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Displace to Mental Damage via Hypnosis

Started by darkphoenixII, April 27, 2007, 10:45:54 PM

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     In case the subject didn't give it away, I want to switch the state swap in FFX's script from causing damage via mind blank to causing mental damage by swapping with the hypnosis state. How do I do this successfully?


P.S. This is for  :ff: of course.


Actually, no, the title didn't give it away completely for me, as I wondered what was the idea with using Displace Image in Mental Damage. ;)

As for the subject at hand... Hypnosis to mental damage should work out of the box in both games. If you've given your character an hypnosis power, using the FFX Control Centre to set hypnosis to mental damage and saving should work. If it doesn't, please post details, including script.log info.


    Perhaps I should cease to be so presumptuous (unless it goes with my namesake).

    Not to mention I need be more clear when I ask for assistance. I want to buy a Displace Image power and swap it with FFX's Mental Damage fix. Only this is, I want the damage done to be higher. By examining ffx.py in the Scripts folder, I discovered that it triggers the "ffx_blankarea" power (I  wondered what that was for), causing MD through Mind Blank. I wanted it to be done with Hypnosis as the carrier. I simply put a 2 after the last letter, changed the attack type to Hypnosis, saved it, then rewrote which power to trigger in the FFX python file. Result? Those caught in the radius were hypnotised, but no Mental Damage swap was triggered like I hoped. I tried looked further into the python file, but despite being a fast learner, I couldn't decipher anything further. What should I do?


Ooookay, now I understand. (I think.) You want to get an area attack doing high intensity mental damage?

Ignore the ffx_blankarea power, it's not used for calculating the intensity ratio; Displace Image is. In FFX 3.x, Cloak (invisibility) costs more, which converts to more damage. However, AFAIK, in FFX 2.6, Displace image cost more than Cloak; what's more the intensity multipliers are much lower in the old version.

So, the solution would be to open ffx.py andchange the line

to replace it with the FFX 3.x version:

#relative costs for special powers that trigger an event:
#empathy, cloak, displace in that order


    Ah, it worked. Thanks. Now to see if it can both throw AND cause mental damage.



If you want to do an FFX Throw attack at the same time, you could try changing
def displacetomentaldamage(event):

def displacetomentaldamage(event):

If you only want to do knockback, you could replace the 'ffx_blankarea' power by another onealso doing KB.

However, if the resulting throw/KB damage occurs too soon, the blank state will be removed and no metal damage will be done.