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New JLA members Black Lighting and Red Arrow

Started by Ganymede Zero, February 22, 2007, 07:18:38 PM

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Ganymede Zero


So far we're not fully aware of Black Lightning's post IC powers or their levels.  Here's what I know:

We've seen him zap the drones in Brother Eye Satellite with electric fields

He's fast, possibly as fast as lightning (but he didn't finish his thought, this was from the new JLA series)

He can also form solid fields of electrical energy and has done this to create a barrier to block Mr. Impossible's disc-weapon.  Wikipedia lists this as bulletproof force-fields.

He's got to have some measure of acrobatic and melee skill from his background as a gold-medal olympic decathlete and from living in the Suicide Slums.


Black Lightning can fly too apparently ... as well as summon lighting (as opposed to just shooting it from his hands).

Red Arrow is essentially the same as Green Arrow, but with extra Bullseye-style powers (expert aim with any object).