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What would you do....

Started by Sevenforce, May 16, 2007, 04:00:55 PM

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I admit it, I'm currently running on sugar, 3 hours of sleep in 48 hours, and an electronic lie detector game strapped to my chest and giving me electric shocks every minute or so. Therefore, me and my poor addled system give you a question!

The scenario: A pirate, a ninja, a robot (you decide what kind), a dinosaur (again, you decide), and a leprechaun, all having a showdown (Think the movie leprechaun not a happy little chappy with his lucky charms and whatnot). Maybe throw in a zombie, just to throw things about a bit. They all want you to join their side in this fight.

The question: Who do you choose, and why? If you don't choose a side, the winning party will hunt you down and do horrible things to your body and soul with a turnip. A real, honest, live, turnip. And maybe a dodo.

This question brought to you by sleep deprivation Inc. - cos when you snooze, we lose!



Dang, this questions hard...

It should be like, on the SA-freakin'-T's!



That's easy.  The question is "Whom do you choose, and why?"   ^_^

My turn!

Question: Why am I correct, and why am I correct so frequently?

Phantom Bunburyist anf The Prat in the Hat


Oh, that ones easy...

Its because you have a pickle brain. :)




The dinosaur. The pirate would be my second choice.

That one was easy.


I concur with Alaric, it's an easy decision.

The Leprechaun, all the way.  Ya know, magic powers, & all that pretty much pwns the rest.

Unles his magic is pretty lame & weak.  Then it's the robot, cuz I'd pick the T2000.  Pirate, ninja, zombie....instant cold cuts.  The dino would take a little while longer, but it would fall in the end.


Dragon. He's alot bigger then any of the others (unless we're talking transformer robots), so if nothing else he can step on them. He's immune to any magic the Leprechaun can dish out, his hide's tough enough swords, or any simple metal weapons wouldn't be a problem. Plus, whether he dies or not, you'd be able to shield yourself with his nigh-impenitrable hide until the others kill each other.

The only problem would be the robot, if it's really advanced. You can hope the Leprechaun takes it out, but if not, you've got a problem.

I know, I'm overthinking this. but that's just because I've got a big head.

Mr. Hamrick

I'll go with the Ninja just to make a different argument here.  Assuming the ninja was someone of the fighting level as Batman . . . LOL!

If not then the robot. 


Quote from: Tomato on May 17, 2007, 08:52:00 AM
Dragon. He's alot bigger then any of the others (unless we're talking transformer robots), so if nothing else he can step on them. He's immune to any magic the Leprechaun can dish out,

Outside of RPGs, whoever said dragons were immune to magic? It's not really one of their traditional traits... any more than regenerating is one of a troll's traditional traits...

Ah, the influence RPGs have had on the way legendary creatures are viewed...


Quote from: Alaric on May 17, 2007, 09:56:58 AMOutside of RPGs, whoever said dragons were immune to magic? It's not really one of their traditional traits... any more than regenerating is one of a troll's traditional traits...

Ah, the influence RPGs have had on the way legendary creatures are viewed...

Wait, is there an official book of dragon powers now? I'm sorry, I must not have been paying attention.[/sarcasm]

Seriously, it's a mythilogical creature. I could say it's made of adamantium, has super speed, and can take out the souls of the living with a glance and it wouldn't make a difference. Now lighten up before I have it sit on you.


Quote from: Tomato on May 17, 2007, 10:32:06 AM
Quote from: Alaric on May 17, 2007, 09:56:58 AMOutside of RPGs, whoever said dragons were immune to magic? It's not really one of their traditional traits... any more than regenerating is one of a troll's traditional traits...

Ah, the influence RPGs have had on the way legendary creatures are viewed...

Wait, is there an official book of dragon powers now? I'm sorry, I must not have been paying attention.[/sarcasm]

Seriously, it's a mythilogical creature. I could say it's made of adamantium, has super speed, and can take out the souls of the living with a glance and it wouldn't make a difference. Now lighten up before I have it sit on you.

That was actually more-or-less my point.


Quote from: Alaric on May 17, 2007, 09:56:58 AM
Ah, the influence RPGs have had on the way legendary creatures are viewed...
Aye, Al.  We were both at Esgaroth during the "incident."  The truth is out there.

Phantom Bunburyist and The Prat in the Hat


I'd throw in with the Viking. Because while the others are killing each other, the viking is taking their stuff.


Quote from: Tomato on May 17, 2007, 10:32:06 AM
Quote from: Alaric on May 17, 2007, 09:56:58 AMOutside of RPGs, whoever said dragons were immune to magic? It's not really one of their traditional traits... any more than regenerating is one of a troll's traditional traits...

Ah, the influence RPGs have had on the way legendary creatures are viewed...

Wait, is there an official book of dragon powers now? I'm sorry, I must not have been paying attention.[/sarcasm]

Seriously, it's a mythilogical creature. I could say it's made of adamantium, has super speed, and can take out the souls of the living with a glance and it wouldn't make a difference. Now lighten up before I have it sit on you.

well we could end this arguement by stating that dragon wasnt on the list >_>
unless your saying a dragon is a kind of dinosaur... in which case... I would laugh.



I would....



I'd pick the ninja, because he/she has REAL Ultimate Power.

A very über robot'd be my second choice

By the way, dragon? I thought the choices were a pirate, a ninja, a robot, a dinosaur or a leprechaun; no dragon. Unless dragons are dinosaurs... Are they?


