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Wolverine vs. Sabretooth

Started by Talavar, March 03, 2007, 02:34:36 PM

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The current Jeph Loeb run on Wolverine has me thinking about the long-standing feud between Sabretooth and Wolverine, and all the various times they've fought.  In most of those times they've been depicted as fairly equal, if not Sabretooth having the advantage.  My question to you, the readers, is: do you think it makes sense?

I mean, the two of them have almost identical powers: awesome regeneration, somewhat enhanced strength, speed and agility, and enhanced senses.  To my mind Sabretooth is stronger, but not by a whole lot, and has the whole size advantage, but at any point after Wolverine has adamantium bonded to him he has a significant defensive advantage.  Plus, a swipe from his foot-long adamantium-coated claws have got to do a heck of a lot more damage than Sabrettooth's two or three-inch regular-material claws. 

In FF terms, I give Sabretooth strength 5 and endurance 7, while Wolverine has strength 3 and endurance 5.  Every other stat and attribute is the same, but for Wolverine having the Solid Skeleton attribute.  They both have a variable multi-contact melee attack, with Wolverine's doing one level more of damage, and most of the time, in Watch mode, Wolverine wins.

Is there some advantage Sabretooth has that I'm missing in this comparison?  Am I interpreting things wrong?


I think that it really comes down to reach.  Wolverine, even with his claws, is at a disadvantage, Sabertooth is just SOOO much bigger than him, and just as fast, so he can keep the runt at 'arms length.'


Doesn't Toothy have Adamantium now?  In the past Toothy was stronger, faster, and bigger than Wolvie.  Wolvie was just more determined....and had the protection of his bones.


Toothy (such an affectionate nickname, I love it) had adamantium for a brief period, but does he still?  I thought not, but could easily be wrong.  That would go a long way to evening things up.

The reach is certainly an important factor, but looking at comparative damages, a slash from Sabretooth's claws, even if coated in adamantium, would do a fairly superfical wound compared to a similar slash from Wolverine.  A thrust or stab wound from their claws would similarly fall in Wolverine's favour. 


I would think that it would also come down to the combat skill and training. Creed tends to be much more savage and animalistic than Wolvie, who draws upon various skills, as long as he keeps his wits about him.


According to Marvel Previews, there's going to be another Wolvie-Sabretooth battle, and its going to be their final battle. Yeah, right. We've heard that before.


Quote from: GhostMachine on March 04, 2007, 03:19:59 AM
According to Marvel Previews, there's going to be another Wolvie-Sabretooth battle, and its going to be their final battle. Yeah, right. We've heard that before.

That's actually what sparked this thread.  The fight ongoing in Wolverine's title is supposedly that "final battle."  I don't believe it for one second either.


The time that Wolvie poked sabretooth in the brain was a pretty good final battle. I guess this is ANOTHER final battle. Hmmm... what that would mean is that they intend to kill off sabretooth for a while. It would be funny if it was the other way around though, like Sabretooth beats wolvie, puts him out of comission for a long time.


I actually don't think it's going to end with either character going to be out of commission for very long since A) Wolverine is Marvel's bread to Spider-man's butter, and B) Sabretooth is one of the main characters in Adjectiveless X-men right now.


i think it has alot to do with wolvies memories, and his mental state
for along time wolvie has thought sabertooth to be a relative, killer of his girl,his dark side ,comrade in arms ,etc, he has been left for dead at every birthday(i think since he joined the xmen)
Now that he has all of his memories i think wolvie is finally a whole person who (according to the new arc ) wants those final answers, now we have a mutant who has over 100 years of experience,i hope they go for a much more skilled and experienced logan who will take out sabertooth once and for all (LIKE THAT WILL HAPPEN HEHE )

Last i knew sabertooth did not have the adamantium any more but i dont read the xmen comics except astonishing so i would not know if he has it again?


Maybe it will be a final battle, because they will become good buddies and not fight anymore.


Quote from: Protomorph on March 05, 2007, 07:54:58 AM
Maybe it will be a final battle, because they will become good buddies and not fight anymore.

Right. Because at Marvel, good buddies never fight...  ;)

Dweomer Knight

Quote from: starlock on March 05, 2007, 06:54:42 AM
Now that he has all of his memories i think wolvie is finally a whole person who (according to the new arc ) wants those final answers, now we have a mutant who has over 100 years of experience,i hope they go for a much more skilled and experienced logan who will take out sabertooth once and for all (LIKE THAT WILL HAPPEN HEHE )

Wolvie, at various points, has already been portrayed as a super martial artist/ninja/samurai/zen master/brawler/street fighter/unkillable-instaregeneration machine.  With all that, how much more experience does he need?

Quote from: Alaric on March 05, 2007, 09:37:17 AM
Quote from: Protomorph on March 05, 2007, 07:54:58 AM
Maybe it will be a final battle, because they will become good buddies and not fight anymore.

Right. Because at Marvel, good buddies never fight...  ;)




True that, Dweomer Knight. Wolverine is master of pretty much 4/5 of all martial arts in existance.

There's the adamantium advantage, and isn't Wolverine's healing factor stronger than Sabretooth's? I mean, he did regenerate his whole body out of his skeleton alone. Not really sure if it's better than Sabretooth's, though.

Regardless of who is better and who is worse, Wolverine will probably beat Sabretooth on their "final battle". If he doesn't, then he'll come back once again and there will be more final battles until Sabretooth is killed or what have you. I mean, the heroes do always pull off in the end. =X


Quote from: Dweomer Knight on March 05, 2007, 10:23:55 AM
Quote from: starlock on March 05, 2007, 06:54:42 AM
Now that he has all of his memories i think wolvie is finally a whole person who (according to the new arc ) wants those final answers, now we have a mutant who has over 100 years of experience,i hope they go for a much more skilled and experienced logan who will take out sabertooth once and for all (LIKE THAT WILL HAPPEN HEHE )

Wolvie, at various points, has already been portrayed as a super martial artist/ninja/samurai/zen master/brawler/street fighter/unkillable-instaregeneration machine.  With all that, how much more experience does he need?

Quote from: Alaric on March 05, 2007, 09:37:17 AM
Quote from: Protomorph on March 05, 2007, 07:54:58 AM
Maybe it will be a final battle, because they will become good buddies and not fight anymore.

Right. Because at Marvel, good buddies never fight...  ;)


But constantly? well i was thinking not getting beat by deadpool,captainamerica,daredevil,elektra and so on,fighting smarter and a way of presenting himself,i have to say the writers are responsible for continuity and such and it falls on them