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LSH mod

Started by Green Hornet, March 13, 2007, 07:16:30 PM

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It was done because they they wiped Superboy out of the continuity, which they did because DC lost the rights to the character and have to pay the creators' family even time they use him. They weren't too happy about that.


what do you mean creators.  Isn't it the Siegel or do you mean someone else created Superboy. 


I thought it was both the Seigel and Schuster families, but after a bit of cursory poking around its seems it is only the Seigels who are contesting ownership.

Quote from: tommyboy on May 18, 2007, 05:28:09 AM
Quote from: doctorchallenger on May 18, 2007, 05:11:03 AM
Quote from: tommyboy on May 17, 2007, 09:27:06 AM
For the record, the LSH started life as guest stars in Superboy stories.
Eventually they were promoted to their own stories, in which Superboy (and later Supergirl) was a member.
When John Byrne retconned the retcon that was Superboy away, he was retconned out of the Legion.
Since then, and many "reboots" later, he was usually out.
Now, however, the latest storylines in JLA and JSA seem to be bringing back the classic legion (ie prior to "5 years later"), and saying Superman was a member when he was a boy.
So we have come full circle to there being both Superboy in the legion (though this may turn out to be somehow "out of continuity" or one of the 52 alternate earths) and Supergirl.
Both are in the Mod. So there.

One small modification: During  Byrne's run on Superman/Action it was established that the was a Superboy on the Legion.  However, the Legion's Superboy was not the sme person as the post-Crisis Superman. I beleive that Paul Levitz establish that the Legion's Superboy was a product of the Time Trapper.

Yes, you are correct. But the point is that after Byrne the Superboy was no longer in the Legion of Superheroes, no matter what may have happened to faux-Superboys in faux-Legions in imaginary alternate pocket universe stories. Which was a mistake in my opinion.

I hope I didn't offend.  I wasn't trying to say that the Pocket Universe story fixed everything and all was right in the world thereafter. 


Quote from: doctorchallenger on May 18, 2007, 06:26:34 AM
I thought it was both the Seigel and Schuster families, but after a bit of cursory poking around its seems it is only the Seigels who are contesting ownership.

Quote from: tommyboy on May 18, 2007, 05:28:09 AM
Quote from: doctorchallenger on May 18, 2007, 05:11:03 AM
Quote from: tommyboy on May 17, 2007, 09:27:06 AM
For the record, the LSH started life as guest stars in Superboy stories.
Eventually they were promoted to their own stories, in which Superboy (and later Supergirl) was a member.
When John Byrne retconned the retcon that was Superboy away, he was retconned out of the Legion.
Since then, and many "reboots" later, he was usually out.
Now, however, the latest storylines in JLA and JSA seem to be bringing back the classic legion (ie prior to "5 years later"), and saying Superman was a member when he was a boy.
So we have come full circle to there being both Superboy in the legion (though this may turn out to be somehow "out of continuity" or one of the 52 alternate earths) and Supergirl.
Both are in the Mod. So there.

One small modification: During  Byrne's run on Superman/Action it was established that the was a Superboy on the Legion.  However, the Legion's Superboy was not the sme person as the post-Crisis Superman. I beleive that Paul Levitz establish that the Legion's Superboy was a product of the Time Trapper.

Yes, you are correct. But the point is that after Byrne the Superboy was no longer in the Legion of Superheroes, no matter what may have happened to faux-Superboys in faux-Legions in imaginary alternate pocket universe stories. Which was a mistake in my opinion.

I hope I didn't offend.  I wasn't trying to say that the Pocket Universe story fixed everything and all was right in the world thereafter. 

No, no offence taken at all.
I sort of understand what they were trying to do with the "no Superboy" retcons, I just personally didn't like it. Sure continuity was a mess, and of course Superboy was himself a retcon of Superman. But it wiped out a lot of good along with the not-so-good, and I'm glad to see things coming around to the same rich, wacky, impossible to follow continuity I grew up with.


It's ready for download.
That's right, the long delayed LSH Mod is finally available (well the first 4mission episode, strictly speaking).
It's a whopping 460Mb download, unzipping to over 1.4 gigabytes.
It's a Mod that features the classic LSH from the 1950's and sixties, in a new story, that brings them into contact with the LSH of other eras (like the 1970s, five years later, SW6 etc etc).
The Mod features lots of new meshes and skins, (a hundred plus custom made meshes, sixty or so of which have never been released, having only been made in the last month or two), some bits and pieces that long time LSH fans will recognize, like time spheres, miracle machines and rocket clubhouses.
It's available from my website:


For some reason the 5hours I just spent uploading it didnt work.
Trying again now.
Should be 5-7hours now....


aw darn it
guess i'll download it tomorrow eh? :)
plus legion of superheroes is showing tomorrow! :cool:
this should get me amped up! :thumbup:


 :thumbup:Im so excited to try this out. Congratz on getting this done Tommy :thumbup:


I'm dling right now.  5 - 7 hour upload?  yeesh.  More kudos to you for that alone.  (Its telling me 13 minutes to dl.   :cool:)

D'oh!  I should have looked at the time of your post more closely.  I got the bad one.  Oh well, I'll just float around the Phantom Zone for 5-7 hours. 


You probably got a partially uploaded one.

This is very important.  NO ONE is to attempt to download the mod until further notice.  I don't know if you can actually mess up the uploading process, but at the least you'll get a broken download, so wait until Tommyboy says it's done.


Well, I'm officially hacked off.
Up till 3:45am uploading the bleeding mod last night, and it didn't upload. Dunno why, maybe because people were dl-ing before I'd finished uploading.
So I set it to upload while I sleep, having gotten 144Mb uploaded before I sleep. I also disable the links to the Mod in case it is that thats the problem.
When I wake at 6:25am, I find it has uploaded 75 Mb, in TOTAL! That's less than when I went to sleep.
So I cancel that and start again.
9:30am rolls around, 489-odd Mb uploaded, ie ALL of it, and then I get the "connecting to server" message, and the &*(%ing thing starts uploading again, from %^&*ing zero. So I cancel that.
In the remote directory theres a 75Mb version of the file. I delete that.
I start *&(%ing uploading the stupid *&^%ing mod yet a-*&^%ing-gain.
If it doesn't work this time I give up. As it is I'll have gone over my 1gig bandwidth limit my ISP has already for this month, and I simply haven't got the money to pay to keep doing this over and over.
I tried, it hasn't worked so far. If in three hours  it hasn't worked, I'll stop trying for now, maybe later I'll try an FTP programme (instead of Dreamweaver, which I normally use to make the site and upload content), but I don't want to keep doing this over and over.
Apologies to those who wanted to play it.
I wish I could say I thought it worth the wait, and/or all this effort on my part.

The Phantom Eyebrow

Ouch!  Sorry about that Tommy.  You put enough time and effort into making stuff for us to enjoy without this sort of thing happening. 


Still wont upload.
I've switched to using an FTP client, 4% done, 260 minutes till I see if its worked.
Stupid computer...user


You might think about breaking it up into chunks.

If you recalled, I was unable to upload Avengers special similarly because of its size, and it was actually smaller.

I'm not sure, but I think part of the problem is my file host.  I think it gets suspecious if someone is logged into it for too many hours and severs the connection. . .

Not sure though.


Now I'm buying FFVSTR!


Quote from: catwhowalksbyhimself on May 19, 2007, 05:48:36 AM
You might think about breaking it up into chunks.

If you recalled, I was unable to upload Avengers special similarly because of its size, and it was actually smaller.

I'm not sure, but I think part of the problem is my file host.  I think it gets suspecious if someone is logged into it for too many hours and severs the connection. . .

Not sure though.

Now you've reminded me, that does ring a bell.
Well, if thats whats needed, that's what I'll have to do.
I'll know in approx 86 minutes, when the FTP client finishes its attempt..
On the plus side, if it is logging me out at least I'm not exceeding my bandwidth allocation with my ISP, as nothing is actually being uploaded... so glass half full...I guess.


Looks like you were right Catwho, so I'm now splitting into 5 pieces and uploading.
More as and when...


It's up!

For reasons that Elude Me, I had to break it up into 5 bite sized pieces, plus one handy join-em-all-up-again piece.
Download all six. Run the "create_LSH Mod.exe" to join them into one big installer. Run that.
Install. Create a desktop shortcut to the Mod.
Play it. Realize it probably isn't worth that much effort...
Ask for your money back.
Realize you left the receipt in the pants pocket of your other suit which is at the dry cleaners!

If you are still reading the Mod is now here:
Down at the bottom of that page are the links to the files.
Yeah, you gotta work for it, all that reading and scrolling and looking at pictures....I need a holiday...


Sorry that you had such a difficult time getting this up Tommy, but thanks for putting in the time. Im sure I speak for everyone here when I say we appreciate all your hard work. No go have a beer and a rest.


A couple of beers and a nice holiday is indeed in order, Tommy. Cheers!


Thanks, Tommy. I'm downloading it now!


This is my entire life over Memorial Day weekend.  I can't wait.   :thumbup:


Ive DLed it and played the first 2 levels. What a fun mod. I dont know alot about the LoSH so its fun to have these new-ish characters to discover. So far the levels are a blast and they have alot of re-playablity becasue you give a number of options to complete the objectives.
Great scripting on many of the events and fantastic use of cut scenes.


Quote from: Arlecchino on May 19, 2007, 05:23:49 PM
Ive DLed it and played the first 2 levels. What a fun mod. I dont know alot about the LoSH so its fun to have these new-ish characters to discover. So far the levels are a blast and they have alot of re-playablity becasue you give a number of options to complete the objectives.
Great scripting on many of the events and fantastic use of cut scenes.

Thanks, I'm just glad to hear it worked for at least two missions.
Credit for scripting must really go to M25. I switched the mod over to EZscript and found it both easier to use but also able to do stuff I couldn't really figure out how to do myself in python. I unreservedly recommend it to anyone thinking of Modding. It also means that there is a good chance of me doing the next 4-5 missions, which had I been stuck with my somewhat lacking Python skills probably wouldn't have happened.

Dreaded Porcupine

Thanks again for this Tom. Downloading it now. Can't wait to play it.

Green Hornet

 :rickbm excellent work :agentclap I have been waiting for this mod for a long time.  Thanks for you effort and all the time you put into this. :charonwow This is a work of art.  :kingbe: You have added so much to this game and it is appreciated.  Thanks again  :thumbup:


Thanks so much you are a super heroes fans best friend. (and hardest working) thanks again woohoo!!


I finally got a chance to d/l and play the mod Tommy. I strongly feel that you should be knighted, with all the rights and priveleges that bestows. I will also have to put your name forward for potential deification so as to ensure spiritual as well as worldly power.

OK, maybe not.

The mod had a nice mix of characters and scenarios from the different ages for those familiar with the characters but also served to introduce them to LSH novices. I do hope you complete the other missions so we can continue with the Legion into the summer.

Golden Goose

This is simply brilliant.  As a fan of all* of the incarnations of the Legion, I'm ecstatic about this.

My kids love having me pick different heroes to play in the Rumble Room.  They'll ask "Who's he?  What does he do?  Was he in the Legion before Superboy?"

Golden Goose

* OK, maybe I did bail out on the Waid run.


Hey Tommy, I started playing this tonight, AWESOME!  You've really done some great stuff with EZScript, I hope you don't mind me stealing all your good ideas and learning from how you set this up. ^_^  Seriously though, this is great fun, I'm not a huge fan of the Legion, so  it's neat to 'learn' some new heroes.  Thanks for a great deal of time, effort, and obvious love that went into this!
