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Asylum Notification - Trust

Started by UnfluffyBunny, March 14, 2007, 05:12:19 AM

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Ok, serious issue, trust.
With various time constraints right now i'm unable to give as much attention to the site as it needs to remain stable, therefore i'm in the process of setting up php to allow members to upload their own work.
right now these scripts only allow them to upload their work and I dont as of yet have the time to either password protect these scripts or script for the files to be moved elsewhere, so.
when members of FA post releases, they will post the folder the uploads go to, where the scripts also reside.
I ask now that no-one use these scripts to upload any file that should not be there.
I'm placing alot of trust in the FR community and I believe I wont be let down, BUT I will warn if anyone does abuse these scripts I will only have 2 options, 1 being removal of the scripts and possibly huge delays for those who wish to get files, and 2 being the ban of the ip adress used to upload the file, neither of which I want to do but will if need be.


on a side note, if we have any php savvy folks out there willing to lend a hand with setting up these scripts i'd be more than happy to recieve a pm ;)

Deaths Jester

Quote from: UnfluffyBunny on March 14, 2007, 05:12:19 AM
Ok, serious issue, trust.
With various time constraints right now i'm unable to give as much attention to the site as it needs to remain stable, therefore i'm in the process of setting up php to allow members to upload their own work.
right now these scripts only allow them to upload their work and I dont as of yet have the time to either password protect these scripts or script for the files to be moved elsewhere, so.
when members of FA post releases, they will post the folder the uploads go to, where the scripts also reside.
I ask now that no-one use these scripts to upload any file that should not be there.
I'm placing alot of trust in the FR community and I believe I wont be let down, BUT I will warn if anyone does abuse these scripts I will only have 2 options, 1 being removal of the scripts and possibly huge delays for those who wish to get files, and 2 being the ban of the ip adress used to upload the file, neither of which I want to do but will if need be.


on a side note, if we have any php savvy folks out there willing to lend a hand with setting up these scripts i'd be more than happy to recieve a pm ;)

Ack...if I had known ye wanted us to put them in folders....bly me....well, that explains why the following skins are not in folders right now:  Rorschach, Unkoman, Pluto Man and Doctor Omega.  Sorry for the incovience there Syn...I'll try to make it up to ye in the furute.


I set it up after you'd emailed me those skins, I just didnt have the time to upload them personally

Deaths Jester

Quote from: UnfluffyBunny on March 20, 2007, 02:08:29 PM
I set it up after you'd emailed me those skins, I just didnt have the time to upload them personally

Oh bloody 'ell.....well, there already up on the new setup ye put in as well....ach, I am so sorry for the trouble, mon ami!  I WILL make this up to ye...trust me!  Wait...maybe ye shouldn't trust me..I mean, I'm not that trustworthy after all.  :)
