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EZScript Comics

Started by BentonGrey, May 06, 2007, 06:28:24 PM

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QuoteIf I'm doing my JLA campaign, is there any way to track which characters the player chooses for one mission, and disallow those for the following mission?

Could you add a simple python script to that Mission that fired off during onMissionWon()... it could cycle through the list of heroes and then un-recruit them?

Though doing it this way would mean re-recruiting them at some later mission to get them back in the available character rotation, but it seems to me that it would be pretty doable.


Hmm.......well...what this makes me think is that all of a sudden my EZScript is broken....I'm fearful that my files have gotten corrupted somehow!  Also M, what makes you think the martian_walker doesn't exist?  I'm sure it is spelled right, and that I've got it set up correctly.  Also, in the interest of self-diagnosis, what part of the error report made you think that, because I'm afraid I completely didn't see it.

Interesting Goggles, and I suppose that would be do-able.


From the log, it looks like all of the minions spawned, but none of the villains did.  The last part of the error message refers to m25_spawn, which is the part of the script that puts the characters on the map. The first villain in the list is the martian_walker (in the script.log you posted - not the EZ script encounter!), so I'm guessing that it didn't spawn correctly. 

I didn't realize that the encounter is not the same one that produced the error message... if you are getting that error on multiple encounters, then it may be that the markers are not set up correctly on the map.  Are you using encounter1_villain1 style markers?


Thanks for the response M, and yes, I am.  I didn't think about it, but that IS something else I changed.  I added villain1-8 and ally1-7 markers to each encounter marker.  I'll check over those this afternoon.


Okay, as far as I can tell, everything is set up properly on the map, but I DID recycle markers, could the settings of the individual markers be screwing things up?  I'm using one of the campaign maps, and many of the markers have different settings from the default positional ones.


I thought I replied to this already...

I'm guessing from the error log that one of the villain markers isn't set up correctly.  Make sure it is of the form <mymarker>_villain1 and that you have at least as many villain markers as villains in the encounter.  Add an extra one to be safe.


Hmm......I've double checked my markers, but I suppose I'll triple check them.  It's always possible I missed something.

As for having already replied, when the boards came back, we lost the most recent of posts, so maybe you did! ^_^


Three cheers for M25!  He figured out the problem, and now I have only one more level (plus base scenes) to go for the JLA!


Woo-hoo!  I'm working on the final mission for my first JLA campaign!  Anyway, I've got a question about how I should go about this.  If I want all of the Leaguers to participate, is there a way to incorporate Epic mode into EZscript?  If not, what would be the best way to incorporate the other Leaguers into the mission as allies?  I want them to fight alongside you for the entirety of the level.  Thanks guys!

P.S.  Sorry for the triple post, but I wasn't sure people would notice if I just edited my last one.


No epic mode I'm afraid.   :(

To get allies to join for the whole mission, just set up an Alliance encounter containing all of the allies you want.  They will follow you around for the entire mission.



Quick question, can I have multiple objects in a Destroy Object encounter?  I'm assuming so since the guide says "objects," but we all know what they say about assumptions.


Yes, you can have multiple objects, and all of them will have to be destroyed.


Thanks for the response M!


Okay, the final JLA mission is coming along quite nicely.  So far everything is working. *crosses fingers, knocks on wood, and hangs a clove of garlic about his neck*  However, I do have a question for the script masters around here.  For the first time I wanted to make use of the 'Banter' cutscene, to allow the final boss to reveal a bit more of the story without having to slog through one LOOOONG cutscene.  However, what I didn't realize is that the banter cutscenes constantly recycle.  Is there any way to have the banter scene play just once?


I probably shouldn't be answering because I'm not a scripter, but I think you can simulate this using EZ Script in one of two ways:

1) Break up the final encounter into a string of encounters.  When one of the small encounters ends, trigger a cutscene (using Boss says telepathically) to have the boss say something.  For example:

Encounter: Boss_start
Type: cutscene
Next: boss_thug1, boss_thug2

Start Cutscene:
Boss says, "your pitiful skills are no match for the power of the dark side!"
hero says, "you'll find i'm full of suprises!"

Encounter: Boss_thug1
Type: fight
Next: none

End Cutscene:
Boss says telepathically, "Mentor has taught you well."

Encounter: Boss_thug2
Type: fight
Next: none

End Cutscene:
Boss says telepathically, "Impressive."

Encounter: Boss_final
Type: fight
Villains: boss
Starts When: boss_thug1 at End, boss_thug2 at End
Next: none

Alert Cutscene:
boss says, "hero, mentor never told you what happend to your father!"
hero says, "he told me enough!"
boss says, "hero....I am your father!"
hero says, "NOOOOOOOOOOO!"

I've been doing this another way using "Encounter Type: none" as a placeholder/status marker.  For an example, please check out this thread: http://freedomreborn.net/archive/index.php?topic=46445.0 (scroll down to the bottom)

2) Tie the comment to a "villain" KO cutscene.  I would suggest identifying the template instead using the generic "villain" or "minion" because you don't want the cutscene to trigger every time a villain goes down.  Otherwise, try using "minion1", "minion2", "minion3", etc.
For example:

Encounter: boss_start
Type: Fight
Villains: boss, boss_thug1, boss_thug2

Alert Cutscene:
Boss says, "your pitiful skills are no match for the power of the dark side!"
hero says, "you'll find i'm full of suprises!"

boss_thug1 KO Cutscene:
Boss says telepathically, "Mentor has taught you well."

boss_thug2 KO Cutscene:
boss says, "hero, mentor never told you what happend to your father!"
hero says, "he told me enough!"
boss says, "hero....I am your father!"
hero says, "NOOOOOOOOOOO!"

Of course, this option requires the hero to kill off the thugs before taking out the boss.

Hope that helps.



There's no way to only play a banter scene once.  They are intended to be random bits of color.

You could also try the villain stops at X health custom encounters.

Encounter: BF1
Type: Custom
Actions: villains stops at three quarters health, villains fight heroes
Villains: myvillain named bob

... cutscenes...

Encounter: BF2
Type: Custom
Actions: villain stops at one half health, villains fight heroes
Villains: myvillain named bob

... cutscenes...

Encounter: BF3
Type: Fight
Villains: myvillain named bob

... cutscenes...

By naming the villain (bob in this example) you tell EZ script to use the same character in each encounter.  You can set cutscenes to tell your story when the villain is down to three-quarters health, half-health, etc.


Thanks guys!  Those are both excellent ideas.  I'm going to try and slap something together this evening. :D


Okay, so I'm reworking my last two fights to incorporate these ideas, but I'm having trouble with the second to last one ending (meaning I haven't even been able to test the last one)....as in, its not.  What I want is to have the villain give out a warning as she falls, but I'm fairly certain that me trying to have her talk after being KOed is what is causing the problem.  Here's the final cutscene, so how should I go about it?

:EDIT: Nevermind, I'm changing formats.  I am however getting that DoEncCustom error again.  I'm going to do a bit more testing, then I'll post.

:EDIT2: Okay, I've fixed a couple of typos, and actually thought I had this liked...but I'm still getting that same error message.  I do not have FFX 3.3 installed yet, as I'm dreading the work involved in merging everything together and backing everything up.  Here's the script.log in my next posts.


[spoiler]>>> system/init.py executed
>>> system/localinit.py executed
>>> system\tredir.py executed
Starting ffx.py v. 3.2.0 build 11; branch = Gold / Release
Loading m25ai.py v. 3.2.0 build 10; branch = beta 2: m25 branch 2
importing missionobjvar.py v1.18
loading datfiles version 0.251000
importing MLOG Reader 1.0.18 release
Starting General Utilities 1.0
missionobjvar(FixLongs): Fixing overflow issue with <SCSTATE_BUOYANT>
missionobjvar defining functions for Campaign play.
CustomHeadCurrentTime 1217099585.515000
Starting Height Check module 1.4
Starting System Utilities 1.4
OBJECTS_HEIGHT: 604 entries
NIF_OBJECTS: 482 entries
Starting skXMapInfo.py  v 0.79 beta
skXMapInfo: m25ai available
Campaign_ReadObjects() warning: object template <water> has more than one entry for attribute <mass>, values 650.000000 and 650.000000
Campaign_ReadObjects() warning: object template <jm_pad_white> has more than one entry for attribute <canPickUp>, values 0.000000 and 0.000000
Campaign_ReadObjects() warning: object template <jm_pad_green> has more than one entry for attribute <canPickUp>, values 0.000000 and 0.000000
Campaign_ReadObjects() warning: object template <jm_pad_brown> has more than one entry for attribute <canPickUp>, values 0.000000 and 0.000000
Campaign_ReadObjects() warning: object template <jm_pad> has more than one entry for attribute <canPickUp>, values 0.000000 and 0.000000
Campaign_ReadObjects() warning: object template <bigwater> has more than one entry for attribute <mass>, values 650.000000 and 650.000000
FFX Mission Plugin 'firehydrant' imported
FFX Mission Plugin 'zombie' imported
Loading freeroam_keepbuildingdamage.py v.1.0.0 build 0; branch = main
FREEROAM_KBD: initialized
FFX Mission Plugin 'freeroam_keepbuildingdamage' imported
FFX Mission Plugin 'm25ai_lowjumper' imported
FFX Mission Plugin 'm25ai_realitymanipulation' imported
FFX Mission Plugin 'cutscene_power' imported
Loading m25enc.py v.3.2.0 July 5, 2008
Loading m25freeroam.py v. 3.2.0 build 7; branch = m25 branch 1
FFX Mission Plugin 'm25encexit' imported
Loading     m25enc_OPENDOOR.py v.1.0.0 build 0; branch = main
FFX Mission Plugin 'm25enc_opendoor' imported
FFX Mission Plugin 'm25enc_reqchar' imported
Loading     m25enc_simplechoice.py v.1.0.0 build 0; branch = main
FFX Mission Plugin 'm25enc_simplechoice' imported
FFX Mission Plugin 'm25encstory' imported
Starting Built-In Function Wrapper 1.5
('Object_CalcPrestige', 'js')
>>> C:\Documents and Settings\Owner\Local Settings\Application Data\Irrational Games\Freedom Force vs the 3rd Reich\temp\MiniMod JLA8.py executed
>>> C:\Documents and Settings\Owner\Local Settings\Application Data\Irrational Games\Freedom Force vs the 3rd Reich\temp\danger.py executed
MISSION: EZScript MiniMod/Campaign Precache.
PSTORY: {'name': 'JLA8', 'encounters': [{'marker': 'encounter', 'type': 'Alliance', 'timeofday': 'none', 'required_map': [], 'trigger': [], 'next': ['Bell1'], 'objectives': [], 'parameters': [['allies', 'batman, aquaman_classic, wonder_woman']], 'name': 'Friend', 'cutscenes': [], 'pre': []}, {'minions': ['white_martian'], 'marker': 'alien4', 'type': 'Custom', 'timeofday': 'none', 'required_map': [], 'trigger': [], 'next': ['Bell2'], 'objectives': [], 'parameters': [['actions', 'Villains Fight Heroes, Villains Are Invulnerable, Invulnerability Can End, Invulnerability Ends When Minions Defeated, Villain stops at three quarters health'], ['villaininvulnerabilityeffect', 'effect_ffx_energyshield']], 'name': 'Bell1', 'villains': ['bel_juz'], 'cutscenes': [{'replace': [], 'name': 'Alert', 'required': ['batman', 'aquaman_classic', 'wonder_woman', 'martian_manhunter', 'bel_juz'], 'priority': 1, 'cutscene': ['CS_Start()', 'CS_Fade(2)', "CS_Revive('batman')", "CS_Revive('aquaman_classic')", "CS_Revive('wonder_woman')", "CS_Camera('martian_manhunter', dist=-160, yaw=0)", 'CS_UnFade(3)', "CS_Speak('martian_manhunter', 'Quickly, we are almost to the control center!', force=0)", "CS_AddArrow('bel_juzarrow', 'bel_juz', arrow_type=js.ARROW_RED)", 'CS_End()']}, {'replace': [], 'name': 'Start', 'required': ['martian_manhunter', 'group3marker6', 'bel_juz', 'superman', 'flash', 'batman'], 'priority': 1, 'cutscene': ['CS_Start()', "CS_MoveTo('martian_manhunter', 'group3marker6')", "CS_Camera('martian_manhunter', dist=-160, yaw=0)", 'CS_Speak(\'bel_juz\', "Hello J\'onn...", force=0)', "CS_Animate('martian_manhunter','pain')", "CS_Camera('bel_juz', dist=-160, yaw=0)", "CS_Speak('bel_juz', 'I have missed you these last millennia...I dreamed of you as I slept.', force=0)", "CS_Camera('martian_manhunter', dist=-160, yaw=0)", "CS_Animate('martian_manhunter','stunned')", 'CS_Speak(\'martian_manhunter\', \'"B\\\'ell...B\\\'ell J\\\'ouzz? How is this possible?\', force=0)', [/spoiler]


