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Problems With FFX for FF

Started by darkphoenixII, February 04, 2007, 10:03:18 AM

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   For some reason, many attributes (e.g. SUPERLEAPER, FLAME CONTROL, the TK's and MEGABLAST) seem to be stuck in an permanant "on" mode; the commands show up regardless of whether or not the cursor's on the appropriate object, and appear twice in the command menu when it is. I'd like to be able to just click on the spot where I want a character to go without bringing up the command menu, so how can I remedy this problem?



Does it happen on specific maps? If it's the case, it's probably because the terrain has a non-standard name and is thus considered as a regular object. The FFX code could be tweaked to cope with that.


We could add an if Object_GetTemplate() test to fillTemplateList(). E.g., change the
        if Object_Exists(obj):
line to
        if Object_Exists(obj) and Object_GetTemplate(obj):

However, my recollection is that the dreaded hand appeared over terrain sometimes even when the terrain was '_impobj_0'. For instance, in the final Pan mission (inside the temple), I seem to recall that was a pain. So, there may still be some other issue at play here.

BTW, the quick-n-dirty code at a python command prompt
>>> import datfiles
>>> import os
>>> import os.path
>>> for dir in filter(lambda p: os.path.isdir(os.path.join(r'C:\Program Files\games\Freedom Force\Data\missions',p)),os.listdir(r'C:\Program Files\games\Freedom Force\Data\missions')):
... missionfile = os.path.join(r'C:\Program Files\games\Freedom Force\Data\missions',dir,'mission.dat')
... if os.path.isfile(missionfile):
... data = datfiles.Mission_ReadStartingMarkers(missionfile)
... print '%30s: template for \'_impobj_0\' = <%s>' % (os.path.basename(os.path.dirname(missionfile)),data.get('_impobj_0'))

produces the following results
                      01_begin: template for '_impobj_0' = <library\area_specific\city\terrain\01_a_new_beginning\01_a_new_beginning.nif>
                   02a_tip_off: template for '_impobj_0' = <library\area_specific\city\terrain\02a_warehouse\02a_Warehouse.nif>
                   02b_tip_off: template for '_impobj_0' = <library\area_specific\city\terrain\02b_construction\02b_construction.nif>
                  03b_thin_ice: template for '_impobj_0' = <library\area_specific\city\terrain\03b_pumping_station\03b_pumping_station.nif>
                   03_thin_ice: template for '_impobj_0' = <library\area_specific\city\terrain\03a_boat_house\03a_boat_house.nif>
         04a_winter_enterprise: template for '_impobj_0' = <library\area_specific\frozen_enterprise\terrain\enterprise\enterprise_terrain.nif>
                 05a_nick_bank: template for '_impobj_0' = <library\area_specific\city\terrain\05a_bank\05a_bank.nif>
               05b_nick_cinema: template for '_impobj_0' = <library\area_specific\city\terrain\05b_cinima\05b_cinima.nif>
                 05c_nick_cafe: template for '_impobj_0' = <library\area_specific\city\terrain\05c_cafe\05c_cafe.nif>
                      07_panic: template for '_impobj_0' = <library\area_specific\city\terrain\07_washington_park\07_washington_park.nif>
                  08_vanishing: template for '_impobj_0' = <library\area_specific\city\terrain\08_ant_attack\08_ant_attack.nif>
              10a_shadows_fall: template for '_impobj_0' = <library\area_specific\underground\terrain\10a_shadows_fall\10a_shadows_fall.nif>
              10b_shadows_fall: template for '_impobj_0' = <library\area_specific\underground\terrain\10b_shadows_fall\10b_shadows_fall.nif>
                     11b_docks: template for '_impobj_0' = <library\area_specific\city\terrain\11b_warehouse\11b_warehouse.nif>
             12b_wanted_police: template for '_impobj_0' = <library\area_specific\city\terrain\12b_jeweller\12b_jeweller.nif>
                   13b_central: template for '_impobj_0' = <library\area_specific\city\terrain\13b_central_park\13b_central_park.nif>
                     14_double: template for '_impobj_0' = <library\area_specific\city\terrain\14_cu\cu_terrain.nif>
             16b_destroy_tower: template for '_impobj_0' = <library\area_specific\city\terrain\16b_es_base\16b_es_base.nif>
             16c_destroy_tower: template for '_impobj_0' = <library\area_specific\city\terrain\16c_es_tower\16c_es_tower.nif>
                    18_madness: template for '_impobj_0' = <library\area_specific\city\terrain\18_ff_base_ext\18_ff_base_ext.nif>
                     19_united: template for '_impobj_0' = <library\area_specific\city\terrain\19_un\19_un.nif>
                     20_return: template for '_impobj_0' = <library\area_specific\city\terrain\20_wall_st\20_wall_st_terrain.nif>
                22_pandemonium: template for '_impobj_0' = <library\area_specific\pans_island\terrain\inner_temple\inner_temple.nif>
                       23_dawn: template for '_impobj_0' = <library\area_specific\desert\terrain\dawn_of_time\dawn_of_time.nif>
                       24a_end: template for '_impobj_0' = <library\area_specific\end_of_time\terrain\part_01\part_01.nif>
                       24b_end: template for '_impobj_0' = <library\area_specific\end_of_time\terrain\part_02\part_02.nif>
                       24c_end: template for '_impobj_0' = <library\area_specific\end_of_time\terrain\part_03\part_03.nif>
                       24d_end: template for '_impobj_0' = <library\area_specific\end_of_time\terrain\part_04\part_04.nif>
              mp_01_city_small: template for '_impobj_0' = <library\terrain\mp_01_city_small\mp_01_city_small_terrain.nif>
             mp_02_city_medium: template for '_impobj_0' = <library\terrain\mp_02_city_medium\mp_02_city_medium_terrain.nif>
              mp_03_city_large: template for '_impobj_0' = <library\terrain\mp_03_city_large\mp_03_city_large_terrain.nif>
           mp_04_robot_factory: template for '_impobj_0' = <library\terrain\mp_04_robot_factory\mp_04_robot_factory_terrain.nif>
                  mp_05_desert: template for '_impobj_0' = <library\terrain\mp_05_desert\mp_05_desert_terrain.nif>
        mp_08_aircraft_carrier: template for '_impobj_0' = <library\terrain\mp_08_aircraft_carrier\mp_08_aircraft_carrier_terrain.nif>
        mp_09_frozen_boathouse: template for '_impobj_0' = <library\terrain\mp_09_frozen_boathouse\mp_09_frozen_boathouse_terrain.nif>
               mp_10_city_park: template for '_impobj_0' = <library\terrain\mp_10_city_park\mp_10_city_park_terrain.nif>
                   mp_ffx_base: template for '_impobj_0' = <library\area_specific\robot_factory\terrain\robot_factory.nif>
          zzzz_aff_frozen_park: template for '_impobj_0' = <library\area_specific\city\terrain\03b_pumping_station\03b_pumping_station.nif>
             zzzz_aff_iceworld: template for '_impobj_0' = <library\area_specific\frozen_enterprise\terrain\ice_patch\ice_patch.nif>
           zzzz_aff_park_panic: template for '_impobj_0' = <library\area_specific\city\terrain\07_washington_park\07_washington_park.nif>
          zzzz_aff_shadow_lair: template for '_impobj_0' = <library\area_specific\underground\terrain\10b_shadows_fall\10b_shadows_fall.nif>
                zzzz_aff_tower: template for '_impobj_0' = <library\area_specific\city\terrain\16c_es_tower\16c_es_tower.nif>
         zzzz_mp_01_city_small: template for '_impobj_0' = <library\terrain\mp_01_city_small\mp_01_city_small_terrain.nif>
        zzzz_mp_02_city_medium: template for '_impobj_0' = <library\terrain\mp_02_city_medium\mp_02_city_medium_terrain.nif>
         zzzz_mp_03_city_large: template for '_impobj_0' = <library\terrain\mp_03_city_large\mp_03_city_large_terrain.nif>
      zzzz_mp_04_robot_factory: template for '_impobj_0' = <library\terrain\mp_04_robot_factory\mp_04_robot_factory_terrain.nif>
             zzzz_mp_05_desert: template for '_impobj_0' = <library\terrain\mp_05_desert\mp_05_desert_terrain.nif>
   zzzz_mp_08_aircraft_carrier: template for '_impobj_0' = <library\terrain\mp_08_aircraft_carrier\mp_08_aircraft_carrier_terrain.nif>
   zzzz_mp_09_frozen_boathouse: template for '_impobj_0' = <library\terrain\mp_09_frozen_boathouse\mp_09_frozen_boathouse_terrain.nif>
          zzzz_mp_10_city_park: template for '_impobj_0' = <library\terrain\mp_10_city_park\mp_10_city_park_terrain.nif>

So, it looks at first blush that all of the missions in the first game have '_impobj_0' as the terrain.


     Umm...I'm not exactly sure where you're getting at, and I'm absolutely not on your level as far as scripting's concerned; not my department. Could you explain what to do as though you're talking to a functioning glorious love child of Fabio and Madonna?



Sorry, I was being more detailed my speculation than was necessary. There was a proposed script fix of checking for the map template before assigning the custom commands, which is what determines where the hand will appear. I was just commenting that that fix may not really be the whole fix.

In reality, I should temper my comment by noting that it's been a while since I played through the FF compaign with a character who had one of the attributes you mentioned, so I could be totally off. The first game is sort of flakey on my machine, so it's a pain to test right now.

Meanwhile, what Épiméthée suggested is really the next step. Post a more detailed description of when you are seeing this. Which mod are you playing? Does it happen all the time or just on some maps? If the latter, which one(s)? What character were you testing? Anyway, if you can make the problem easy to duplicate, it'll be easier to check into.


     Yes, should've done that before. It not with specific maps, ALL of them have this effect. The hand is in a permanent on mode if a character has TK, FLAME/ICE CONTROL, MEGABLAST, SUPER-LEAPER, etc. Now, it might have to do with Taskmaster Custom AI install, but I've installed it before and nothing like this occurred. I know for a fact it's not the maps themselves. What's a wannabe cosmic-powered-incredibly-dangerous-entity to do?



Ummm...Not sure if you guys have the same problem with FFX 2.6 Gold. I noticed in the attributes selection,there are two "unstable molecules" attributes. :huh: Also, when i tried combining the stealthy attribute with the cloak of shadows powers, the cloak of shadows doesn't work. :unsure: Well, in the danger room at least. :P Haven't tried it in any of the campaigns yet. ^_^


> Iin the attributes selection,there are two "unstable molecules" attributes.

There was probably a bad attributes.dat merge somewhere, as the FFX version should replace the default version altogether. Open FFEdit under the attributes tabs and check if there are entries for both "unstable molecules" and "xunstablemolecules". You can delete the first one, as it's not compatiblle with FFX. (Do back up data\attributes.dat first, just in case.)

> When i tried combining the stealthy attribute with the cloak of shadows powers, the cloak of shadows doesn't work.
First bug report on this! Thanks. I'll try to fix this if I ever succeed in updating the Stealthy in a vaguely satisfying manner for FFX 3.x. I won't be doing any fix for FFX 2.x, though; of course, if someone feels like updating the 2.x code in any way, it would be very nice. :)


Quote from: Epimethee on August 25, 2007, 07:00:50 PM
There was probably a bad attributes.dat merge somewhere, as the FFX version should replace the default version altogether. Open FFEdit under the attributes tabs and check if there are entries for both "unstable molecules" and "xunstablemolecules". You can delete the first one, as it's not compatiblle with FFX. (Do back up data\attributes.dat first, just in case.)

Thanks Epimethee! Will give it a shot :)

Quote from: Epimethee on August 25, 2007, 07:00:50 PM
> When i tried combining the stealthy attribute with the cloak of shadows powers, the cloak of shadows doesn't work.
First bug report on this! Thanks. I'll try to fix this if I ever succeed in updating the Stealthy in a vaguely satisfying manner for FFX 3.x. I won't be doing any fix for FFX 2.x, though;

Hey. Happy to have found that bug for you. :D

Quote from: Epimethee on August 25, 2007, 07:00:50 PM
of course, if someone feels like updating the 2.x code in any way, it would be very nice. :)

That would be very nice indeed. :cool:


Quote from: Epimethee on August 25, 2007, 07:00:50 PM
> Iin the attributes selection,there are two "unstable molecules" attributes.

There was probably a bad attributes.dat merge somewhere, as the FFX version should replace the default version altogether. Open FFEdit under the attributes tabs and check if there are entries for both "unstable molecules" and "xunstablemolecules". You can delete the first one, as it's not compatiblle with FFX. (Do back up data\attributes.dat first, just in case.)

Almost forgot about this. :P I tried deleting one entry for unstable molecules using ffedit. But it didn't change anything. I think i found out the source of this problem though. I have 2 copies of  :ff: with ffx installed in my computer actually, one is on my C drive and the other i copied on my D drive as a backup. I thought both copies had the same problem with the double unstable attributes. But it seems only my D drive had that problem. The only difference i see between the two is that i installed the strangers mod on my D drive.While i kept my copy on the C drive clean. :huh: Well, it's only a minor glitch anyways.  :P Wonder what will happen next if i add new mods.Good thing i have me a backup. ;)


Ok. Sorry to bring this up again.

When i first installed FFX 2.6, i noticed a few things that i would just like to clarify.

In the Show Custom Meshes:

1) Blob Large mesh is Initially white?

2) Female Basic Effects mesh is Initially white?

3) FFX_tiggot mesh - no preview or display of mesh can be seen?

4) Male_Stretched mesh is Initially white?

Unusual Attributes found:

attrib_unstablemolecules: (description) - attrib_unstablemolecules_desc

(i'm not sure if this is a merging dat problem.)

I'm thinking of reinstalling FFX 2.6 to try and fix this, and i've read somewhere that you don't need to uninstall FFX to reinstall it. So, is it safe to just click on the FFX installation application again?

EDIT: Ok.. i think i managed to fix the attributes error without reinstalling  :doh: