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Real quick Keyframe Question

Started by Tomato, March 14, 2007, 10:57:20 AM

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As some of you might or might not be aware, I've always been a fan of Renegade's Sidekick meshes, because even scaled down Male_basic meshes don't have the right head shape for younger heroes.

However... Due to the nature of the mesh, keyframes other then the original ones don't really work. Is there any way to Skope/Hex the keyframes or mesh around to use say, Renegade's Superman/boy Keys?


Depending on the mesh and keyframes in question, it might very well be possible. It might be quite trivial but it might be really tedious and time consuming.


Eh, I'm not in that big a hurry to get the hex released, it's more an eventuality kinda thing. If I knew what I was doing, I could just pick at it a bit at a time for a little while.