[spoiler]"CS_Camera('superman', dist=-160, yaw=0)", 'CS_Speak(\'superman\', "J\'onn, who is this woman?", force=0)', "CS_Animate('superman','ranged')", "CS_Camera('martian_manhunter', dist=-160, yaw=0)", "CS_Speak('martian_manhunter', 'She is...was, my partner, a Manhunter, one of the best, but she betrayed us, her own people...and the sacred trust of her vocation.', force=0)", "CS_Camera('bel_juz', dist=-160, yaw=0)", "CS_Animate('bel_juz','ranged_2')", "CS_Speak('bel_juz', 'I WAS the best', force=0)", "CS_Camera('martian_manhunter', dist=-160, yaw=0)", "CS_Speak('martian_manhunter', 'She joined with the exiles, even led them against us...against me.', force=0)", "CS_Camera('bel_juz', dist=-160, yaw=0)", 'CS_Speak(\'bel_juz\', "Don\'t be silly J\'onn, it wasn\'t personal; it was simply a matter of survival. The S\'ourns were GOING to win. They were strong in all the ways our people were weak!", force=0)', "CS_Animate('bel_juz','area_4')", "CS_Camera('martian_manhunter', dist=-160, yaw=0)", "CS_Animate('martian_manhunter','ranged_2')", 'CS_Speak(\'martian_manhunter\', "There is no strength in the taking of life, only in it\'s preservation.", force=0)', "CS_Camera('bel_juz', dist=-160, yaw=0)", 'CS_Speak(\'bel_juz\', "Don\'t quote scripture to me J\'onzz!", force=0)', "CS_Animate('bel_juz','area_5')", 'CS_Speak(\'bel_juz\', "The war wasn\'t personal, but what I did to your wife and daugther, I have to admit, I enjoyed!", force=0)', "CS_Camera('martian_manhunter', dist=-160, yaw=0)", "CS_Animate('martian_manhunter','stunned')", "CS_Speak('martian_manhunter', 'Monster!', force=0)", "CS_Camera('flash', dist=-160, yaw=0)", "CS_Speak('flash', 'She killed his wife...good lord!', force=0)", "CS_Camera('batman', dist=-160, yaw=0)", 'CS_Speak(\'batman\', "I\'ve heard enough, let\'s take them down!", force=0)', 'CS_End()']}, {'replace': [], 'name': 'Villainshurt', 'required': ['bel_juz', 'martian_manhunter'], 'priority': 1, 'cutscene': ['CS_Start()', "CS_Camera('bel_juz', dist=-160, yaw=0)", 'CS_Speak(\'bel_juz\', "Did anyone ever tell you how your wife begged in her final moments, J\'onn? She called on your name, and your false god\'s, but neither answered!", force=0)', "CS_Camera('martian_manhunter', dist=-160, yaw=0)", "CS_Animate('martian_manhunter','melee')", "CS_Speak('martian_manhunter', 'Unlike her, you will never see paradise you demon!', force=0)", 'CS_End()']}], 'pre': []}, {'marker': 'alien4', 'type': 'Custom', 'timeofday': 'none', 'required_map': [], 'trigger': [], 'next': ['Final1'], 'objectives': [], 'parameters': [['actions', 'Villains Fight Heroes, Villain stops at one quarter health']], 'name': 'Bell2', 'villains': ['bel_juz'], 'cutscenes': [{'replace': [], 'name': 'Villainshurt', 'required': ['martian_manhunter', 'bel_juz', 'aquaman_classic', 'green_lantern'], 'priority': 1, 'cutscene': ['CS_Start()', 'CS_Fade(2)', "CS_Camera('martian_manhunter', dist=-160, yaw=0)", "CS_MoveTo('martian_manhunter', 'bel_juz')", 'CS_UnFade(3)', "CS_Animate('bel_juz','stunned')", "CS_Speak('martian_manhunter', 'Now you must face the justice of this people, just as you escaped the justice of our own people.', force=0)", "CS_Camera('bel_juz', dist=-160, yaw=0)", "CS_Speak('bel_juz', 'N...no...not today...I may have fallen, but I delayed you fools long enough...my master has arrived! I can feel his thoughts even now!', force=0)", "CS_Animate('bel_juz','fall')", "CS_Camera('martian_manhunter', dist=-160, yaw=0)", "CS_Animate('martian_manhunter','idle_2')", "CS_Speak('martian_manhunter', 'The Imperium.', force=0)", "CS_Speak('aquaman_classic', 'What IS the Imperium?', force=0)", "CS_Speak('martian_manhunter', 'It is the supreme intelligence of the parasites, a creature of unparalleled power and evil...it can draw on the mental strenght of their entire race. We have met before.', force=0)", "CS_Camera('green_lantern', dist=-160, yaw=0)", 'CS_Speak(\'green_lantern\', "What\'s one more big lizard...right?", force=0)', "CS_Speak('martian_manhunter', 'You shall see, very soon. This way!', force=0)", 'CS_End()']}], 'pre': []}, {'marker': 'alien4', 'type': 'Fight', 'timeofday': 'none', 'required_map': [], 'trigger': [], 'next': [], 'objectives': [], 'parameters': [], 'name': 'Gang1', 'villains': ['white_martian'], 'cutscenes': [{'replace': [], 'name': 'End', 'required': ['bel_juz', 'superman', 'martian_manhunter'], 'priority': 1, 'cutscene': ['CS_Start()', "CS_Camera('bel_juz', dist=-160, yaw=0)", "CS_Animate('bel_juz','area_3')", 'CS_Speak(\'bel_juz\', "Do your worst sanctimonious one, I am protected by the S\'ourns, and I share their strength!", force=0)', "CS_Camera('superman', dist=-160, yaw=0)", "CS_Animate('superman','melee')", 'CS_Speak(\'superman\', "She\'s right, we can\'t seem to hurt her!", force=0)', "CS_Camera('martian_manhunter', dist=-160, yaw=0)",
"CS_Animate('martian_manhunter','ranged_3')", "CS_Speak('martian_manhunter', 'A psychokinetic shield-she is prtoected by the combined thoughts of her servants!', force=0)", 'CS_End()']}], 'pre': []}, {'minions': ['white_martian'], 'marker': 'alien5', 'type': 'Custom', 'timeofday': 'none', 'required_map': [], 'trigger': [], 'next': ['__win__'], 'objectives': [], 'parameters': [['actions', 'Villains Fight Heroes, Villains Are Invulnerable, Invulnerability Can End, Invulnerability Ends When Objects Destroyed, Heroes Destroy Objects, Villain stops at one quarter health'], ['object', 'pillar_shadow, pillar_shadow, pillar_shadow, pillar_shadow']], 'name': 'Final1', 'villains': ['white_martian_brain'], 'cutscenes': [{'replace': [], 'name': 'Alert', 'required': ['white_martian_brain'], 'priority': 1, 'cutscene': ["CS_AddArrow('white_martian_brainarrow', 'white_martian_brain', arrow_type=js.ARROW_RED)"]}, {'replace': [], 'name': 'Start', 'required': ['white_martian_brain', 'flash', 'green_lantern', 'martian_manhunter', 'wonder_woman', 'batman', 'aquaman_classic', 'superman'], 'priority': 1, 'cutscene': ['CS_Start()', "CS_Camera('white_martian_brain', dist=-160, yaw=0)", 'CS_Speak(\'white_martian_brain\', "J\'onn J\'onzz, we meet again. I am pleased that you have survived long enough for me to destroy you personally.", force=0)', "CS_Camera('flash', dist=-160, yaw=0)", "CS_Speak('flash', 'That is one BIG lizard...', force=0)", "CS_Camera('green_lantern', dist=-160, yaw=0)", 'CS_Speak(\'green_lantern\', "He...ugh...he doesn\'t look so tough, right guys?", force=0)', "CS_Camera('martian_manhunter', dist=-160, yaw=0)", "CS_Speak('martian_manhunter', 'Perhaps not Lantern, but do not be fooled by appearances. Here in the center of his domain, the Imperium will be almost impossible to defeat...but we must try!', force=0)", "CS_Animate('martian_manhunter','melee')", "CS_Camera('flash', dist=-160, yaw=0)", "CS_Animate('flash','pain')", "CS_Speak('flash', ' Great, ANOTHER invulnerable monster!', force=0)", "CS_Camera('wonder_woman', dist=-160, yaw=0)", "CS_Speak('wonder_woman', 'There is no such thing as an unbeatable foe!', force=0)", "CS_Camera('batman', dist=-160, yaw=0)", 'CS_Speak(\'batman\', "She\'s right, every enemy has a weakness, and I think I know theirs! Smash the pillars, we\'ve got to bring down the roof!", force=0)', "CS_Speak('aquaman_classic', 'What?!', force=0)", "CS_Camera('superman', dist=-160, yaw=0)", 'CS_Speak(\'superman\', "By now I\'ve learned to trust the man, just do it!", force=0)', 'CS_End()']}, {'replace': [], 'name': 'ObjectsDestroyed', 'required': ['martian_manhunter', 'white_martian_brain'], 'priority': 1, 'cutscene': ['CS_Start()', 'CS_Fade(2)', "CS_Lighting('noon')", "CS_Camera('martian_manhunter', dist=-160, yaw=0)", "CS_TurnTo('martian_manhunter', 'white_martian_brain')", "CS_Animate('martian_manhunter','ranged')", "CS_Speak('martian_manhunter', 'The sun, I see now! The Imperium is defenseless!', force=0)", 'CS_End()']}, {'replace': [], 'name': 'End', 'required': ['white_martian_brain', 'martian_manhunter', 'green_lantern', 'aquaman_classic', 'batman', 'flash', 'superman', 'wonder_woman'], 'priority': 1, 'cutscene': ['CS_Start()', 'CS_Fade(2)', "CS_Revive('white_martian_brain')", "CS_Camera('white_martian_brain', dist=-160, yaw=0)", [/spoiler]


[spoiler]"CS_Animate('white_martian_brain','stunned')", 'CS_UnFade(3)', 'CS_Speak(\'white_martian_brain\', "Nooo! Curse you J\'onzz! I will see you in the inferno, I promise you that!", force=0)', "CS_Animate('white_martian_brain','fall')", "CS_Camera('martian_manhunter', dist=-160, yaw=0)", "CS_Animate('martian_manhunter','power')", "CS_Speak('martian_manhunter', 'Now I see why you prowl the night, why you hide deep in your holes like the animals you are. You fear the sun! Does it burn your pale, putrid flesh? Then burn, as my people burned!', force=0)", "CS_Camera('white_martian_brain', dist=-160, yaw=0)", "CS_Camera('green_lantern', dist=-160, yaw=0)", "CS_Speak('green_lantern', 'Deep space dwellers...I should have seen it!', force=0)", "CS_Camera('aquaman_classic', dist=-160, yaw=0)", "CS_Speak('aquaman_classic', 'What does that have to do with anything?', force=0)", 'CS_Speak(\'batman\', "Having been exiled in deep space for millenia, the S\'ourns had no defenses against solar radiation.", force=0)', "CS_Camera('flash', dist=-160, yaw=0)", "CS_Speak('flash', 'So...what happens now?', force=0)", "CS_Camera('superman', dist=-160, yaw=0)", "CS_Animate('superman','ranged')", 'CS_Speak(\'superman\', "They\'re running! I can see them leaving all over the city!", force=0)', "CS_Camera('martian_manhunter', dist=-160, yaw=0)", "CS_Speak('martian_manhunter', 'Without the Imperium to lead and connect them, they will be scattered, disorganized, and directionless. I do not believe that your world need fear them any longer.', force=0)", "CS_Camera('batman', dist=-160, yaw=0)", "CS_Speak('batman', 'What about the woman? She escaped while we were occupied with the Imperium.', force=0)", "CS_Camera('superman', dist=-160, yaw=0)", "CS_Speak('superman', 'What can she do without an army?', force=0)", "CS_Camera('batman', dist=-160, yaw=0)", 'CS_Speak(\'batman\', "I\'d rather not find out...", force=0)', "CS_Camera('wonder_woman', dist=-160, yaw=0)", "CS_Animate('wonder_woman','power')", "CS_Speak('wonder_woman', 'Now is a time for celebration, we have won a great victory!', force=0)", "CS_Camera('aquaman_classic', dist=-160, yaw=0)", 'CS_Speak(\'aquaman_classic\', "The princess is right, we\'ve saved the Earth, both above and below the waves.", force=0)', 'CS_End()']}], 'pre': []}], 'start': []}
PSTORY: {'JLA8': {'encounters': {'Final1': {'next': ['__win__'], 'required_map': [], 'timeofday': 'none', 'action': ['DoEncCustom(villains = [\'white_martian_brain\'], minions = [\'white_martian\'], cutscenes = [[\'alertcs\', [[\'priority\', 1], [\'required\', \'white_martian_brain\'], [\'cutscene\', "CS_AddArrow(\'white_martian_brainarrow\', \'white_martian_brain\', arrow_type=js.ARROW_RED)"]]], [\'startcs\', [[\'priority\', 1], [\'required\', \'white_martian_brain\', \'flash\', \'green_lantern\', \'martian_manhunter\', \'wonder_woman\', \'batman\', \'aquaman_classic\', \'superman\'], [\'cutscene\', \'CS_Start()\', "CS_Camera(\'white_martian_brain\', dist=-160, yaw=0)", \'CS_Speak(\\\'white_martian_brain\\\', "J\\\'onn J\\\'onzz, we meet again. I am pleased that you have survived long enough for me to destroy you personally.", force=0)\', "CS_Camera(\'flash\', dist=-160, yaw=0)", "CS_Speak(\'flash\', \'That is one BIG lizard...\', force=0)", "CS_Camera(\'green_lantern\', dist=-160, yaw=0)", \'CS_Speak(\\\'green_lantern\\\', "He...ugh...he doesn\\\'t look so tough, right guys?", force=0)\', "CS_Camera(\'martian_manhunter\', dist=-160, yaw=0)", "CS_Speak(\'martian_manhunter\', \'Perhaps not Lantern, but do not be fooled by appearances. Here in the center of his domain, the Imperium will be almost impossible to defeat...but we must try!\', force=0)", "CS_Animate(\'martian_manhunter\',\'melee\')", "CS_Camera(\'flash\', dist=-160, yaw=0)", "CS_Animate(\'flash\',\'pain\')", "CS_Speak(\'flash\', \' Great, ANOTHER invulnerable monster!\', force=0)", "CS_Camera(\'wonder_woman\', dist=-160, yaw=0)", "CS_Speak(\'wonder_woman\', \'There is no such thing as an unbeatable foe!\', force=0)", "CS_Camera(\'batman\', dist=-160, yaw=0)", \'CS_Speak(\\\'batman\\\', "She\\\'s right, every enemy has a weakness, and I think I know theirs! Smash the pillars, we\\\'ve got to bring down the roof!", force=0)\', "CS_Speak(\'aquaman_classic\', \'What?!\', force=0)", "CS_Camera(\'superman\', dist=-160, yaw=0)", \'CS_Speak(\\\'superman\\\', "By now I\\\'ve learned to trust the man, just do it!", force=0)\', \'CS_End()\']]], [\'objectsdestroyedcs\', [[\'priority\', 1], [\'required\', \'martian_manhunter\', \'white_martian_brain\'], [\'cutscene\', \'CS_Start()\', \'CS_Fade(2)\', "CS_Lighting(\'noon\')", "CS_Camera(\'martian_manhunter\', dist=-160, yaw=0)", "CS_TurnTo(\'martian_manhunter\', \'white_martian_brain\')", "CS_Animate(\'martian_manhunter\',\'ranged\')", "CS_Speak(\'martian_manhunter\', \'The sun, I see now! The Imperium is defenseless!\', force=0)", \'CS_End()\']]], [\'endcs\', [[\'priority\', 1], [\'required\', \'white_martian_brain\', \'martian_manhunter\', \'green_lantern\', \'aquaman_classic\', \'batman\', \'flash\', \'superman\', \'wonder_woman\'], [\'cutscene\', \'CS_Start()\', \'CS_Fade(2)\', "CS_Revive(\'white_martian_brain\')", "CS_Camera(\'white_martian_brain\', dist=-160, yaw=0)", "CS_Animate(\'white_martian_brain\',\'stunned\')", \'CS_UnFade(3)\', \'CS_Speak(\\\'white_martian_brain\\\', "Nooo! Curse you J\\\'onzz! I will see you in the inferno, I promise you that!", force=0)\', "CS_Animate(\'white_martian_brain\',\'fall\')", "CS_Camera(\'martian_manhunter\', dist=-160, yaw=0)", "CS_Animate(\'martian_manhunter\',\'power\')", "CS_Speak(\'martian_manhunter\', \'Now I see why you prowl the night, why you hide deep in your holes like the animals you are. You fear the sun! Does it burn your pale, putrid flesh? Then burn, as my people burned!\', force=0)", "CS_Camera(\'white_martian_brain\', dist=-160, yaw=0)", "CS_Camera(\'green_lantern\', dist=-160, yaw=0)", "CS_Speak(\'green_lantern\', \'Deep space dwellers...I should have seen it!\', force=0)", "CS_Camera(\'aquaman_classic\', dist=-160, yaw=0)", "CS_Speak(\'aquaman_classic\', \'What does that have to do with anything?\', force=0)", \'CS_Speak(\\\'batman\\\', "Having been exiled in deep space for millenia, the S\\\'ourns had no defenses against solar radiation.", force=0)\', "CS_Camera(\'flash\', dist=-160, yaw=0)", "CS_Speak(\'flash\', \'So...what happens now?\', force=0)", "CS_Camera(\'superman\', dist=-160, yaw=0)", "CS_Animate(\'superman\',\'ranged\')", \'CS_Speak(\\\'superman\\\', "They\\\'re running! I can see them leaving all over the city!", force=0)\', "CS_Camera(\'martian_manhunter\', dist=-160, yaw=0)", "CS_Speak(\'martian_manhunter\', \'Without the Imperium to lead and connect them, they will be scattered, disorganized, and directionless. I do not believe that your world need fear them any longer.\', force=0)", "CS_Camera(\'batman\', dist=-160, yaw=0)", "CS_Speak(\'batman\', \'What about the woman? She escaped while we were occupied with the Imperium.\', force=0)", "CS_Camera(\'superman\', dist=-160, yaw=0)", "CS_Speak(\'superman\', \'What can she do without an army?\', force=0)", "CS_Camera(\'batman\', dist=-160, yaw=0)", \'CS_Speak(\\\'batman\\\', "I\\\'d rather not find out...", force=0)\', "CS_Camera(\'wonder_woman\', dist=-160, yaw=0)", "CS_Animate(\'wonder_woman\',\'power\')", "CS_Speak(\'wonder_woman\', \'Now is a time for celebration, we have won a great victory!\', force=0)", "CS_Camera(\'aquaman_classic\', dist=-160, yaw=0)", \'CS_Speak(\\\'aquaman_classic\\\', "The princess is right, we\\\'ve saved the Earth, both above and below the waves.", force=0)\', \'CS_End()\']]]], marker = \'alien5\', actions = \'Villains Fight Heroes, Villains Are Invulnerable, Invulnerability Can End, Invulnerability Ends When Objects Destroyed, Heroes Destroy Objects, Villain stops at one quarter health\', object = \'pillar_shadow, pillar_shadow, pillar_shadow, pillar_shadow\')']}, 'Friend': {'timeofday': 'none', 'next': ['Bell1'], 'trigger': ['start'], 'action': ["DoEncAlliance(cutscenes = [], marker = 'encounter', allies = ['batman', 'aquaman_classic', 'wonder_woman'])"], 'required_map': []}, 'Bell1': {'next': ['Bell2'], 'required_map': [], 'timeofday': 'none', 'action': ['DoEncCustom(villains = [\'bel_juz\'], minions = [\'white_martian\'], cutscenes = [[\'alertcs\', [[\'priority\', 1], [\'required\', \'batman\', \'aquaman_classic\', \'wonder_woman\', \'martian_manhunter\', \'bel_juz\'], [\'cutscene\', \'CS_Start()\', \'CS_Fade(2)\', "CS_Revive(\'batman\')", "CS_Revive(\'aquaman_classic\')", "CS_Revive(\'wonder_woman\')", "CS_Camera(\'martian_manhunter\', dist=-160, yaw=0)", \'CS_UnFade(3)\', "CS_Speak(\'martian_manhunter\', \'Quickly, we are almost to the control center!\', force=0)", "CS_AddArrow(\'bel_juzarrow\', \'bel_juz\', arrow_type=js.ARROW_RED)", \'CS_End()\']]], [\'startcs\', [[\'priority\', 1], [\'required\', \'martian_manhunter\', \'group3marker6\', \'bel_juz\', \'superman\', \'flash\', \'batman\'], [\'cutscene\', \'CS_Start()\', "CS_MoveTo(\'martian_manhunter\', \'group3marker6\')", "CS_Camera(\'martian_manhunter\', dist=-160, yaw=0)", \'CS_Speak(\\\'bel_juz\\\', "Hello J\\\'onn...", force=0)\', "CS_Animate(\'martian_manhunter\',\'pain\')", "CS_Camera(\'bel_juz\', dist=-160, yaw=0)", "CS_Speak(\'bel_juz\', \'I have missed you these last millennia...I dreamed of you as I slept.\', force=0)", "CS_Camera(\'martian_manhunter\', dist=-160, yaw=0)", "CS_Animate(\'martian_manhunter\',\'stunned\')", \'CS_Speak(\\\'martian_manhunter\\\', \\\'"B\\\\\\\'ell...B\\\\\\\'ell J\\\\\\\'ouzz? How is this possible?\\\', force=0)\', "CS_Camera(\'superman\', dist=-160, yaw=0)", \'CS_Speak(\\\'superman\\\', "J\\\'onn, who is this woman?", force=0)\', "CS_Animate(\'superman\',\'ranged\')", "CS_Camera(\'martian_manhunter\', dist=-160, yaw=0)", "CS_Speak(\'martian_manhunter\', \'She is...was, my partner, a Manhunter, one of the best, but she betrayed us, her own people...and the sacred trust of her vocation.\', force=0)", "CS_Camera(\'bel_juz\', dist=-160, yaw=0)", "CS_Animate(\'bel_juz\',\'ranged_2\')", "CS_Speak(\'bel_juz\', \'I WAS the best\', force=0)", "CS_Camera(\'martian_manhunter\', dist=-160, yaw=0)", "CS_Speak(\'martian_manhunter\', \'She joined with the exiles, even led them against us...against me.\', force=0)", "CS_Camera(\'bel_juz\', dist=-160, yaw=0)", \'CS_Speak(\\\'bel_juz\\\', "Don\\\'t be silly J\\\'onn, it wasn\\\'t personal; it was simply a matter of survival. The S\\\'ourns were GOING to win. They were strong in all the ways our people were weak!", force=0)\', "CS_Animate(\'bel_juz\',\'area_4\')", "CS_Camera(\'martian_manhunter\', dist=-160, yaw=0)", "CS_Animate(\'martian_manhunter\',\'ranged_2\')", \'CS_Speak(\\\'martian_manhunter\\\', "There is no strength in the taking of life, only in it\\\'s preservation.", force=0)\', "CS_Camera(\'bel_juz\', dist=-160, yaw=0)", \'CS_Speak(\\\'bel_juz\\\', "Don\\\'t quote scripture to me J\\\'onzz!", force=0)\', "CS_Animate(\'bel_juz\',\'area_5\')", \'CS_Speak(\\\'bel_juz\\\', "The war wasn\\\'t personal, but what I did to your wife and daugther, I have to admit, I enjoyed!", force=0)\', "CS_Camera(\'martian_manhunter\', dist=-160, yaw=0)", "CS_Animate(\'martian_manhunter\',\'stunned\')", "CS_Speak(\'martian_manhunter\', \'Monster!\', force=0)", "CS_Camera(\'flash\', dist=-160, yaw=0)", "CS_Speak(\'flash\', \'She killed his wife...good lord!\', force=0)", "CS_Camera(\'batman\', dist=-160, yaw=0)", \'CS_Speak(\\\'batman\\\', "I\\\'ve heard enough, let\\\'s take them down!", force=0)\', \'CS_End()\']]], [\'villainshurtcs\', [[\'priority\', 1], [\'required\', \'bel_juz\', \'martian_manhunter\'], [\'cutscene\', \'CS_Start()\', "CS_Camera(\'bel_juz\', dist=-160, yaw=0)", \'CS_Speak(\\\'bel_juz\\\', "Did anyone ever tell you how your wife begged in her final moments, J\\\'onn? She called on your name, and your false god\\\'s, but neither answered!", force=0)\', "CS_Camera(\'martian_manhunter\', dist=-160, yaw=0)", "CS_Animate(\'martian_manhunter\',\'melee\')", "CS_Speak(\'martian_manhunter\', \'Unlike her, you will never see paradise you demon!\', force=0)", \'CS_End()\']]]], marker = \'alien4\', actions = \'Villains Fight Heroes, Villains Are Invulnerable, Invulnerability Can End, Invulnerability Ends When Minions Defeated, Villain stops at three quarters health\', villaininvulnerabilityeffect = \'effect_ffx_energyshield\')']}, '__end__': {'action': ["ff.Story_SetStoryEnded('JLA8')"]}, 'Bell2': {'next': ['Final1'], 'required_map': [], 'timeofday': 'none', 'action': ['DoEncCustom(villains = [\'bel_juz\'], cutscenes = [[\'villainshurtcs\', [[\'priority\', 1], [\'required\', \'martian_manhunter\', \'bel_juz\', \'aquaman_classic\', \'green_lantern\'], [\'cutscene\', \'CS_Start()\', \'CS_Fade(2)\', "CS_Camera(\'martian_manhunter\', dist=-160, yaw=0)", "CS_MoveTo(\'martian_manhunter\', \'bel_juz\')", \'CS_UnFade(3)\', "CS_Animate(\'bel_juz\',\'stunned\')", "CS_Speak(\'martian_manhunter\', \'Now you must face the justice of this people, just as you escaped the justice of our own people.\', force=0)", "CS_Camera(\'bel_juz\', dist=-160, yaw=0)", "CS_Speak(\'bel_juz\', \'N...no...not today...I may have fallen, but I delayed you fools long enough...my master has arrived! I can feel his thoughts even now!\', force=0)", "CS_Animate(\'bel_juz\',\'fall\')", "CS_Camera(\'martian_manhunter\', dist=-160, yaw=0)", "CS_Animate(\'martian_manhunter\',\'idle_2\')", "CS_Speak(\'martian_manhunter\', \'The Imperium.\', force=0)", "CS_Speak(\'aquaman_classic\', \'What IS the Imperium?\', force=0)", "CS_Speak(\'martian_manhunter\', \'It is the supreme intelligence of the parasites, a creature of unparalleled power and evil...it can draw on the mental strenght of their entire race. We have met before.\', force=0)", "CS_Camera(\'green_lantern\', dist=-160, yaw=0)", \'CS_Speak(\\\'green_lantern\\\', "What\\\'s one more big lizard...right?", force=0)\', "CS_Speak(\'martian_manhunter\', \'You shall see, very soon. This way!\', force=0)", \'CS_End()\']]]], marker = \'alien4\', actions = \'Villains Fight Heroes, Villain stops at one quarter health\')']}, 'Gang1': {'next': ['Final1'], 'required_map': [], 'timeofday': 'none', 'action': ['DoEncCustom(villains = [\'white_martian\'], cutscenes = [[\'endcs\', [[\'priority\', 1], [\'required\', \'bel_juz\', \'superman\', \'martian_manhunter\'], [\'cutscene\', \'CS_Start()\', "CS_Camera(\'bel_juz\', dist=-160, yaw=0)", "CS_Animate(\'bel_juz\',\'area_3\')", \'CS_Speak(\\\'bel_juz\\\', "Do your worst sanctimonious one, I am protected by the S\\\'ourns, and I share their strength!", force=0)\', "CS_Camera(\'superman\', dist=-160, yaw=0)", "CS_Animate(\'superman\',\'melee\')", \'CS_Speak(\\\'superman\\\', "She\\\'s right, we can\\\'t seem to hurt her!", force=0)\', "CS_Camera(\'martian_manhunter\', dist=-160, yaw=0)", "CS_Animate(\'martian_manhunter\',\'ranged_3\')", "CS_Speak(\'martian_manhunter\', \'A psychokinetic shield-she is prtoected by the combined thoughts of her servants!\', force=0)", \'CS_End()\']]]], marker = \'alien4\', actions="villains fight heroes, allies fight villains")']}, '__win__': {'action': ['ff.Story_WinMission()']}, '__lose__': {'action': ['ff.Story_LoseMission()']}}}}[/spoiler]


