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NOV 09 "War never changes."

Started by Carravaggio, February 22, 2007, 07:50:07 PM

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Yeah, my German speaking brother picked that up as well, but none of the fonts had umlauts, and it was late when i posted this pic, so i couldn't be bothered putting them in.


you got the nazi sign wrong, the nazi sign suppose to be a little bit crooked
the nazi sign you did is an asian signey thing


well i'm quite proud of my lack of knowledge of nazi symbols and meaning. But i always thought the asian swastika was counter clock wise?

at least that's what batman comics taught me...an old jewish man whocreated a golem was abducted by skinheads, and they forced him to draw swastikas all over his house. when batman turned up he knew to track the man to the local Buddhist temple cos the jewish man has painted counter clockwise swastikas, which is a Buddhist symbol.
Does the nazi swastika HAVE to be crooked?


i guess?
i don't maybe check it out on google images i'm not that familer with nazi and asian's symbols


Excellent work Carravaggio! :thumbup: I love the weird snear and the wrinkles on has forehead. Say...what didja use for the belt buckle?  ;)


Quote from: Carravaggio on August 03, 2007, 10:38:40 AM
...cos he skinned this character:
A nazi shield slinger.
Now I hate Nazis, I really do, so I never touched on ww2 with any of my skins or characters, but I had a strong image of a character, a nazi superhuman, in my head, and since I had an iota of free time i decided to skin him.

Haven't decided on a name. I wanted to go with Iron Cross (but in German), but he doesn't actually have the iron cross on him. Der uberman sounds silly (to me) and every nazi team has one. And with good reason, if nazis ever did make a superhuman I'd bet good money thats what they would have called him.
So I'm still working on a name for him.
Its skinned on Tommyboy's new Captain Marvel mesh with his Black Adam keyframes and some huge bootcuffs skoped on. I love the modelling on the face of this mesh, it provides a really unique face/look beyond the old male_basic face.
Still some touch ups (rope, belt, briefs, hair) but its just about done.
C&C Welcome, as always.
For some good news, i have managed to recover or remake almost half of the skins and hexes from this thread. Most of the Circus was recovered and the JLA analogue team is almost fully rebuilt and reskinned.

VERY nice work as usual, Carr!!  I really like this guys look!  Hmmmmm...a shield slinger, eh?  Y'know, I've always liked the german name "Jaegar" (sp?)...the "J" is pronounced as a "Y" and means "Hunter".  Might not fit the powers well.  But it is fierce and soldierly (speaking more a commando type and stealthy type though).   What do you think?? 


The circus? Horray!

As for swastikas, there are many variants from all over the world. Buddhists and Hindus do use the reverse facing ones, but they also use these ones. It represents different things each way. And a ton of other people use the symbol, too.

Nazis, though, mostly used the one you have. Not 100% of the time, but for the vast majority. And usually it was turn at a 45 degree angle. But again, not 100% of the time. Still, their super hero would most likely have the most well known version on his costume.

Very cool skin. Very Nazi-esque. And the face looks just great. Can't wait to see it finished.


the japanese version is the reverseof the nazi one, it's a sign of concentrating energy into one's centre, one theory of the failure of the nazi's is over the fact that as it was "backwards" it was constantly expending energy instead of taking it in, and burnt out.
of course all poppycock, but an interesting point ;)


i like the seams man the seams and the designs!


Excellent as always Caravaggio. I love the expression on his face.

Is his hair skinned on? If so, it might be worth trying to find a mesh part for it


whats next carravagio?
an army of the ku klux klan lol!


Quote from: Dr.Volt on August 04, 2007, 08:28:14 AM
Y'know, I've always liked the german name "Jaegar" (sp?)...the "J" is pronounced as a "Y" and means "Hunter".  Might not fit the powers well.  But it is fierce and soldierly (speaking more a commando type and stealthy type though).   What do you think?? 

I think thats the new name of our next dirty ratzi bastard...

Thanks for the suggestion Doc! Keep'em coming.
needs the belt accessories and boot cuffs skinned. The base mesh is Gren's hawkeye with parts from hourman III and ultimate cap by the inimitable Renegade. thanks a bunch guys.
More to come soon...
C&C welcome until then


Quote from: Carravaggio on August 17, 2007, 07:16:51 AM
Quote from: Dr.Volt on August 04, 2007, 08:28:14 AM
Y'know, I've always liked the german name "Jaegar" (sp?)...the "J" is pronounced as a "Y" and means "Hunter".  Might not fit the powers well.  But it is fierce and soldierly (speaking more a commando type and stealthy type though).   What do you think?? 

I think thats the new name of our next dirty ratzi bastard...

