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The DCUG Back on Track!

Started by BentonGrey, February 19, 2007, 02:38:38 PM

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What are you on about with spinning nif things? Several things came to mind so I figured I'd wait until you specified before i went on, though I think you just mean the continuously rotating screen (which you can replace with a stationary version). That file is actually too big for the main screen nif, iirc, as I believe it takes 1024 x 1024 and other commonly used multiples of 2 (IE: 256 x 256, 512 x 512, etc. but I could be wrong...it's been awhile).

00_back2.dds is the only thing you need to replace for the BG alone, but you'll have to alpha out or replace the other dds files if you don't want them to be seen.

Sidenote: Look like my exiles mod isn't an excuse anymore. :P Also, I believe the DC mod by danny also used the pic as well. You DC people all think alike! *ducks* ^_^


Yeah, I suppose I'm not terribly clear here.  I realize that the image I've got is too big to fit the vanilla .nif.  What I'd LIKE is a larger area in the screen's set-up (I suppose this has to do with how the .nif of the main screen is mapped, but I'm morbidly out of my depth here) which would actually showcase the image I've got without me having to cut it up or distort it too badly.  Since the screen already rotates, it would be able to rotate along the entirety of this image.  Does that, perhaps, make more sense?

Ohh, and *swings*


I'm not sure if it can get much bigger than 1024 by 1024. I did try a quick test with the default image using nifskope, but the rotating nif will stretch it out no matter what size it's at it seems (thought i didn't try 1024 by 1024, but instead it's default size and 512 x 512). It was only really noticeable with batman's long crooked nose...ironically. Anyway, it should work fine on the stationary version and I'll do a few more tests to see if I can get it working if no one else jumps in.


Thanks Prev, I appreciate any help you can offer! ^_^


Howdy all, I have an announcement to make.  I'm going to be taking a break from the DCUG for a while.  The situation with my family is so chaotic, and school is so demanding, that I just don't have the time, energy, or even the interest, to keep it up at the moment.  Never fear, I've done this before, although it was much quieter, and no one was really waiting on it like they are now.  Still, I'll get back to it eventually, maybe in a month, maybe two, but I can promise that I'll definitely get back to it.  Thanks for your patience!



Considering the seriousness of you family crisis I'm sure we all understand. You've done some great work so far, but it'll keep. We will all still be here after the dust has settled.
Good Luck.


No worries, man. RL always comes first.

Anyway, since Benton is probably too busy to check the forums and/or mess with his mod, anyone else's help on the following matter is much appreciated.

Well... the thing is... I can't play it properly. Almost all beam textures are missing, and some fx I think are necessary are missing too.

To my surprise, I haven't read many complaints about this, so I assume everything is working fine for everybody else, right? So what is it that I'm doing wrong?

First things first: I installed EZFX v6.0 on the main folder (of FFvTTR), put the generic fx of the mod on the data/art/library/fx/generic and threw the _textures folder on the folder of the same name. I think I already know why only the meshes of some fx's are working, and it's related to the TGA folder inside of the _textures folder, but even there there are way too few .dds and .tga archives to make all the fx work properly.

And so I repeat: what am I doing wrong?

Thanks in advance.


Hey there Bent,
I hope and pray all is well with your family my friend. If you ever need an ear to bend just pm me. We can always exchange phone numbers as well my friend.


Thank you for all your good job and good luck with your family.


Kssaints, thanks man, that means a lot my friend.  Thank you all for you patience and your understanding.  I'm hoping things will calm down after Christmas, if not before. 

Can anyone help Blitzgott out?  I don't really have the mental energy to try and unravel it at the moment.  If no one else can help you by this weekend Blitz, I'll try and devote some time to figuring out the FX issue everyone is having.


Ack! I never check ANYTHING anymore! Hope you are doing alright Bent!

Hey, wait.. did you get your background for your title screen? Because I can do that in a jiff, no problem. It's a real simple matter of resizing some things, which I've done before (see Liberty Bay).


Thanks for the well wishes Unko, I appreciate it. ^_^  No, the background is still in limbo.  Prem has been valiantly trying to figure it out, but his time has been really limited.  If you know how to whip it up, that would be really awesome.  I'll send you the image right away.


As you know, done and done. Glad to help.


Yeah, let me publicly thank Unko for fixing the main menu screen for me.  It looks AWESOME!  The mod is still on hiatus until the end of the semester, but once the next two weeks are history, I'll be back to it.


Y'all might get a kick out of this.  I've been screwing around with making videos from Freedom Force during my very limited down time here at the end of the semester.  I hit on the idea of doing some quick and easy little teaser trailers for the DCUG, and letting them circulate among the comic blogs.  I've finished the first one, The Question!  I thought y'all might like to see them, and I'd welcome some feedback.



Who did the skin for The Question?


It was Gni, nice skin, huh?

Another one, this time reaching out to the much abused Martian Manhunter fans:




Glad you like it HT!  Hey, if any of you know of other sites devoted to specific characters, let me know. 

My big papers are due monday and tuesday, so next week the DCUG will be officially OFF of hiatus.  (and there was much rejoicing) :D


And the last paper is finished and turned in!  My semester is FINISHED!  Do you know what that means?  That's right, the DCUG is BACK ON TRACK!


Is that what it means? I totally thought you were gonna say, "time to party and mod for prev...". You've ruined my dreams!


Congratz, BG. Hopefully you'll dish out a buncha stories.


Haha, thanks Prev!  I'm working hard on the stories.  I'm almost (SO FREAKIN" CLOSE!) done with the Batman campaign.  Eight missions of the never ending battle.  I'm also out of town for the next week and a half.  I'll be back around new year's, and the plan is to finish and release the DCUG (with somewhere between two and five campaigns) sometime before the semester starts, which should be around the 12th.  Wish me luck!

Cyber Burn

Best of luck Benton. Enjoy your holidays. I look forward to the return of the DCUG.


The DCUG won't work for me! :huh:
I think it's because the nif directory is starting with C:\ instead of just custom_characters so it would work with everybody.


Thanks CB!  I am BACK from vaction, in every sense of the word.  I have two weeks until school starts again, so I'm going to do everything in my power to polish the DCUG into a at least somewhat presentable format before then. 

GG, if you look back in the last several pages, you'll find that Tommyboy (I'm fairly certain it was him) was gracious enough to provide a generic version of that directory for those who don't follow the default install path.  Also, you may just want to wait since I'll have an all new version up in two weeks.



No problem man.  I have a question for everyone though.  I've finally figured out what I wanted to do with my first JLA story arc, and I've begun work on the other missions.  I've got them all plotted out, so I should be able to knock them out relatively quickly.  We start with the MM mission many of you have already played, and then there is a Batman solo, a Superman solo, and an Aquaman solo mission before they all team up.  I probably have time and space to include a Green Lantern mission (and I have a few ideas for it, but nothing solid).  Would y'all want to play a GL solo mission after the Superman mission, or just get straight to the League action?


The more missions the better, so I'm all for a solo Green Lantern mission if time permits you to do it...

Now I apologize if you've answered this before. but are these being put together as a actual campaign or just as individual playable missions?


Per requests and my actually learning how, these will be full, playable campaigns.  As I said earlier, that is a PLURAL there, as there will be at least two, maybe as many as four (although seeing as this is Friday already, probably not more than 3.)