I am SO sorry for the quadruple post, but this was a ridiculous script.log.  Anyway, believe or not, this has been parred down a bit too. :wacko: 

PSTORY: precaching batman
PSTORY: precaching aquaman_classic
PSTORY: precaching wonder_woman
PSTORY: precaching white_martian
PSTORY: precaching bel_juz
PSTORY: precaching white_martian_brain
! GetMapInfo
>>> C:\Documents and Settings\Owner\Local Settings\Application Data\Irrational Games\Freedom Force vs the 3rd Reich\temp\MiniMod JLA8.py executed
MISSION: On Post Init... start.
MLOG_Init(keepRunningModules=0): starting up
mlogreader.MLOG_Init: current mission = '08_JLA_FINAL_DS_UNDERWORLD'
initialising FFX: skirmish=0
mapinfocaliper0 is not a valid explosion object
mapinfocaliper1 is not a valid explosion object
mapinfocaliper2 is not a valid explosion object
mapinfocaliper3 is not a valid explosion object
storing hero_0: id_1,-67
storing hero_1: id_2,-68
storing hero_2: id_3,-69
storing hero_3: id_4,-70
MISSION: On Post Init... complete; starting story.
ENCOUNTER: Setting up encounter 1
ENCOUNTER: Start marker found for ['encounter'] 'encounter1'
GROUP: '1_minion' set to []
GROUP: '1_minion' set to []
GROUP: '1_minion' set to []
m25obj_2 batman encounter1_ally1
AI: SetupAI() - setting ai for m25obj_2 ('batman')
m25obj_4 aquaman_classic encounter1_ally2
AI: SetupAI() - setting ai for m25obj_4 ('aquaman_classic')
m25obj_6 wonder_woman encounter1_ally3
AI: SetupAI() - setting ai for m25obj_6 ('wonder_woman')
GROUP: '1_ally' set to []
GROUP: 'm25obj_2' added to group '1_ally'
GROUP: 'm25obj_4' added to group '1_ally'
GROUP: 'm25obj_6' added to group '1_ally'
GROUP: '1_ally' set to ['m25obj_2', 'm25obj_4', 'm25obj_6']
GROUP: '1_object' set to []
GROUP: '1_object' set to []
ENCOUNTER: Encounter spawn complete for 1
ENCOUNTER: Encounter cutscenes complete for 1
GOAL: Adding goal Goal_MoveToHero(1000,20,200) to character m25obj_2
GOAL: Adding goal Goal_MoveToHero(1001,20,200) to character m25obj_4
GOAL: Adding goal Goal_MoveToHero(1002,20,200) to character m25obj_6
ENCOUNTER: Encounter goals complete for 1
ENCOUNTER: Encounter objectives complete for 1
ENCOUNTER: Encounter parameters complete for 1
ENCOUNTER: Encounter post function 'Alliance_Setup'
ENCOUNTER: Encounter post function 'EncStartOnEnterMarker_Setup'
ENCOUNTER: Encounter post complete for 1
ENCOUNTER: Saving encounter data for 1
ENCOUNTER: PlayEncCutscene(): 'alertcs' : None
ENCOUNTER: PlayCutsceneFromList(): None : None ... []
ENCOUNTER: Encounter setup complete for 1
AI: SetupAI() - setting ai for hero_0 ('superman')
GROUP: 'team1' set to []
GROUP: 'hero_0' added to group 'team1'
GROUP: 'team1' set to ['hero_0']
AI: SetupAI() - setting ai for hero_1 ('martian_manhunter')
GROUP: 'hero_1' added to group 'team1'
GROUP: 'team1' set to ['hero_0', 'hero_1']
AI: SetupAI() - setting ai for hero_2 ('green_lantern')
GROUP: 'hero_2' added to group 'team1'
GROUP: 'team1' set to ['hero_0', 'hero_1', 'hero_2']
AI: SetupAI() - setting ai for hero_3 ('flash')
GROUP: 'hero_3' added to group 'team1'
GROUP: 'team1' set to ['hero_0', 'hero_1', 'hero_2', 'hero_3']
GROUP: 'hero_3' automatically promoted to leader of group 'team1'
GROUP: 'hero_3' made leader of group 'team1'
GOAL: Adding goal Goal_Guard(1003,'hero_3',19) to character hero_0
GOAL: Adding goal Goal_Guard(1004,'hero_3',19) to character hero_1
GOAL: Adding goal Goal_Guard(1005,'hero_3',19) to character hero_2
GROUP: 'team1' set to guard 'hero_3'
GOAL: Adding goal Goal_StayWithTeam(1006,20) to character hero_3
ENCOUNTER: Enc_CheckStart starting 1
ENCOUNTER: PlayEncCutscene(): 'startcs' : 'Enc_StandardStartEnable(1)'
ENCOUNTER: PlayCutsceneFromList(): None : 'Enc_StandardStartEnable(1)' ... []
GROUP: empty '1_minion' cannot have a leader promoted
ENCOUNTER: PlayEncCutscene(): 'alliessavedcs' : 'AllyFight_Over(1,["end","allies saved"])'
ENCOUNTER: PlayCutsceneFromList(): None : 'AllyFight_Over(1,["end","allies saved"])' ... []
ENCOUNTER: PlayCutsceneFromList(): None : "Enc_CleanUp(1,['end', 'allies saved'], complete=0)" ... []
ENCOUNTER: Encounter ended 1 with ['end', 'allies saved']
ENCOUNTER: Encounter 1 set to continue past end.
ERROR: The encounter DoEncCustom does not exist or is broken.  You may need to download the appropriate plug-in, or check script.log for errors.
ff.DoEncCustom(2,villains = ['bel_juz'], minions = ['white_martian'], cutscenes = [['alertcs', [['priority', 1], ['required', 'batman', 'aquaman_classic', 'wonder_woman', 'martian_manhunter', 'bel_juz'], ['cutscene', 'CS_Start()', 'CS_Fade(2)', "CS_Revive('batman')", "CS_Revive('aquaman_classic')", "CS_Revive('wonder_woman')", "CS_Camera('martian_manhunter', dist=-160, yaw=0)", 'CS_UnFade(3)', "CS_Speak('martian_manhunter', 'Quickly, we are almost to the control center!', force=0)", "CS_AddArrow('bel_juzarrow', 'bel_juz', arrow_type=js.ARROW_RED)", 'CS_End()']]], ['startcs', [['priority', 1], ['required', 'martian_manhunter', 'group3marker6', 'bel_juz', 'superman', 'flash', 'batman'], ['cutscene', 'CS_Start()', "CS_MoveTo('martian_manhunter', 'group3marker6')", "CS_Camera('martian_manhunter', dist=-160, yaw=0)", 'CS_Speak(\'bel_juz\', "Hello J\'onn...", force=0)', "CS_Animate('martian_manhunter','pain')", "CS_Camera('bel_juz', dist=-160, yaw=0)", "CS_Speak('bel_juz', 'I have missed you these last millennia...I dreamed of you as I slept.', force=0)", "CS_Camera('martian_manhunter', dist=-160, yaw=0)", "CS_Animate('martian_manhunter','stunned')", 'CS_Speak(\'martian_manhunter\', \'"B\\\'ell...B\\\'ell J\\\'ouzz? How is this possible?\', force=0)', "CS_Camera('superman', dist=-160, yaw=0)", 'CS_Speak(\'superman\', "J\'onn, who is this woman?", force=0)', "CS_Animate('superman','ranged')", "CS_Camera('martian_manhunter', dist=-160, yaw=0)", "CS_Speak('martian_manhunter', 'She is...was, my partner, a Manhunter, one of the best, but she betrayed us, her own people...and the sacred trust of her vocation.', force=0)", "CS_Camera('bel_juz', dist=-160, yaw=0)", "CS_Animate('bel_juz','ranged_2')", "CS_Speak('bel_juz', 'I WAS the best', force=0)", "CS_Camera('martian_manhunter', dist=-160, yaw=0)", "CS_Speak('martian_manhunter', 'She joined with the exiles, even led them against us...against me.', force=0)", "CS_Camera('bel_juz', dist=-160, yaw=0)", 'CS_Speak(\'bel_juz\', "Don\'t be silly J\'onn, it wasn\'t personal; it was simply a matter of survival. The S\'ourns were GOING to win. They were strong in all the ways our people were weak!", force=0)', "CS_Animate('bel_juz','area_4')", "CS_Camera('martian_manhunter', dist=-160, yaw=0)", "CS_Animate('martian_manhunter','ranged_2')", 'CS_Speak(\'martian_manhunter\', "There is no strength in the taking of life, only in it\'s preservation.", force=0)', "CS_Camera('bel_juz', dist=-160, yaw=0)", 'CS_Speak(\'bel_juz\', "Don\'t quote scripture to me J\'onzz!", force=0)', "CS_Animate('bel_juz','area_5')", 'CS_Speak(\'bel_juz\', "The war wasn\'t personal, but what I did to your wife and daugther, I have to admit, I enjoyed!", force=0)', "CS_Camera('martian_manhunter', dist=-160, yaw=0)", "CS_Animate('martian_manhunter','stunned')", "CS_Speak('martian_manhunter', 'Monster!', force=0)", "CS_Camera('flash', dist=-160, yaw=0)", "CS_Speak('flash', 'She killed his wife...good lord!', force=0)", "CS_Camera('batman', dist=-160, yaw=0)", 'CS_Speak(\'batman\', "I\'ve heard enough, let\'s take them down!", force=0)', 'CS_End()']]], ['villainshurtcs', [['priority', 1], ['required', 'bel_juz', 'martian_manhunter'], ['cutscene', 'CS_Start()', "CS_Camera('bel_juz', dist=-160, yaw=0)", 'CS_Speak(\'bel_juz\', "Did anyone ever tell you how your wife begged in her final moments, J\'onn? She called on your name, and your false god\'s, but neither answered!", force=0)', "CS_Camera('martian_manhunter', dist=-160, yaw=0)", "CS_Animate('martian_manhunter','melee')", "CS_Speak('martian_manhunter', 'Unlike her, you will never see paradise you demon!', force=0)", 'CS_End()']]]], marker = 'alien4', actions = 'Villains Fight Heroes, Villains Are Invulnerable, Invulnerability Can End, Invulnerability Ends When Minions Defeated, Villain stops at three quarters health', villaininvulnerabilityeffect = 'effect_ffx_energyshield',return_function="StorylineEncounterReturn")
Traceback (innermost last):
  File "C:\Program Files\Irrational Games\Freedom Force vs The 3rd Reich\.\DCUG\missions\scripts\m25story.py", line 252, in DoStorylineStateEvent
    DoStorylineState(story, state, event.user)
  File "C:\Program Files\Irrational Games\Freedom Force vs The 3rd Reich\.\DCUG\missions\scripts\m25story.py", line 295, in DoStorylineState
    if not StorySetupEncounter(enc_id,story,state,a):
  File "C:\Program Files\Irrational Games\Freedom Force vs The 3rd Reich\.\DCUG\missions\scripts\m25story.py", line 385, in StorySetupEncounter
    val = eval('ff.%s(%i,%s,return_function="StorylineEncounterReturn")'%(encname,enc_id,encparams))
  File "<string>", line 0, in ?
  File "C:\Program Files\Irrational Games\Freedom Force vs The 3rd Reich\.\DCUG\missions\scripts\m25enc.py", line 4215, in DoEncCustom
    encounter = EncCustom(enc_id, parameters)
  File "C:\Program Files\Irrational Games\Freedom Force vs The 3rd Reich\.\DCUG\missions\scripts\m25enc.py", line 4231, in EncCustom
    encounter = CombineEncounters(encounter, EncGetCustomValues(enc_id, a, parameters))
  File "C:\Program Files\Irrational Games\Freedom Force vs The 3rd Reich\.\DCUG\missions\scripts\m25enc.py", line 1534, in CombineEncounters
    return CombineEncounterData(enc1, enc2)
  File "C:\Program Files\Irrational Games\Freedom Force vs The 3rd Reich\.\DCUG\missions\scripts\m25enc.py", line 1539, in CombineEncounterData
    if enc2.has_key(key):
AttributeError: 'None' object has no attribute 'has_key'
initialising FFQ_initialiseExtras()
FFX_UpdateSun: getting default sun
FFX_UpdateSun: setting = (-80.0, 75.0, 0.800000011921, 0.40000000596, (0.600000023842, 0.300000011921, 0.600000023842))
AI: m25obj_4 no tactic chosen this cycle.
AI: AISetRunning hero_0 to 0
AI: AISetRunning hero_1 to 0
AI: AISetRunning hero_2 to 0
AI: AISetRunning hero_3 to 0
clearCarrierRegistration: clearing attribute 'ragetocrystallisehero_2' for destroyed object 'mapinfocaliper0'
clearCarrierRegistration: clearing attribute 'ragetocrystallisehero_2' for destroyed object 'mapinfocaliper1'
clearCarrierRegistration: clearing attribute 'ragetocrystallisehero_2' for destroyed object 'mapinfocaliper2'
clearCarrierRegistration: clearing attribute 'ragetocrystallisehero_2' for destroyed object 'mapinfocaliper3'[/spoiler]

And here are the pertinent encounters:


Encounter: Bell1
Type: Custom
Actions: Villains Fight Heroes, Villains Are Invulnerable, Invulnerability Can End, Invulnerability Ends When Minions Defeated, Villain stops at three quarters health
Villains: bel_juz
Minions: white_martian
Villain Invulnerability Effect: effect_ffx_energyshield
Marker: alien4
Next: Bell2

Alert Cutscene:
Fade for 2 seconds
batman is Revived
aquaman_classic is Revived
wonder_woman is Revived
Camera on martian_manhunter
Unfade for 3 seconds
martian_manhunter says, "Quickly, we are almost to the control center!"
Red Arrow on bel_juz

Start Cutscene:
Remove Arrow from bel_juz
martian_manhunter moves to group3marker6
Camera on martian_manhunter
bel_juz says, "Hello J'onn..."
martian_manhunter plays animation pain
Camera on bel_juz
bel_juz says, "I have missed you these last millennia...I dreamed of you as I slept."
Camera on martian_manhunter
martian_manhunter plays animation stunned
martian_manhunter says, ""B'ell...B'ell J'ouzz? How is this possible?"
Camera on superman
superman says, "J'onn, who is this woman?"
superman plays animation ranged
Camera on martian_manhunter
martian_manhunter says, "She is...was, my partner, a Manhunter, one of the best, but she betrayed us, her own people...and the sacred trust of her vocation."
Camera on bel_juz
bel_juz plays animation ranged_2
bel_juz says, "I WAS the best"
Camera on martian_manhunter
martian_manhunter says, "She joined with the exiles, even led them against us...against me."
Camera on bel_juz
bel_juz says, "Don't be silly J'onn, it wasn't personal; it was simply a matter of survival. The S'ourns were GOING to win. They were strong in all the ways our people were weak!"
bel_juz plays animation area_4
Camera on martian_manhunter
martian_manhunter plays animation ranged_2
martian_manhunter says, "There is no strength in the taking of life, only in it's preservation."
Camera on bel_juz
bel_juz says, "Don't quote scripture to me J'onzz!"
bel_juz plays animation area_5
bel_juz says, "The war wasn't personal, but what I did to your wife and daugther, I have to admit, I enjoyed!"
Camera on martian_manhunter
martian_manhunter plays animation stunned
martian_manhunter says, "Monster!"
Camera on flash
flash says, "She killed his wife...good lord!"
Camera on batman
batman says, "I've heard enough, let's take them down!"

Villains hurt Cutscene:
Camera on bel_juz
bel_juz says, "Did anyone ever tell you how your wife begged in her final moments, J'onn? She called on your name, and your false god's, but neither answered!"
Camera on martian_manhunter
martian_manhunter plays animation melee
martian_manhunter says, "Unlike her, you will never see paradise you demon!"


Encounter: Bell2
Type: Custom
Actions: Villains Fight Heroes, Villain stops at one quarter health
Villains: bel_juz
Marker: alien4
Next: Final1

Villains hurt Cutscene:
Fade for 2 seconds
Camera on martian_manhunter
martian_manhunter moves to bel_juz
Unfade for 3 seconds
bel_juz plays animation stunned
martian_manhunter says, "Now you must face the justice of this people, just as you escaped the justice of our own people."
Camera on bel_juz
bel_juz says, "N...no...not today...I may have fallen, but I delayed you fools long enough...my master has arrived! I can feel his thoughts even now!"
bel_juz plays animation fall
Camera on martian_manhunter
martian_manhunter plays animation idle_2
martian_manhunter says, "The Imperium."
aquaman_classic says, "What IS the Imperium?'
martian_manhunter says, "It is the supreme intelligence of the parasites, a creature of unparalleled power and evil...it can draw on the mental strenght of their entire race. We have met before."
Camera on green_lantern
green_lantern says, "What's one more big lizard...right?"
martian_manhunter says, "You shall see, very soon. This way!"


Encounter: Gang1
Type: Fight
Villains: white_martian
Marker: alien4

End Cutscene:
Camera on bel_juz
bel_juz plays animation area_3
bel_juz says, "Do your worst sanctimonious one, I am protected by the S'ourns, and I share their strength!"
Camera on superman
superman plays animation melee
superman says, "She's right, we can't seem to hurt her!"
Camera on martian_manhunter
martian_manhunter plays animation ranged_3
martian_manhunter says, "A psychokinetic shield-she is prtoected by the combined thoughts of her servants!"


Encounter: Final1
Type: Custom
Actions: Villains Fight Heroes, Villains Are Invulnerable, Invulnerability Can End, Invulnerability Ends When Objects Destroyed, Heroes Destroy Objects, Villain stops at one quarter health
Villains: white_martian_brain
Minions: white_martian
Object: pillar_shadow, pillar_shadow, pillar_shadow, pillar_shadow
Marker: alien5
Next: __win__

Alert Cutscene:
Red Arrow on white_martian_brain

Start Cutscene:
Remove Arrow from white_martian_brain
Camera on white_martian_brain
white_martian_brain says, "J'onn J'onzz, we meet again. I am pleased that you have survived long enough for me to destroy you personally."
Camera on flash
flash says, "That is one BIG lizard..."
Camera on green_lantern
green_lantern says, "He...ugh...he doesn't look so tough, right guys?"
Camera on martian_manhunter
martian_manhunter says, "Perhaps not Lantern, but do not be fooled by appearances. Here in the center of his domain, the Imperium will be almost impossible to defeat...but we must try!"
martian_manhunter plays animation melee
Camera on flash
flash plays animation pain
flash says," Great, ANOTHER invulnerable monster!"
Camera on wonder_woman
wonder_woman says, "There is no such thing as an unbeatable foe!"
Camera on batman
batman says, "She's right, every enemy has a weakness, and I think I know theirs! Smash the pillars, we've got to bring down the roof!"
aquaman_classic says, "What?!"
Camera on superman
superman says, "By now I've learned to trust the man, just do it!"

Objects Destroyed Cutscene:
Fade for 2 seconds
Set Lighting to noon
Camera on martian_manhunter
martian_manhunter turns to white_martian_brain
martian_manhunter plays animation ranged
martian_manhunter says, "The sun, I see now! The Imperium is defenseless!"

End Cutscene:
Fade for 2 seconds
white_martian_brain is Revived
Camera on white_martian_brain
white_martian_brain plays animation stunned
Unfade for 3 seconds
white_martian_brain says, "Nooo! Curse you J'onzz! I will see you in the inferno, I promise you that!"
white_martian_brain plays animation fall
Camera on martian_manhunter
martian_manhunter plays animation power
martian_manhunter says, "Now I see why you prowl the night, why you hide deep in your holes like the animals you are. You fear the sun! Does it burn your pale, putrid flesh? Then burn, as my people burned!"
Camera on white_martian_brain
Wait 3
Camera on green_lantern
green_lantern says, "Deep space dwellers...I should have seen it!"
Camera on aquaman_classic
aquaman_classic says, "What does that have to do with anything?"
batman says, "Having been exiled in deep space for millenia, the S'ourns had no defenses against solar radiation."
Camera on flash
flash says, "So...what happens now?"
Camera on superman
superman plays animation ranged
superman says, "They're running! I can see them leaving all over the city!"
Camera on martian_manhunter
martian_manhunter says, "Without the Imperium to lead and connect them, they will be scattered, disorganized, and directionless. I do not believe that your world need fear them any longer."
Camera on batman
batman says, "What about the woman? She escaped while we were occupied with the Imperium."
Camera on superman
superman says, "What can she do without an army?"
Camera on batman
batman says, "I'd rather not find out..."
Camera on wonder_woman
wonder_woman plays animation power
wonder_woman says, "Now is a time for celebration, we have won a great victory!"
Camera on aquaman_classic
aquaman_classic says, "The princess is right, we've saved the Earth, both above and below the waves."



Looks like a bug.  I'm sending you a trial fix.


Thanks M!  Looks like I'm discovering all kinds of bugs.  That's just my luck! :P


Well, I seem to have hammered out some of my problems for the final JLA mission, but I'm still working on it.  I've also gone back and added in a Flash solo mission, which was fairly simple and straightforward, so of course, it didn't work correctly.  At first I had four rescue fire encounters set up, two to activate once the first two were finished, but one would finish, and the other would not, even though I had saved the civilians and defeated the enemies for both.  Then, I changed the troublesome encounter into a Building Rampage, thinking to sidestep my troubles, and it began to work perfectly.  The encounter that had previously ended properly then ceased to finish.  I'm stumped.  Here is the script:


Encounter: Blaze1
Type: Building Rampage
Villains: thug_with_grenade, thug_with_bat, thug_with_grenade, thug_with_grenade, thug_with_gun, thug_with_gun
Allies: civilian_male, civilian_female, civilian_male, civilian_male, civilian_female
Marker: hospital1

Alert Cutscene:
Red Arrow on Villain1

Start Cutscene:
Remove Arrow from Villain1
Camera on Villain1
Villain1 says, "Burn baby, burn!"
Camera on Ally
Ally plays animation power
Ally says, "Help! They're trying to burn down the hospital!"
Camera on flash
flash says, "Hold on, help'll be there before you know it!"

End Cutscene:
Camera on flash
Ally moves to flash
Ally says, "Thanks Flash!"
flash says, "You're welcome! Make sure the police know what these losers were up to!"


Encounter: Blaze2
Type: Rescue Fire
Villains: thug_with_grenade, thug_with_bat, thug_with_grenade, thug_with_grenade, thug_with_gun, thug_with_bat
Allies: civilian_male, civilian_female, civilian_female, civilian_female, civilian_female, civilian_male
Marker: apartment1

Alert Cutscene:
Red Arrow on Villain1
flash says, "Good heavens, they've already managed to catch one of the buildings on fire!"

Start Cutscene:
Remove Arrow from Villain1
Camera on Villain1
Villain1 says, "Woo-hoo! This is what I call fun!"
Camera on Ally
Ally plays animation power
Ally says, "Please, help us or we'll die here!"
Camera on Villain1
Villain1 says, "Ain't that a cryin' shame buddy?"
Camera on flash
flash says, "Yeah, but it looks like you'll be the one doing the crying!"

End Cutscene:
Camera on flash
Ally moves to flash
Ally says, "Thank you Flash...I thought...I thought I was going to die up there...!"
flash says, "That's what I'm here for, but now I've gotta' run! Take care of yourself!"


Encounter: Blaze3
Starts when: Blaze1 at End, Blaze2 at End
Type: Rescue Fire
Villains: thug_with_grenade, thug_with_gun, thug_with_grenade, thug_with_grenade, thug_with_gun, thug_with_gun, thug_with_gun, thug_with_gun
Allies: civilian_male, civilian_male, civilian_female, civilian_male, civilian_female, civilian_male
Marker: rest1

Alert Cutscene:
Red Arrow on Villain1
flash says, "What! More fires? I've got to take care of this quick, before those thugs can get the professor out of town. These guys are better organized than the average street gang that they appear to be. I'd probably better be careful!"

Start Cutscene:
Remove Arrow from Villain1
Camera on Villain1
Villain1 turns to flash
Villain1 says, "Here comes the red-pajama wearin' freak, get ready!"
Camera on Ally
Ally plays animation power
Ally says, "[Cough][Cough] Help!"
flash says, "Not that it isn't fun to punch low lifes like you at super speed, but you boys are trying my patience by bringing innocent people into it."

End Cutscene:
Camera on flash
Ally moves to flash
Ally says, "Don't...[Cough]...don't worry about us, go get the people that did this!"
flash says, "You can count on it!"


Encounter: Blaze4
Starts when: Blaze1 at End, Blaze2 at End
Type: Rescue Fire
Villains: thug_with_grenade, mafioso, thug_with_grenade, thug_with_grenade, thug_with_gun, thug_with_gun, thug_with_gun, mafioso
Allies: civilian_female, civilian_male, civilian_female, civilian_male, civilian_female, civilian_male
Marker: school1

Alert Cutscene:
Red Arrow on Villain1

Start Cutscene:
Remove Arrow from Villain1
Camera on Villain1
Villain1 turns to flash
Villain1 says, "Come on boys, let's make a name for ourselves!"
Camera on Ally
Ally plays animation power
Ally says, "Heeeeelp!"
flash says, "I've about had it with this...I can't believe you idiots are actually burning down a school!"

End Cutscene:
Camera on flash
Ally moves to flash
Ally says, "Why? Why would anyone do something like this?"
flash says, "I don't know Ma'am, but I intend to find out!"


And here is the script.log:

[spoiler]>>> C:\Documents and Settings\Owner\Local Settings\Application Data\Irrational Games\Freedom Force vs the 3rd Reich\temp\MiniMod JLA4B.py executed
MISSION: On Post Init... start.
MLOG_Init(keepRunningModules=0): starting up
mlogreader.MLOG_Init: current mission = '04B_FLASH_HT_NEIGHBORHOOD'
initialising FFX: skirmish=0
mapinfocaliper0 is not a valid explosion object
mapinfocaliper1 is not a valid explosion object
mapinfocaliper2 is not a valid explosion object
mapinfocaliper3 is not a valid explosion object
storing hero_0: id_1,-67
MISSION: On Post Init... complete; starting story.
ENCOUNTER: Enc_CheckStart starting 4
ENCOUNTER: PlayEncCutscene(): 'startcs' : 'Enc_StandardStartEnable(4)'
ENCOUNTER: PlayCutsceneFromList(): [['priority', 1], ['replace', ['villain1', 'villain'], ['ally', 'ally']], ['required', 'flash'], ['cutscene', 'CS_Start()', "CS_Camera('villain1', dist=-160, yaw=0)", "CS_Speak('villain1', 'Woo-hoo! This is what I call fun!', force=0)", "CS_Camera('ally', dist=-160, yaw=0)", "CS_Animate('ally','power')", 'CS_Speak(\'ally\', "Please, help us or we\'ll die here!", force=0)', "CS_Camera('villain1', dist=-160, yaw=0)", 'CS_Speak(\'villain1\', "Ain\'t that a cryin\' shame buddy?", force=0)', "CS_Camera('flash', dist=-160, yaw=0)", 'CS_Speak(\'flash\', "Yeah, but it looks like you\'ll be the one doing the crying!", force=0)', 'CS_End()']] : 'Enc_StandardStartEnable(4)' ... []
CUTSCENE: request to play cutscene.
CUTSCENE:  - CS_Start()
CUTSCENE:  - CS_Camera('m25obj_36', dist=-160, yaw=0)
CUTSCENE:  - CS_Speak('m25obj_36','Woo-hoo! This is what I call fun!', force=0)
CUTSCENE:  - CS_Camera('m25obj_48', dist=-160, yaw=0)
CUTSCENE:  - CS_Animate('m25obj_48','power')
CUTSCENE:  - CS_Speak('m25obj_48',"Please, help us or we'll die here!", force=0)
CUTSCENE:  - CS_Camera('m25obj_36', dist=-160, yaw=0)
CUTSCENE:  - CS_Speak('m25obj_36',"Ain't that a cryin' shame buddy?", force=0)
CUTSCENE:  - CS_Camera('flash', dist=-160, yaw=0)
CUTSCENE:  - CS_Speak('flash',"Yeah, but it looks like you'll be the one doing the crying!", force=0)
CUTSCENE: calling PlayCurrentCutscene 7
CUTSCENE: playing ff.CS_Start(7)
CUTSCENE: playing ff.CS_Camera(7,'m25obj_36', dist=-160, yaw=0)
CUTSCENE: playing ff.CS_Speak(7,'m25obj_36','Woo-hoo! This is what I call fun!', force=0)
GROUP: 'm25obj_26' removed from group '3_ally'
GROUP: '3_ally' set to ['m25obj_28', 'm25obj_30', 'm25obj_32']
GROUP: 'm25obj_28' removed from group '3_ally'
GROUP: '3_ally' set to ['m25obj_30', 'm25obj_32']
GROUP: 'm25obj_30' removed from group '3_ally'
GROUP: '3_ally' set to ['m25obj_32']
GROUP: 'm25obj_32' removed from group '3_ally'
GROUP: '3_ally' set to []
GROUP: empty '3_ally' cannot have a leader promoted
CUTSCENE: playing ff.CS_Camera(7,'m25obj_48', dist=-160, yaw=0)
ENCOUNTER: Setting up encounter 6
ENCOUNTER: Start marker found for ['apartment1'] None
ENCOUNTER: No start marker found for ['apartment1']
CUTSCENE: playing ff.CS_Animate(7,'m25obj_48','power')
CUTSCENE: playing ff.CS_Speak(7,'m25obj_48',"Please, help us or we'll die here!", force=0)
CUTSCENE: playing ff.CS_Camera(7,'m25obj_36', dist=-160, yaw=0)
CUTSCENE: playing ff.CS_Speak(7,'m25obj_36',"Ain't that a cryin' shame buddy?", force=0)
CUTSCENE: playing ff.CS_Camera(7,'flash', dist=-160, yaw=0)
CUTSCENE: playing ff.CS_Speak(7,'flash',"Yeah, but it looks like you'll be the one doing the crying!", force=0)
CUTSCENE: playing ff.CS_End(7)
CUTSCENE: calling cutscene return function.
GROUP: 'm25obj_36' automatically promoted to leader of group '4_minion'
GROUP: 'm25obj_36' made leader of group '4_minion'
GOAL: Adding goal Goal_Guard(1032,'m25obj_36',19) to character m25obj_38
GOAL: Adding goal Goal_Guard(1033,'m25obj_36',19) to character m25obj_40
GOAL: Adding goal Goal_Guard(1034,'m25obj_36',19) to character m25obj_42
GOAL: Adding goal Goal_Guard(1035,'m25obj_36',19) to character m25obj_44
GOAL: Adding goal Goal_Guard(1036,'m25obj_36',19) to character m25obj_46
GROUP: '4_minion' set to guard 'm25obj_36'
GOAL: Adding goal Goal_StayWithTeam(1037,20) to character m25obj_36
alliescanbefreed 6 0 0
ENCOUNTER: -- custom check end EncCustom_AlliesCanBeFreed_CheckEnd(4) - None
ENCOUNTER: -- custom check end EncCustom_Allies_Congregate_CheckEnd(4) - None
ENCOUNTER: -- custom check end EncCustom_Fire_CheckEnd(4) - ['fire over']
ENCOUNTER: -- custom check end EncCustom_VillainsFight_CheckEnd(4) - None
ENCOUNTER: PlayEncCutscene(): 'bantercs' : None
ENCOUNTER: PlayCutsceneFromList(): None : None ... []
AI: m25obj_36:'thug_with_grenade' move to 'hero_0'
Traceback (innermost last):
  File "C:\Program Files\Irrational Games\Freedom Force vs The 3rd Reich\.\DCUG\missions\scripts\m25ai.py", line 449, in AICheckTimer
    if AISpecialState(char):
  File "C:\Program Files\Irrational Games\Freedom Force vs The 3rd Reich\.\DCUG\missions\scripts\m25ai.py", line 580, in AISpecialState
    AISupport_DoMove(char, Target_GetCurrentTarget(char), 'move', 0, FindRandomPoint(char,mindist=100), js.Get_ObjectPos(char), TACTIC_PRIORITY_CRITICAL, 2, desc='panicked run')
  File "C:\Program Files\Irrational Games\Freedom Force vs The 3rd Reich\.\DCUG\missions\scripts\m25ai.py", line 4766, in AISupport_DoMove
  File "C:\Program Files\Irrational Games\Freedom Force vs The 3rd Reich\.\DCUG\missions\scripts\m25event.py", line 132, in SetTimer
    js.Event_RegisterSink(js.EVENT_TIMER, function, string1, string2, time, user, 0)
RuntimeError: Event_RegisterSink(): expects args {iss|sfff}
GROUP: '4_minion' member koed
ENCOUNTER: PlayEncCutscene(): 'm25obj_36kocs' : None
ENCOUNTER: PlayCutsceneFromList(): None : None ... [['m25obj_36', 'fallen']]
ENCOUNTER: PlayEncCutscene(): 'thug_with_grenadekocs' : None
ENCOUNTER: PlayCutsceneFromList(): None : None ... [['m25obj_36', 'fallen']]
ENCOUNTER: PlayEncCutscene(): 'villainkocs' : None
ENCOUNTER: PlayCutsceneFromList(): None : None ... [['m25obj_36', 'fallen']]
alliescanbefreed 6 0 0
ENCOUNTER: -- custom check end EncCustom_AlliesCanBeFreed_CheckEnd(4) - None
ENCOUNTER: -- custom check end EncCustom_Allies_Congregate_CheckEnd(4) - None
ENCOUNTER: -- custom check end EncCustom_Fire_CheckEnd(4) - ['fire over']
ENCOUNTER: -- custom check end EncCustom_VillainsFight_CheckEnd(4) - None
GROUP: '4_minion' leader koed
GROUP: 'm25obj_38' automatically promoted to leader of group '4_minion'
GROUP: 'm25obj_38' made leader of group '4_minion'
GOAL: Removing goal Goal_Guard( from character m25obj_38
GOAL: Removing goal Goal_Guard( from character m25obj_40
GOAL: Adding goal Goal_Guard(1038,'m25obj_38',19) to character m25obj_40
GOAL: Removing goal Goal_Guard( from character m25obj_42
GOAL: Adding goal Goal_Guard(1039,'m25obj_38',19) to character m25obj_42
GOAL: Removing goal Goal_Guard( from character m25obj_44
GOAL: Adding goal Goal_Guard(1040,'m25obj_38',19) to character m25obj_44
GOAL: Removing goal Goal_Guard( from character m25obj_46
GOAL: Adding goal Goal_Guard(1041,'m25obj_38',19) to character m25obj_46
GROUP: '4_minion' set to guard 'm25obj_38'
GOAL: Adding goal Goal_StayWithTeam(1042,20) to character m25obj_38
ENCOUNTER: Setting up encounter 7
ENCOUNTER: Start marker found for ['apartment1'] None
ENCOUNTER: No start marker found for ['apartment1']
ENCOUNTER: PlayEncCutscene(): 'allyrescuedcs' : "EncEventCallback(4, '_freed', 'm25obj_52')"
ENCOUNTER: PlayCutsceneFromList(): None : "EncEventCallback(4, '_freed', 'm25obj_52')" ... [['m25obj_52', 'ally'], ['hero_0', 'hero']]
ENCOUNTER: 4 - event callback _freed has value ['EncCustom_AlliesCanBeFreed_Freed']
ENCOUNTER: 4 - event callback _freed calling EncCustom_AlliesCanBeFreed_Freed
ENCOUNTER: PlayEncCutscene(): 'allyfreedcs' : 'EncCheckEnd(4)'
ENCOUNTER: PlayCutsceneFromList(): None : 'EncCheckEnd(4)' ... [['m25obj_52', 'ally'], [None, 'hero']]
alliescanbefreed 6 1 0
ENCOUNTER: -- custom check end EncCustom_AlliesCanBeFreed_CheckEnd(4) - None
ENCOUNTER: -- custom check end EncCustom_Allies_Congregate_CheckEnd(4) - None
ENCOUNTER: -- custom check end EncCustom_Fire_CheckEnd(4) - ['fire over']
ENCOUNTER: -- custom check end EncCustom_VillainsFight_CheckEnd(4) - None


