If the characters aren't branded, the game mis-read who they are and give them different attributes.

What sort of attributes does he have?  Some of them might be adding powers.

The FCC doesn't randomly add powers to characters.   


What sort of attributes does he have?  Some of them might be adding powers.
Ok, yeah thats it.I still have not had any problems but have not look at all, but it runs great on my pc I can't thank all of you guys enough even things that were messed up before run great now so sweet :thumbup: