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Play-by-Post D&D: The Beginning

Started by Gremlin, February 06, 2007, 08:18:05 PM

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I was wondering if I could interest anyone in a classic fantasy, D&D-style session?  Mostly fast and loose, no hard rules (except for some stuff like attack bonuses and the like, but I'll handle all that stuff).  I'm doing a show, so most of my time is spent at home, at school or at rehearsal, and I figured I could do something while I'm here.  I'm looking for five or six players who enjoy a fantasy romp.  Anything fantasy-based is cool, so long as it isn't hideously overpowered (i.e. no minotaurs with ten levels of fighter).  For those of you familiar with the game, try to limit yourself to level 7 or 8.  Again, it's all loose--if something wouldn't be possible in something with set rules, but it's really smart and cool, I'll let you do it.

I'd like to limit people to the standard D&D classes, but if you don't quite like the way something works, again, it can be tweaked or altered as much as playability allows.  For those unfamilliar with the base classes:

    Barbarian--frenzied berserker, gets stronger and meaner to attack, but it is exhausting afterward
    Bard--charismatic jack-of-all-trades; functions as support w/ minor magical abilities
    Cleric--servitor of a god or ideal, serves as the buffer/healing spellcaster but can hold their own in combat; can force undead creatures to flee in terror
    Druid--nature spellcaster with a loyal animal companion and the ability to turn into creatures
    Fighter--basic combatant, incredibly dangerous with the right skills
    Monk--martial artist, seeks perfection of mind, body and soul; can throw lightning-fast blows
    Paladin--holy warrior, has a noble steed (and usually is a self-righteous jerk, but not all the time); gains minor spellcasting abilities
    Ranger--stealthy warrior and hunter that specializes in sneaking around; minor spellcasting abilities
    Rogue--sneaky thief, able to bypass and disarm traps, doors, locks, etc; gains extra damage when enemies are surprised or unable to properly defend themselves
    Sorcerer--innate spellcaster, chooses magic on the fly and casts a lot of spells but only knows a few; has a familiar
    Wizard--trained spellcaster, chooses magic at the start of each day but knows a huge amount; has a familiar

For species, they run the gamut.  Humans, halflings, elves, dwarves, half orcs, etc. are all acceptable, but that's hardly the limit; goblins, lizardfolk, and other "strange" races can be a lot of fun (just remember that powerful creatures will be balanced with fewer class abilities).

Like I said, it'll be loose.  If you give me a feasable character concept with strengths and weaknesses, I can get a general idea of what they can do.  If you play D&D and want to use rules with a character, you can give me their stats and I can use them, and I'll still be generally loose with what they can and can't do.

One important note: story and roleplaying is VERY important.  Good characters with unique abilities, strengths and weaknesses are more fun to play than munchkined tanks with 30 AC.  I'll also be using the background information you send to me to detail plot progression, since background-driven stuff is just fun.

If you're interested, PM me with a character idea.  Even if you've never played real D&D, I'll keep all the number-crunching on my end.  Try to have a few characters in mind, in case I get quite a few very similar ones; a party of rogues might seem cool, but how are they gonna deal with the evil necromancer that unleashes a bunch of zombies on them?  Balance is key.

Hope this peaks some interest!


well I would be interested in participating, although im in no way experienced in the ways of Dungeons and Dragons, I've played a few of the PC and console games, but I understand this is something totally different. So if you guys don't mind helping out a "noob" I'm willing to join and have some fun.


Noobs are no problem; I'm not sure if this even counts as D&D, I'm just utilizing basic classes and races, all set in a predominantly D&D-style world.  No mechnaics required.


Hmm, I'm interested.  I'll try and put together a character idea or two.

Lord Elcorion

count me in. i got into roleplaying becuase of D&D, been wanting to play a game of it other than neverwinter nights for a while. might be a day or 2 before my charecter is ready though.. need to get my books back from my brother.


Alright, I've recieved character ideas from Reep and Panther, an elvish cleric and half-ogre fighter, respectively.  We absolutely need a rogue and a wizard or sorcerer.  Anyone want to grab one?

EDIT: Konbiz volunteered to be a dwarven sorcerer.  Now all we need is a rogue.

EDIT 2: GG has offered to play a rogue, so we have a set "core four", and we can afford throwing anything else in!  No other neccessities on the party required; be whatever you want.  Heck, now's when you start choosing stuff outside the neccessities for variety and flavor.

Lord Elcorion

i'll play a sorceror. magics are my friend. like i said, gimmie a day or 2 to get my books back so i can roll a charecter.

edit: though i know you said basic classes only, i've been itching to try a Warlock ((complete arcane)) for a while, my Neverwinter Nights 2 tiefling warlock is at lvl ten and pretty nasty. if you want, i'll PM you the pages from Complete Arcane that descibe them later, though i'm content to play a simple sorceror if you'd rather not mess with a new class. ((i've always been a big fan of the prestige classes and the extra base classes that the Complete series introduced can go a long, long way to making a game setting feel truly unique))


I said basic classes just so people who weren't familiar with the mechanics of D&D wouldn't be intimidated.  I really like the Warlock class, and classes that have minor problems with them mechanically are great for a more subjective game, because you don't have to deal with those if you don't want to, and you don't have to analyze a class for every flaw to be corrected, you can just deal with it on the fly.

By the way, if anybody does want to roll up stats, I use a sort of overpowered attribute generation.  5d6 for each attribute, use the highest three.  Roll seven and drop the lowest so you have six.  If you ever roll under a ten, reroll it (unless you'd prefer to be underpowered in one stat.)

Lord Elcorion

when it comes to D&D, i really prefer to have a c-sheet, it helps me keep track of things, and knowing what my stats are helps me to develop the charecter.. say i play a barbarian, if i happen to have a decent intelligence score, he'll be more prone to trying to work through combats in a more tactical manner rather than just blowing straight into a rage with every fight, like a barbarian with lower intelligence might do. being smarter, he won't dismiss the use of his rage, he'll just try to apply it to a better advantage. rageing when your fighting a couple of squishies is overkill, but a less intelligent barbarian will still do it simply becuase he doesn't know better.

sorry if this is a bit rambling, but it's been a while since i got to discuss D&D with anyone aside from a couple of my friends.


Alright.  But just know that your abilities won't be neccessarily as defined in this world as they might be in real D&D.  I follow the drama rule: if it's sufficeitnly dramatic and advances the plot, that's what you can (or can't) do.  Things like only having one arrow left to kill the troll with; that arrow will porbably count, unless it can do something else that's crazy awesome.  If you don't have the Cleave feat, but the coolest way out of the room is to clear the three goblin guards with a single greataxe swing, I might let you do it.  Characters are there to be awesome, and the DM's job is to let that happen.

EDIT: I'm just gonna toss out some character questions to get you started in development.  You don't have to answer them all, or even tell me the answers, I just want to get your creative juices flowing.  And I'm just going to type "him", because I don't want to type him/her a whole bunch, but your character can be either gender.
What is your character's name?
What does he look like?
What is his personality?
What does he think of other members of his race?
What does he think of other humanoid races, i.e. humans, halflings, dwarves, elves, gnomes, goblins, orcs, etc.?  Where does he draw the line between humanoid and monster?  What do creatures like ogres, trolls, goblins, etc. fall under?
What was your childhood like?  Did he come from a wealthy or poor family?
What secrets do you keep?  Who, if anyone, knows about them?  Why wouldn't you tell people about it?  Who, if anyone, would you trust telling?  Why?
Do you have any enemies?  Who?  Why do they hate you?
Do you have any rivals?  Who?
Who are your closest friends?
How pious are you?  How do you treat members of faiths other than your own?
What is your relationship with your family?
Do you have any severe character flaws?
Any irrational fears?
Do you see magic with reverence, respect or just as another tool?  Why do you see it that way?
What is something you would refuse to do no matter the circumstances?
Do you have any strange or unusual habits?
Do you have a polarized view of morality or can you see shades of grey?  Do you look too hard for the grey sometimes?
Why are you adventuring instead of staying at home?

Lord Elcorion

this is a good list for everyone to look through. great charecter development stuff, and this can apply to any sort of charecter, really, roleplaying or fanfic. i'll put some serious thought into this. also, thanks for explaining how the system will work. it should make for a better "storytelling" flow, unlike some games i've played where the thrill of combat was crushed under the weight of the technical details. ((we had a bit of an argument once over weather a tanglefoot bag would be much of a hindrance to a hill giant that lasted nearly half an hour once..))


Quote from: Lord Elcorion on February 11, 2007, 09:20:27 PM((we had a bit of an argument once over weather a tanglefoot bag would be much of a hindrance to a hill giant that lasted nearly half an hour once..))

only half an hour?  novice!  <_<



Yeah, a more fluid story-like approach is what I'm going for here.

Plus, with no mechanics on your end, I can never be proven wrong...BWAHAHAHA!!!

EDIT: Now that we have six people (GG, Elcorion, Panther, konbiz, Reep and Benton), I figure we have enough to get something going.  I'd say no more characters now, unless somebody decides to drop out.

Lord Elcorion

pm'd my charecter idea. couldn't get my books to flesh it out better yet.. prolly later in the week.


Good stuff. Give me the things up when you wanna get this started!

Lord Elcorion

so.. uh.. when shall we get this thing rolling? i work the next 2 days but i can still make a couple of posts at a time from there..


I'm still waiting for Benton to send me his character and for GG to get back to me, but as soon as that happens we can get going.


Done and sent, so, let me know what you think, and I'm ready whenever the rest of you are.

Glitch Girl

I sent Grem my character info last night.  We should be good.


I'm looking forward to getting started  :thumbup:

Lord Elcorion


I should check these things more often, i'll be watching to see how this one works out and hopefully join in the next time round :)


Ok, I've got a basic outline from everyone, so I figure we can all get going!

The echoing noise of dripping water is the first thing that greets your ears as you groan your way into consciousness.  Next comes the other moans of the people around you.  You open your eyes groggily, trying to discern where you are, and you gaze around at the others, all held fast to a wall by rusty manacles and chains.  A lone torch in the damp room illuminates their faces: two elves, one blue, one pale; two human girls; a stout dwarf; a massive, hideous half-ogre.  One by one, they wake up, each as tired and confused as the next.  Each is wearing only a gray, dirty tunic that looks like a recycled pillowcase.

The room is stone for three walls, and heavy-set iron bars for the fourth.  A fat man in chain mail and red clothing is snoring idly in a chair on the wall opposite.  His mouth twitches every time the plip of the water falls.  A halberd lies next to him, propped against the wall.  And a set of iron keys jangles from his left pocket.

Lord Elcorion

i swear a bit as i come to, looking around as i try to refocus my vision. "what the hell hit me? and who the hell are you people?" ((playing one of the human females))


A stout dwarf hangs upon the wall. The rusty manacles and chains causing him much discomfort. Although, what caused him more discomfort was the fact that his feet didnt reach the floor, unlike the rest of his fellow captives, Shahzir (the name of my dwarf) liked to think that his big personality made up for what he lacked in size. His sunken eyes scan everyones faces, each seeming as confused as he was at this point.

The silence was unbearable. The only noise that he could hear was the dripping of water, and that of one of the females swearing under her breath. Shahzir, always an opportunist, notices the obese sleeping guard, a halberd and his ticket out of this cell. The keys. Still silence, noone yet has talked,to eachother atleast. Shahzir put this down to these races not having the ability to recover consciousness as quickly as a dwarf, or atleast Shahzir, as we all know, Shahzir was no stranger to alcohol, or recovering from alcohol for that matter. Shahzir decides it is time to take some intiative and to break that unbearable silence. Using some quick thinking Shahzir casts "message", allowing him to communicate with his fellow prisoners without waking the guard, whom seems to be enjoying his slumber very much.

"Greetings, I be Shahzir, anyways, first things first, we need to get out of this infernal place, and it seems our sleeping beauty over here is our way out of here"

Shahzir signals towards the sleeping guard with his eyes.

"If ye look he has the keys, just hanging from his left pocket. Now it just so happens I learned a spell as a wee sorcerer that lets me carry objects with me mind. Although if any of ye have any better ideas, I'm willing to try anything."

Glitch Girl

ooc: A few quick questions:
- how far are we from the bars
- by any chance do any of these people look familiar (probably not but never hurts to ask)
- How tight are these manacles?  Were they designed for someone with slender wrists? (hey, I've got the escape artist skill, can't hurt to try it)

One of the two human women looks around at her fellow prisoners, stodying them as it were.  When she sees the large Half-ogre, a noticible look of worry crosses her face.

She turns as the dwarf speaks.

"Well uh... Shahzir was it?"  she replies, testing the cuffs seeing if she might be able to squeeze her hand out, "That could work but...  well, I want to know how I- I mean 'we' got in here."  She frowns as if trying to replay her last memories in her mind.


KB: [spoiler]The spell takes a bit of focus.  Since you're bound, you can't quite wave your arms enough to complete it, but you find by channeling a bit more energy into it, you can cast the spell without any movement.  You feel a bit like you've lost energy for later, but it'll have to do.[/spoiler]

GG: [spoiler]No, nobody around you looks terribly familiar.  The bars lie on the opposite end of the room; you're about 6 feet away from them.  The room is terribly cramped, but since you all seem to be stuck against the wall, space isn't too much of an issue right now.  The manacles are not terribly wide, but they look significantly less rusty than the chains, like they're not the normal cuffs there.  You try to wiggle out.  It takes a bit of effort, but after a minute or so your hand starts to squeeze through.

Despite your strain, you can't pull the memories out.  But it's not like you simply can't remember; it feels like there's something there, trying to block you from seeing what happened.[/spoiler]

Lord Elcorion

i'll try to gather my eldritch energies to attempt to simply blast the manacles off ((since if i recall correctly, none of the Invocations required somatic {ie gestures} components))


"Aye lass, me too cannay remember how I got in this little.... predicament.... I must say I feel a little drained from casting this spell. Perhaps it would be fer the bes' if we decide on a plan of action soon."

I see the lass wiggle her hands free of the manacle and tries to clap.

"Aye, good show lass! Now how 'bout ye come over here and let yer old pal Shahzir out"

Glitch Girl

"One thing... at... a... time..." says the woman as she tries to work her hand the rest of the way out of the shackles.  As soon as one hand is out, she'll try to slip her other hand free.