Thanks for the suggestion Doc! Keep'em coming.
needs the belt accessories and boot cuffs skinned. The base mesh is Gren's hawkeye with parts from hourman III and ultimate cap by the inimitable Renegade. thanks a bunch guys.
More to come soon...
C&C welcome until then

Wow, that's going to be his name!?  Very cool!!  Glad I could be of some help!  Keep on skinning, Carr!!


These Nazi metahumans have some really slick designs. :thumbup:

Deaths Jester

Ach...Car, ye went and changed the look of Jaeger and made him even cooler!  How can I ever try to create a Nazi anywhere close to these ye've been creating recently?  I mean, I know we're working in a collab on these but ye making me look bad, mon ami!   ;)



Quote from: Carravaggio on February 23, 2007, 11:25:18 PM
Thanks guys, i appreciate the feedback and comments, make syou feel somone other than you gives a damn :)

And just to prove i haven't slacked off...

Yeah...scary clown i hope. There will be a bunch of these guys, (i'm hoping for five variations, but we'll see, there is no end of reference material for scary clowns these days, there is even an article about them on Wikipedia!).

Truth is i've spent my time well, 'skoping a bunch of meshes to function as the circus. After a little trial and error, and some help from a few FR'ers, i've managed to get a handle on that particular skill. For the most part the introduction of Nifskope is whats motivated me to get back into skinning with a vengeance. with so much opportunity now available, i can't not skin...
in retrospect i need to shrink and redo the eyes (he looks stoned), change the red on the mouth to be dirtier and apply a highlight to the nose

Um yeah about this is this the toad mesh of Texas Jack?


Oh yeah this is just a question but are you receiving any personal mails from Deaths Jester?


Yep that toad is a skope of Texas Jack's. As such it has NEVER been released and in fact wont be. A while ago i lost all my FF stuff. In that time i discovered that TJ's stuff is off limits. All the clowns have since been transferred to a skope of INK's Toad mesh.
Yes, I on occasion receive PMs from DJ, why do you ask?


Nazi force wielding superhuman, able to create fields of solid energy in a variety of forms, from protective fields and barriers to simple objects. Originally a German agent who showed minor telekinetic potential, the Nazi scientists created a ring that focuses and enhances his power greatly, enabling him to go from moving small objects to moving tanks with his mind.
Just needs the symbol and a face of his own.
C&C welcome!
EDIT: Boots fixed, new face, inverted ring colours, added symbol. This guy is probably my favourite of my Nazi skins thus far.


Wow a nice skin. I've only two crits: The colour of the feet doesn't really match the colour of the bottom of his legs. I'm sure you know what I mean, just check the colours.

Ok that's only 1 crit, but I've changed my mind, lol.

Excellent work!

p.s. if that's not his own face then who's is it. In my mind it seems to fit his powers feel. It makes him look smug and superior, which makes sense for someone with an powerful mind.


Yeah good spot with the boots colour Lunarman, ill amend that before i repost progress.

The electric nazi, a guy who wears a mobile lightning harness around. He generates massive amounts of electric energy, and the helmet and backpack allow him to store and channel it. The blackbolt style prongs on the side of his helmet have effects on them that spit and spark electricity constantly, but you cant see it in Ctool very well. Im thinking about giving him some sort of gauntlets (REN's powerring 2?) so that the gun barrels dont just look like they are floating there. Done.
Be sure to keep an eye on DJ's thread, if we are lucky he should grace us with a new nazi soon...


Superspeedster nazi, on VX_Johnny Quick 3


Early WIP of the winged member of the facist contingent.


I really like the way this team is turning out. Though I question the use of the futuristic looking Johnny Quick opposed to a more period mesh such as Bulleteer? Either way great designs and I really like the archer and the ringbearer.

Deaths Jester

Geez Car...if ye keep up like this I'm not going to have any characters to do on the list...not that I'm complaining or anything...just slow down a bit and let me catch up some!   :P


As I said in DJ's thread, this looks like a very well-thought work. And it's coming up wonderfully, I must say.

Car, your work with the Religion-themed squad showed me how talented you are at creating matching uniforms that somehow are, at the same time, very personal. I mean, in spite of having a similar trend, you can tell each member has a unique style, or something that makes them different from the rest.

And the best thing of all, is that I wish this team had been together fighting against Alchemiss and company in FFv3R. I can picture them as Blitzkrieg's gang, much like Magneto's Brotherhood or Mr. Sinister's Marauders. Would have been a hell of a battle.


can anyoone prevent the nazis from wold domination!! :o


Quote from: XLR8er on September 14, 2007, 08:54:18 PM
can anyoone prevent the nazis from wold domination!! :o

If anyone is to rule this sphere, it will be me...


You should call the group `ubbermech`, not sure for spelling though, it means something like supermen in German.


Cool Nazi Meshes Carravaggio!  :cool: Nice details on their costumes! My favorite is the Nazi Archer. :thumbup: I also like your avatar! The way he floats and the stars effects is awesome! :o