Oh sweet moogly what did I do? :blink:

Um. I apologise vastly?

Oh, and dragon = not a dinosaur. Last time I checked, anyway, although there might have been dragons of a type around that time. Who knows?

I'll side with the leprechaun. Even though I don't believe in them, seeing one in a fight would make me totally reevaluate my whole opinion of magic and stuff, so I'd bounce over to him. I mean, magic just kind of trumps everything, don't it?

"Gun? *magic boom* Congrats, you're now the owner of a flower!"


Quote from: Sevenforce on May 17, 2007, 06:42:46 PM
Oh sweet moogly what did I do? :blink:

Um. I apologise vastly?

Oh, and dragon = not a dinosaur. Last time I checked, anyway, although there might have been dragons of a type around that time. Who knows?

I'll side with the leprechaun. Even though I don't believe in them, seeing one in a fight would make me totally reevaluate my whole opinion of magic and stuff, so I'd bounce over to him. I mean, magic just kind of trumps everything, don't it?

"Gun? *magic boom* Congrats, you're now the owner of a flower!"

But... but... dinosaurs have, uh, dino-magic!


Quote from: Alaric on May 17, 2007, 06:48:32 PM
But... but... dinosaurs have, uh, dino-magic!

*resists the temptation to do a grotesque Jimmie Walker impression, replete with phonemically relevant catchphrase*

Phantom Bunburyist and The Prat in the Hat


... *hides his embarrasment by cutting out Syn's liver*



*Hehehehe... Cheeeeeesemuffins.*


The Pwime

I'd go with Optimus Prime, but since that seems a little cheap...

I'd probably pick the dino.  The only real threat that the dino would have would be the freaking robot, so I'd take the bot out if i could, and then the rest would be gone like that.


The pirate would win, on the basis that he's secretly Guybrush Threepwood and would find some improbable, complicated way to defeat everyone else.


Quote from: SouperIan on May 20, 2007, 02:01:38 PM
The pirate would win, on the basis that he's secretly Guybrush Threepwood and would find some improbable, complicated way to defeat everyone else.

Well, yeah, but the question wasn't "who would win". The question was 'which side would you be on".


Quote from: Alaric on May 20, 2007, 04:59:58 PM
Quote from: SouperIan on May 20, 2007, 02:01:38 PM
The pirate would win, on the basis that he's secretly Guybrush Threepwood and would find some improbable, complicated way to defeat everyone else.

Well, yeah, but the question wasn't "who would win". The question was 'which side would you be on".

Yeah, but still, you have to admit it...

The pirate would win. He would just pwnz them all, like Johnny Depp. Especially if he were to be on some rolly-wheely thingy...

Hmmmm.... Tuuuuuuna Breeeeeeaaaad...



Quote from: Spam on May 20, 2007, 09:47:18 PM
Quote from: Alaric on May 20, 2007, 04:59:58 PM
Quote from: SouperIan on May 20, 2007, 02:01:38 PM
The pirate would win, on the basis that he's secretly Guybrush Threepwood and would find some improbable, complicated way to defeat everyone else.

Well, yeah, but the question wasn't "who would win". The question was 'which side would you be on".

Yeah, but still, you have to admit it...

The pirate would win. He would just pwnz them all, like Johnny Depp. Especially if he were to be on some rolly-wheely thingy...

Hmmmm.... Tuuuuuuna Breeeeeeaaaad...


And remember, "Spam" spelled backwards is "Maps".


Given that unless you're on the winning side you get turniped to death, I assumed that most people would choose to side with whoever was going to win anyway.


Quote from: SouperIan on May 21, 2007, 07:21:28 AM
Given that unless you're on the winning side you get turniped to death, I assumed that most people would choose to side with whoever was going to win anyway.

Is that really how you'd choose sides in a fight? Always go with the obvious winner? I thought we were supposed to be heroes here!


Quote from: Alaric on May 21, 2007, 08:08:35 AM
Quote from: SouperIan on May 21, 2007, 07:21:28 AM
Given that unless you're on the winning side you get turniped to death, I assumed that most people would choose to side with whoever was going to win anyway.

Is that really how you'd choose sides in a fight? Always go with the obvious winner? I thought we were supposed to be heroes here!

Shhh, Randy will hear you.


Quote from: Alaric on May 21, 2007, 08:08:35 AM
Quote from: SouperIan on May 21, 2007, 07:21:28 AM
Given that unless you're on the winning side you get turniped to death, I assumed that most people would choose to side with whoever was going to win anyway.

Is that really how you'd choose sides in a fight? Always go with the obvious winner? I thought we were supposed to be heroes here!

Oh, c'mon......you should know that there *are* no heroes in this particular forum.  Just losers and survivors.


Quote from: Panther_Gunn on May 21, 2007, 12:34:08 PM
Quote from: Alaric on May 21, 2007, 08:08:35 AM
Quote from: SouperIan on May 21, 2007, 07:21:28 AM
Given that unless you're on the winning side you get turniped to death, I assumed that most people would choose to side with whoever was going to win anyway.

Is that really how you'd choose sides in a fight? Always go with the obvious winner? I thought we were supposed to be heroes here!

Oh, c'mon......you should know that there *are* no heroes in this particular forum.  Just losers and survivors.

Just peanut-butters and jellies...

Hmmmmmm...... Toooofffuuuuuu saaaammmich.