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LSH mod

Started by Green Hornet, March 13, 2007, 07:16:30 PM

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This is lookin like greatness ohmy LSH sweet.


I was trying to make the head.nifs smaller, but seem instead to have broken many of them.
Add another delay.....
Other than that, I was in final playtesting...


Aaaaannnd another preview pic....heres the 70's LSH as they first appear in the Mod:

I'm just ironing out the last few bugs in that mission....sooon....verry sooonn..


Tommy, that's a blast from the past. Can't wait for this one.


Time to Pimp this Mod!
If you are on dial up, escape Now! Pictures Ahoy!

From the first 3 Missions:

I'm really, nearly ready to release Episode One of the Mod (four playable missions, one non-playable intro mission), I'm hoping for this week/end of this week (I am playtesting and need to add an easter egg or two).


Kewl!  I can't wait.  That looks so fun.  I'm especially interested to see how you handled Ultra Boy and Matter Eater Lad.


My eyes hurt just trying to count all those Legionnaires!  Or maybe it's just 'cause I worked overnights.

It looks amazing.  It reminds me of how I felt when I first saw your Blue Beetle (1 year later) mesh  :wub:.  Just friggin' incredible!  :thumbup:

I look forward to the release.  *Forgets he is not Breath Boy: passes out with chipmunk cheeks and a blue face...*  ;)

:cool: :cool: :cool: :cool: :cool: :cool: :cool: :cool:


Ooh, can't wait to play this! I like how you're spotlighting different eras of the team.


beautiful just beautiful! ^_^

lightning lad!!! :D


Wow Tommy!  I haven't been paying attention to this, and I want to offer my sincerest appologies, LSH looks awesome!  I've gotta' say man, I never have cared that much about the Legion, but you've deffinetly got my interest.  I'm looking forward to this! :D



*speechless* :)


 :agentclap 3 cheers for Tommy  :agentclap


Tommy you know what we want!

do it
finish it
complete it
play it


Man Tommy, that look good.


The Phantom Eyebrow

Great stuff Tommy; this looks like it'll be a lot of fun!  :thumbup:

Green Hornet

 :thumbup: This is looking GREAT! :panice  This is going to be right up there as one of the best mods.  :rickbm    :agentclap   


Wait a minute. Superboy is not a LSH or is he.  In, out, which is it now.   :P


Cripp, I believe this will answer your question... Peace!

In as "Superman" in the Legion Animated Series, out as far as I know in the comic (now Supergirl and the Legion of Superheroes). 


Quote from: Peerless1 on May 17, 2007, 05:42:49 AM
Cripp, I believe this will answer your question... Peace!

In as "Superman" in the Legion Animated Series, out as far as I know in the comic (now Supergirl and the Legion of Superheroes). 
Supergirl? what the?


Yeah, I know.  It happened during the latest Crisis.  I didn't read it, but noticed the cover by Kitson.  Of course, that was sometime last year...they've probably killed her again by now.   :wacko:
I think they just wanna make me cry again :shock2:. 


The series (waaaaayyyyyy back in the day) had Superboy as a memeber. Dont ask me why, I know he just was a memeber for some reason. The current series has Supergirl in it. Again, Im not sure why, but she is.


For the record, the LSH started life as guest stars in Superboy stories.
Eventually they were promoted to their own stories, in which Superboy (and later Supergirl) was a member.
When John Byrne retconned the retcon that was Superboy away, he was retconned out of the Legion.
Since then, and many "reboots" later, he was usually out.
Now, however, the latest storylines in JLA and JSA seem to be bringing back the classic legion (ie prior to "5 years later"), and saying Superman was a member when he was a boy.
So we have come full circle to there being both Superboy in the legion (though this may turn out to be somehow "out of continuity" or one of the 52 alternate earths) and Supergirl.
Both are in the Mod. So there.


crispy deal there^^


I am going to let that go because I always knew Superboy to be in the LSH as long as your JLA mod includes Barry Allen.   ;)


Well, then, that explains everthing.  Even Superboy was a "Byrne-victim" of one sort or another.



Is it FF or FFVTR?



Quote from: Blitzgott on March 24, 2007, 05:51:19 PM
Quote from: Arlecchino on March 24, 2007, 05:41:15 PM
At the risk of asking a dumb question, what game is this mod for? The Original FF or FFvsTTR?


You can tell by looking at the first screenshot on tommyboy's page. It's "rumble room" instead of "danger room".

there you go, N. 


Quote from: tommyboy on May 17, 2007, 09:27:06 AM
For the record, the LSH started life as guest stars in Superboy stories.
Eventually they were promoted to their own stories, in which Superboy (and later Supergirl) was a member.
When John Byrne retconned the retcon that was Superboy away, he was retconned out of the Legion.
Since then, and many "reboots" later, he was usually out.
Now, however, the latest storylines in JLA and JSA seem to be bringing back the classic legion (ie prior to "5 years later"), and saying Superman was a member when he was a boy.
So we have come full circle to there being both Superboy in the legion (though this may turn out to be somehow "out of continuity" or one of the 52 alternate earths) and Supergirl.
Both are in the Mod. So there.

One small modification: During  Byrne's run on Superman/Action it was established that the was a Superboy on the Legion.  However, the Legion's Superboy was not the sme person as the post-Crisis Superman. I beleive that Paul Levitz establish that the Legion's Superboy was a product of the Time Trapper.


Quote from: doctorchallenger on May 18, 2007, 05:11:03 AM
Quote from: tommyboy on May 17, 2007, 09:27:06 AM
For the record, the LSH started life as guest stars in Superboy stories.
Eventually they were promoted to their own stories, in which Superboy (and later Supergirl) was a member.
When John Byrne retconned the retcon that was Superboy away, he was retconned out of the Legion.
Since then, and many "reboots" later, he was usually out.
Now, however, the latest storylines in JLA and JSA seem to be bringing back the classic legion (ie prior to "5 years later"), and saying Superman was a member when he was a boy.
So we have come full circle to there being both Superboy in the legion (though this may turn out to be somehow "out of continuity" or one of the 52 alternate earths) and Supergirl.
Both are in the Mod. So there.

One small modification: During  Byrne's run on Superman/Action it was established that the was a Superboy on the Legion.  However, the Legion's Superboy was not the sme person as the post-Crisis Superman. I beleive that Paul Levitz establish that the Legion's Superboy was a product of the Time Trapper.

Yes, you are correct. But the point is that after Byrne the Superboy was no longer in the Legion of Superheroes, no matter what may have happened to faux-Superboys in faux-Legions in imaginary alternate pocket universe stories. Which was a mistake in my opinion.
