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Nifskope Keyframe problem

Started by Artemis, March 19, 2007, 02:35:55 PM

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Hi I was just wondering if anyone could help me with this here lil' problem...

I'm making a set of characters using the Irrational meshes - specifically the alchemiss and eve meshes. However I would like to have these meshes use mentors keyframes. I read through the forums and found that many people had used a technique where the mesh with the keyframes they wanted (in my case mentor) was opened in nifskope, then the mesh they wanted to use those keyframes was placed on top (in this case eve/alchemiss). Then the original mesh (mentor) was then hidden. This would allow the new mesh to use the old keyframes.

However this technique would not work for me I placed my new meshes in Character Tool 2 and there were no meshes - just blank space, the animations were running through however.
So i looked at the character nifs in nifviewer and i saw that both meshes were HUGE (super HUGE) and that they were also lying forward (instead of standing upright they were face down to the floor -  in their standing animation)

would anyone be able to tell me what i did wrong - i looked hard and found no tutorials on the subject - just lots of smarty pants-es saying that they had done it :( (why cant I be a smarty pants :( )