[spoiler]AI: m25obj_52:'civilian_female' goal move to marker 'apartment1_congregate1'
ENCOUNTER: PlayEncCutscene(): 'allyrescuedcs' : "EncEventCallback(4, '_freed', 'm25obj_54')"
ENCOUNTER: PlayCutsceneFromList(): None : "EncEventCallback(4, '_freed', 'm25obj_54')" ... [['m25obj_54', 'ally'], ['hero_0', 'hero']]
ENCOUNTER: 4 - event callback _freed has value ['EncCustom_AlliesCanBeFreed_Freed']
ENCOUNTER: 4 - event callback _freed calling EncCustom_AlliesCanBeFreed_Freed
ENCOUNTER: PlayEncCutscene(): 'allyfreedcs' : 'EncCheckEnd(4)'
ENCOUNTER: PlayCutsceneFromList(): None : 'EncCheckEnd(4)' ... [['m25obj_54', 'ally'], [None, 'hero']]
alliescanbefreed 6 2 0
ENCOUNTER: -- custom check end EncCustom_AlliesCanBeFreed_CheckEnd(4) - None
ENCOUNTER: -- custom check end EncCustom_Allies_Congregate_CheckEnd(4) - None
ENCOUNTER: -- custom check end EncCustom_Fire_CheckEnd(4) - ['fire over']
ENCOUNTER: -- custom check end EncCustom_VillainsFight_CheckEnd(4) - None
AI: m25obj_52:'civilian_female' goal move to marker 'apartment1_congregate1'
AI: m25obj_54:'civilian_female' goal move to marker 'apartment1_congregate1'
ENCOUNTER: PlayEncCutscene(): 'allyrescuedcs' : "EncEventCallback(4, '_freed', 'm25obj_58')"
ENCOUNTER: PlayCutsceneFromList(): None : "EncEventCallback(4, '_freed', 'm25obj_58')" ... [['m25obj_58', 'ally'], ['hero_0', 'hero']]
ENCOUNTER: 4 - event callback _freed has value ['EncCustom_AlliesCanBeFreed_Freed']
ENCOUNTER: 4 - event callback _freed calling EncCustom_AlliesCanBeFreed_Freed
ENCOUNTER: PlayEncCutscene(): 'allyfreedcs' : 'EncCheckEnd(4)'
ENCOUNTER: PlayCutsceneFromList(): None : 'EncCheckEnd(4)' ... [['m25obj_58', 'ally'], [None, 'hero']]
alliescanbefreed 6 3 0
ENCOUNTER: -- custom check end EncCustom_AlliesCanBeFreed_CheckEnd(4) - None
ENCOUNTER: -- custom check end EncCustom_Allies_Congregate_CheckEnd(4) - None
ENCOUNTER: -- custom check end EncCustom_Fire_CheckEnd(4) - ['fire over']
ENCOUNTER: -- custom check end EncCustom_VillainsFight_CheckEnd(4) - None
AI: m25obj_52:'civilian_female' goal move to marker 'apartment1_congregate1'
AI: m25obj_54:'civilian_female' goal move to marker 'apartment1_congregate1'
AI: m25obj_58:'civilian_male' goal move to marker 'apartment1_congregate1'
AI: m25obj_42 no tactic chosen this cycle.
ENCOUNTER: PlayEncCutscene(): 'allyrescuedcs' : "EncEventCallback(4, '_freed', 'm25obj_50')"
ENCOUNTER: PlayCutsceneFromList(): None : "EncEventCallback(4, '_freed', 'm25obj_50')" ... [['m25obj_50', 'ally'], ['hero_0', 'hero']]
ENCOUNTER: 4 - event callback _freed has value ['EncCustom_AlliesCanBeFreed_Freed']
ENCOUNTER: 4 - event callback _freed calling EncCustom_AlliesCanBeFreed_Freed
ENCOUNTER: PlayEncCutscene(): 'allyfreedcs' : 'EncCheckEnd(4)'
ENCOUNTER: PlayCutsceneFromList(): None : 'EncCheckEnd(4)' ... [['m25obj_50', 'ally'], [None, 'hero']]
alliescanbefreed 6 4 0
ENCOUNTER: -- custom check end EncCustom_AlliesCanBeFreed_CheckEnd(4) - None
ENCOUNTER: -- custom check end EncCustom_Allies_Congregate_CheckEnd(4) - None
ENCOUNTER: -- custom check end EncCustom_Fire_CheckEnd(4) - ['fire over']
ENCOUNTER: -- custom check end EncCustom_VillainsFight_CheckEnd(4) - None
AI: m25obj_50:'civilian_female' goal move to marker 'apartment1_congregate1'
AI: m25obj_52:'civilian_female' goal move to marker 'apartment1_congregate1'
AI: m25obj_54:'civilian_female' goal move to marker 'apartment1_congregate1'
AI: m25obj_58:'civilian_male' goal move to marker 'apartment1_congregate1'
ENCOUNTER: PlayEncCutscene(): 'allyrescuedcs' : "EncEventCallback(4, '_freed', 'm25obj_48')"
ENCOUNTER: PlayCutsceneFromList(): None : "EncEventCallback(4, '_freed', 'm25obj_48')" ... [['m25obj_48', 'ally'], ['hero_0', 'hero']]
ENCOUNTER: 4 - event callback _freed has value ['EncCustom_AlliesCanBeFreed_Freed']
ENCOUNTER: 4 - event callback _freed calling EncCustom_AlliesCanBeFreed_Freed
ENCOUNTER: PlayEncCutscene(): 'allyfreedcs' : 'EncCheckEnd(4)'
ENCOUNTER: PlayCutsceneFromList(): None : 'EncCheckEnd(4)' ... [['m25obj_48', 'ally'], [None, 'hero']]
alliescanbefreed 6 5 0
ENCOUNTER: -- custom check end EncCustom_AlliesCanBeFreed_CheckEnd(4) - None
ENCOUNTER: -- custom check end EncCustom_Allies_Congregate_CheckEnd(4) - None
ENCOUNTER: -- custom check end EncCustom_Fire_CheckEnd(4) - ['fire over']
ENCOUNTER: -- custom check end EncCustom_VillainsFight_CheckEnd(4) - None
ENCOUNTER: PlayEncCutscene(): 'allyrescuedcs' : "EncEventCallback(4, '_freed', 'm25obj_56')"
ENCOUNTER: PlayCutsceneFromList(): None : "EncEventCallback(4, '_freed', 'm25obj_56')" ... [['m25obj_56', 'ally'], ['hero_0', 'hero']]
ENCOUNTER: 4 - event callback _freed has value ['EncCustom_AlliesCanBeFreed_Freed']
ENCOUNTER: 4 - event callback _freed calling EncCustom_AlliesCanBeFreed_Freed
ENCOUNTER: PlayEncCutscene(): 'allalliesfreedcs' : 'EncCheckEnd(4)'
ENCOUNTER: PlayCutsceneFromList(): None : 'EncCheckEnd(4)' ... []
alliescanbefreed 6 6 0
ENCOUNTER: -- custom check end EncCustom_AlliesCanBeFreed_CheckEnd(4) - ['all allies freed']
ENCOUNTER: -- custom check end EncCustom_Allies_Congregate_CheckEnd(4) - None
ENCOUNTER: -- custom check end EncCustom_Fire_CheckEnd(4) - ['fire over']
ENCOUNTER: -- custom check end EncCustom_VillainsFight_CheckEnd(4) - None
AI: m25obj_42 no tactic chosen this cycle.
AI: m25obj_40 no tactic chosen this cycle.
AI: m25obj_50:'civilian_female' goal move to marker 'apartment1_congregate1'
AI: m25obj_52:'civilian_female' goal move to marker 'apartment1_congregate1'
AI: m25obj_48:'civilian_male' goal move to marker 'apartment1_congregate1'
AI: m25obj_54:'civilian_female' goal move to marker 'apartment1_congregate1'
AI: m25obj_56:'civilian_female' goal move to marker 'apartment1_congregate1'
AI: m25obj_58:'civilian_male' goal move to marker 'apartment1_congregate1'
AI: m25obj_50:'civilian_female' goal move to marker 'apartment1_congregate1'
AI: m25obj_52:'civilian_female' goal move to marker 'apartment1_congregate1'
AI: m25obj_48:'civilian_male' goal move to marker 'apartment1_congregate1'
AI: m25obj_54:'civilian_female' goal move to marker 'apartment1_congregate1'
AI: m25obj_56:'civilian_female' goal move to marker 'apartment1_congregate1'
AI: m25obj_58:'civilian_male' goal move to marker 'apartment1_congregate1'
GROUP: '4_minion' member koed
ENCOUNTER: PlayEncCutscene(): 'm25obj_46kocs' : None
ENCOUNTER: PlayCutsceneFromList(): None : None ... [['m25obj_46', 'fallen']]
ENCOUNTER: PlayEncCutscene(): 'thug_with_batkocs' : None
ENCOUNTER: PlayCutsceneFromList(): None : None ... [['m25obj_46', 'fallen']]
ENCOUNTER: PlayEncCutscene(): 'villainkocs' : None
ENCOUNTER: PlayCutsceneFromList(): None : None ... [['m25obj_46', 'fallen']]
alliescanbefreed 6 6 0
ENCOUNTER: -- custom check end EncCustom_AlliesCanBeFreed_CheckEnd(4) - ['all allies freed']
ENCOUNTER: -- custom check end EncCustom_Allies_Congregate_CheckEnd(4) - None
ENCOUNTER: -- custom check end EncCustom_Fire_CheckEnd(4) - ['fire over']
ENCOUNTER: -- custom check end EncCustom_VillainsFight_CheckEnd(4) - None
GROUP: 'm25obj_36' removed from group '4_minion'
GROUP: '4_minion' set to ['m25obj_38', 'm25obj_40', 'm25obj_42', 'm25obj_44', 'm25obj_46']
AI: m25obj_50:'civilian_female' goal move to marker 'apartment1_congregate1'
GOAL: Removing goal Goal_MoveToMarker(1009 from character m25obj_52
ENCOUNTER: PlayEncCutscene(): 'allycongregatescs' : None
ENCOUNTER: PlayCutsceneFromList(): None : None ... [['m25obj_52', 'ally']]
alliescanbefreed 6 6 0
ENCOUNTER: -- custom check end EncCustom_AlliesCanBeFreed_CheckEnd(4) - ['all allies freed']
ENCOUNTER: -- custom check end EncCustom_Allies_Congregate_CheckEnd(4) - None
ENCOUNTER: -- custom check end EncCustom_Fire_CheckEnd(4) - ['fire over']
ENCOUNTER: -- custom check end EncCustom_VillainsFight_CheckEnd(4) - None
AI: m25obj_48:'civilian_male' goal move to marker 'apartment1_congregate1'
AI: m25obj_54:'civilian_female' goal move to marker 'apartment1_congregate1'
AI: m25obj_56:'civilian_female' goal move to marker 'apartment1_congregate1'
AI: m25obj_58:'civilian_male' goal move to marker 'apartment1_congregate1'
AI: m25obj_40 no tactic chosen this cycle.
MLOG_WatchDamage: error in Object_GetAttr('m25obj_830', 'minForce'), Object_Exists('m25obj_830')=0
   words=['00:06:14.98:', 'FF:', 'Damage:(hero_0)', '', '(resolve)', 'dmg:', '3,', 'stun', 'time:', '0,', 'KB:', '1753\012'] MLOG_DAMAGE_PREVIOUSLINE=['00:06:14.98:', 'FF:', 'Damage:(hero_0)', '', 'm25obj_830', '(calc', 'pwr)dmg:', '3,', 'stun', 'pct:', '12,', 'KB:', '1440\012']
Traceback (innermost last):
  File "C:\Program Files\Irrational Games\Freedom Force vs The 3rd Reich\.\DCUG\missions\scripts\mlogreader.py", line 730, in OnMLOG_Read
  File "C:\Program Files\Irrational Games\Freedom Force vs The 3rd Reich\.\DCUG\missions\scripts\mlogreader.py", line 776, in MLOG_Read
    found = MLOG_WatchDamage(thisLine)
  File "C:\Program Files\Irrational Games\Freedom Force vs The 3rd Reich\.\DCUG\missions\scripts\mlogreader.py", line 1941, in MLOG_WatchDamage
    if ( knockback - Object_GetAttr(target, 'minForce') ) < 0:
SystemError: NULL result without error in call_object
GROUP: '4_minion' member koed
ENCOUNTER: PlayEncCutscene(): 'm25obj_38kocs' : None
ENCOUNTER: PlayCutsceneFromList(): None : None ... [['m25obj_38', 'fallen']]
ENCOUNTER: PlayEncCutscene(): 'thug_with_batkocs' : None
ENCOUNTER: PlayCutsceneFromList(): None : None ... [['m25obj_38', 'fallen']]
ENCOUNTER: PlayEncCutscene(): 'villainkocs' : None
ENCOUNTER: PlayCutsceneFromList(): None : None ... [['m25obj_38', 'fallen']]
alliescanbefreed 6 6 0
ENCOUNTER: -- custom check end EncCustom_AlliesCanBeFreed_CheckEnd(4) - ['all allies freed']
ENCOUNTER: -- custom check end EncCustom_Allies_Congregate_CheckEnd(4) - None
ENCOUNTER: -- custom check end EncCustom_Fire_CheckEnd(4) - ['fire over']
ENCOUNTER: -- custom check end EncCustom_VillainsFight_CheckEnd(4) - None
GROUP: '4_minion' leader koed
GROUP: 'm25obj_40' automatically promoted to leader of group '4_minion'
GROUP: 'm25obj_40' made leader of group '4_minion'
GOAL: Removing goal Goal_Guard( from character m25obj_40
GOAL: Removing goal Goal_Guard( from character m25obj_42
GOAL: Adding goal Goal_Guard(1043,'m25obj_40',19) to character m25obj_42
GOAL: Removing goal Goal_Guard( from character m25obj_44
GOAL: Adding goal Goal_Guard(1044,'m25obj_40',19) to character m25obj_44
GROUP: '4_minion' set to guard 'm25obj_40'
GOAL: Adding goal Goal_StayWithTeam(1045,20) to character m25obj_40
MLOG_WatchDamage: error in Object_GetAttr('m25obj_826', 'minForce'), Object_Exists('m25obj_826')=0
   words=['00:06:15.11:', 'FF:', 'Damage:(hero_0)', '', '(resolve)', 'dmg:', '3,', 'stun', 'time:', '0,', 'KB:', '1731\012'] MLOG_DAMAGE_PREVIOUSLINE=['00:06:15.11:', 'FF:', 'Damage:(hero_0)', '', 'm25obj_826', '(calc', 'pwr)dmg:', '3,', 'stun', 'pct:', '12,', 'KB:', '1440\012']
Traceback (innermost last):
  File "C:\Program Files\Irrational Games\Freedom Force vs The 3rd Reich\.\DCUG\missions\scripts\mlogreader.py", line 730, in OnMLOG_Read
  File "C:\Program Files\Irrational Games\Freedom Force vs The 3rd Reich\.\DCUG\missions\scripts\mlogreader.py", line 776, in MLOG_Read
    found = MLOG_WatchDamage(thisLine)
  File "C:\Program Files\Irrational Games\Freedom Force vs The 3rd Reich\.\DCUG\missions\scripts\mlogreader.py", line 1941, in MLOG_WatchDamage
    if ( knockback - Object_GetAttr(target, 'minForce') ) < 0:
SystemError: NULL result without error in call_object


[spoiler]AI: m25obj_50:'civilian_female' goal move to marker 'apartment1_congregate1'
AI: AISetRunning m25obj_52 to 0
AI: m25obj_48:'civilian_male' goal move to marker 'apartment1_congregate1'
AI: m25obj_54:'civilian_female' goal move to marker 'apartment1_congregate1'
AI: m25obj_56:'civilian_female' goal move to marker 'apartment1_congregate1'
AI: m25obj_58:'civilian_male' goal move to marker 'apartment1_congregate1'
ENCOUNTER: Setting up encounter 8
ENCOUNTER: Start marker found for ['apartment1'] None
ENCOUNTER: No start marker found for ['apartment1']
AI: m25obj_50:'civilian_female' goal move to marker 'apartment1_congregate1'
AI: m25obj_48:'civilian_male' goal move to marker 'apartment1_congregate1'
AI: m25obj_54:'civilian_female' goal move to marker 'apartment1_congregate1'
AI: m25obj_56:'civilian_female' goal move to marker 'apartment1_congregate1'
AI: m25obj_58:'civilian_male' goal move to marker 'apartment1_congregate1'
GOAL: Removing goal Goal_MoveToMarker(1008 from character m25obj_50
ENCOUNTER: PlayEncCutscene(): 'allycongregatescs' : None
ENCOUNTER: PlayCutsceneFromList(): None : None ... [['m25obj_50', 'ally']]
alliescanbefreed 6 6 0
ENCOUNTER: -- custom check end EncCustom_AlliesCanBeFreed_CheckEnd(4) - ['all allies freed']
ENCOUNTER: -- custom check end EncCustom_Allies_Congregate_CheckEnd(4) - None
ENCOUNTER: -- custom check end EncCustom_Fire_CheckEnd(4) - ['fire over']
ENCOUNTER: -- custom check end EncCustom_VillainsFight_CheckEnd(4) - None
AI: m25obj_48:'civilian_male' goal move to marker 'apartment1_congregate1'
GOAL: Removing goal Goal_MoveToMarker(1010 from character m25obj_54
ENCOUNTER: PlayEncCutscene(): 'allycongregatescs' : None
ENCOUNTER: PlayCutsceneFromList(): None : None ... [['m25obj_54', 'ally']]
alliescanbefreed 6 6 0
ENCOUNTER: -- custom check end EncCustom_AlliesCanBeFreed_CheckEnd(4) - ['all allies freed']
ENCOUNTER: -- custom check end EncCustom_Allies_Congregate_CheckEnd(4) - None
ENCOUNTER: -- custom check end EncCustom_Fire_CheckEnd(4) - ['fire over']
ENCOUNTER: -- custom check end EncCustom_VillainsFight_CheckEnd(4) - None
GOAL: Removing goal Goal_MoveToMarker(1012 from character m25obj_58
ENCOUNTER: PlayEncCutscene(): 'allycongregatescs' : None
ENCOUNTER: PlayCutsceneFromList(): None : None ... [['m25obj_58', 'ally']]
alliescanbefreed 6 6 0
ENCOUNTER: -- custom check end EncCustom_AlliesCanBeFreed_CheckEnd(4) - ['all allies freed']
ENCOUNTER: -- custom check end EncCustom_Allies_Congregate_CheckEnd(4) - None
ENCOUNTER: -- custom check end EncCustom_Fire_CheckEnd(4) - ['fire over']
ENCOUNTER: -- custom check end EncCustom_VillainsFight_CheckEnd(4) - None
GROUP: 'm25obj_46' removed from group '4_minion'
GROUP: '4_minion' set to ['m25obj_38', 'm25obj_40', 'm25obj_42', 'm25obj_44']
AI: m25obj_48:'civilian_male' goal move to marker 'apartment1_congregate1'
GOAL: Removing goal Goal_MoveToMarker(1011 from character m25obj_56
ENCOUNTER: PlayEncCutscene(): 'allycongregatescs' : None
ENCOUNTER: PlayCutsceneFromList(): None : None ... [['m25obj_56', 'ally']]
alliescanbefreed 6 6 0
ENCOUNTER: -- custom check end EncCustom_AlliesCanBeFreed_CheckEnd(4) - ['all allies freed']
ENCOUNTER: -- custom check end EncCustom_Allies_Congregate_CheckEnd(4) - None
ENCOUNTER: -- custom check end EncCustom_Fire_CheckEnd(4) - ['fire over']
ENCOUNTER: -- custom check end EncCustom_VillainsFight_CheckEnd(4) - None
AI: m25obj_40:'thug_with_grenade' move to 'hero_0'
AI: m25obj_42 no tactic chosen this cycle.
GROUP: '4_minion' member koed
ENCOUNTER: PlayEncCutscene(): 'm25obj_44kocs' : None
ENCOUNTER: PlayCutsceneFromList(): None : None ... [['m25obj_44', 'fallen']]
ENCOUNTER: PlayEncCutscene(): 'thug_with_gunkocs' : None
ENCOUNTER: PlayCutsceneFromList(): None : None ... [['m25obj_44', 'fallen']]
ENCOUNTER: PlayEncCutscene(): 'villainkocs' : None
ENCOUNTER: PlayCutsceneFromList(): None : None ... [['m25obj_44', 'fallen']]
alliescanbefreed 6 6 0
ENCOUNTER: -- custom check end EncCustom_AlliesCanBeFreed_CheckEnd(4) - ['all allies freed']
ENCOUNTER: -- custom check end EncCustom_Allies_Congregate_CheckEnd(4) - None
ENCOUNTER: -- custom check end EncCustom_Fire_CheckEnd(4) - ['fire over']
ENCOUNTER: -- custom check end EncCustom_VillainsFight_CheckEnd(4) - None
GROUP: 'm25obj_38' removed from group '4_minion'
GROUP: '4_minion' set to ['m25obj_40', 'm25obj_42', 'm25obj_44']
GROUP: '4_minion' member koed
ENCOUNTER: PlayEncCutscene(): 'm25obj_42kocs' : None
ENCOUNTER: PlayCutsceneFromList(): None : None ... [['m25obj_42', 'fallen']]
ENCOUNTER: PlayEncCutscene(): 'thug_with_grenadekocs' : None
ENCOUNTER: PlayCutsceneFromList(): None : None ... [['m25obj_42', 'fallen']]
ENCOUNTER: PlayEncCutscene(): 'villainkocs' : None
ENCOUNTER: PlayCutsceneFromList(): None : None ... [['m25obj_42', 'fallen']]
alliescanbefreed 6 6 0
ENCOUNTER: -- custom check end EncCustom_AlliesCanBeFreed_CheckEnd(4) - ['all allies freed']
ENCOUNTER: -- custom check end EncCustom_Allies_Congregate_CheckEnd(4) - None
ENCOUNTER: -- custom check end EncCustom_Fire_CheckEnd(4) - ['fire over']
ENCOUNTER: -- custom check end EncCustom_VillainsFight_CheckEnd(4) - None
AI: m25obj_40:'thug_with_grenade' move to 'hero_0'
AI: m25obj_48:'civilian_male' goal move to marker 'apartment1_congregate1'
AI: m25obj_40 overpowers his/her/its attack!
AI: m25obj_40:'thug_with_grenade' thug with bat Club attack on 'hero_0'
GROUP: '4_minion' member koed
ENCOUNTER: PlayEncCutscene(): 'm25obj_40kocs' : None
ENCOUNTER: PlayCutsceneFromList(): None : None ... [['m25obj_40', 'fallen']]
ENCOUNTER: PlayEncCutscene(): 'thug_with_grenadekocs' : None
ENCOUNTER: PlayCutsceneFromList(): None : None ... [['m25obj_40', 'fallen']]
ENCOUNTER: PlayEncCutscene(): 'villainkocs' : None
ENCOUNTER: PlayCutsceneFromList(): None : None ... [['m25obj_40', 'fallen']]
alliescanbefreed 6 6 0
ENCOUNTER: -- custom check end EncCustom_AlliesCanBeFreed_CheckEnd(4) - ['all allies freed']
ENCOUNTER: -- custom check end EncCustom_Allies_Congregate_CheckEnd(4) - None
ENCOUNTER: -- custom check end EncCustom_Fire_CheckEnd(4) - ['fire over']
ENCOUNTER: -- custom check end EncCustom_VillainsFight_CheckEnd(4) - ['villains gone']
GROUP: '4_minion' leader koed
ENCOUNTER: PlayEncCutscene(): 'bantercs' : None
ENCOUNTER: PlayCutsceneFromList(): None : None ... []
AI: m25obj_48:'civilian_male' goal move to marker 'apartment1_congregate1'
ENCOUNTER: Setting up encounter 9
ENCOUNTER: Start marker found for ['apartment1'] None
ENCOUNTER: No start marker found for ['apartment1']
AI: m25obj_48:'civilian_male' goal move to marker 'apartment1_congregate1'
Object_GetVar called on nonexistant object 'm25obj_1034'.
AI: m25obj_48:'civilian_male' goal move to marker 'apartment1_congregate1'
AI: m25obj_48:'civilian_male' goal move to marker 'apartment1_congregate1'
AI: m25obj_48:'civilian_male' goal move to marker 'apartment1_congregate1'
GROUP: 'm25obj_44' removed from group '4_minion'
GROUP: '4_minion' set to ['m25obj_40', 'm25obj_42']
AI: m25obj_48:'civilian_male' goal move to marker 'apartment1_congregate1'
GROUP: 'm25obj_42' removed from group '4_minion'
GROUP: '4_minion' set to ['m25obj_40']
AI: m25obj_48:'civilian_male' goal move to marker 'apartment1_congregate1'
GROUP: 'm25obj_40' removed from group '4_minion'
GROUP: '4_minion' set to []
GROUP: empty '4_minion' cannot have a leader promoted
ENCOUNTER: Setting up encounter 10
ENCOUNTER: Start marker found for ['apartment1'] None
ENCOUNTER: No start marker found for ['apartment1'][/spoiler]


QuoteENCOUNTER: Start marker found for ['apartment1'] None
ENCOUNTER: No start marker found for ['apartment1']

i noticed this line popup a few times...is there an 'apartment1' marker?  is it being used for nother encounter?



Thanks for the response Boalt, and yes, there is an apartment1 marker.  It is the marker for the first Rescue Fire encounter, the one that is acting up.
