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Need Advice on Mod

Started by murs47, May 22, 2007, 08:42:57 PM

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I've been wanting to create a very simple(I hope) rumble room mod. Just one map, but I want the player to only be able to choose 1 player instead of 4. I also want it to be a 20 vs. 20 characters match with all the other 39 characters being a.i. controlled. I guess I really want the feel of an all out war or battle rather then a small skirmish.

So my question is, would any of this be possible? If so, could it be done by somebody(me) who has virtually no experience in creating mods?


it's very doable, but probably not by somebody relatively new to scripting UNLESS they planned to spend a lot of time on it. However, it may be just as doable using ezscript. However, I must say that all those characters on the screen with ai commands and powers might slow down your pc if it isn't high end.


Quote from: Previsionary on May 22, 2007, 08:47:08 PM
it's very doable, but probably not by somebody relatively new to scripting UNLESS they planned to spend a lot of time on it. However, it may be just as doable using ezscript. However, I must say that all those characters on the screen with ai commands and powers might slow down your pc if it isn't high end.

how about 10 vs. 10?

any tutorials on ezscript?

thanks for responding so quickly


10 vs. 10 would be a little better. I was just giving a general warning. I find that if I have too many characters shooting off fx at a time, my game starts to slow down. Especially if several explosions are going off.

Anyway, there's a few in the scripting forums and I believe some examples came packed with ffx 3.2. Hopefully M25 will see this thread and he'll be able to answer you better.

If I find any extra time throughout my schedule...I can possibly take a look at creating it if no one else does.


Now that I think on it...isn't this already doable with the modes added in ffx thanks to m25 and Dr. Mike? Just pick one character in character selection screen and 9 buddies and 10 villains to fight against.


This can be done with M25's rumble rooms (unless you really want to make a mod) , but with his rumble rooms you can have any type of battle your looking for.  I like to set up 20 vs 20 fights and watch them play out (watch mode) or I will choose one player- a powerful one- and choose two other teams to battle against.  Like I would choose Thor and I would fight against the Masters of Evil and the wrecking crew, plus I could make it so the masters of evil and wrecking crew would fight each other while I'm fighting them.
Or a watch mode with the wrecking crew vs avengers vs teen titans vs JLA vs X-men vs ect.....But usually anymore than 30 characters on screen at one time slows my comp down.  But there is just one small line to change in a .PY file to get more than 24 characters to choose from.


Ah thanks guys. So if I use FFX I pretty much just need to create my own custom FX, but I'll go to the FX thread to ask questions about that. You guys have been a great help, thanks a lot.


The EZ script documentation is in FFX3.2 and includes a tutorial on creating a mini-mod. 

As USAgent said, you can just use the rumble room to do what you wanted.

If you want to jazz it up a bit, you could go the EZ script route.  EZ script lets you add cutscenes and banter, so that it isn't just a straight brawl between two groups.

It would look something like:


Story: Murs47 Story

Encounter: 10vs10
Type: Fight
Villains:  (put the names of all of the bad guys here)
Allies: (put the names of all of the good guys here)

Alert Cutscene:
Red Arrow on Villain

Start Cutscene:
Ally says, "Look out, it's an ambush!"
Hero says, "The fight is joined!"

Banter Cutscene:
Hero says, "I can give as good as I get!"

Banter Cutscene:
Villain says, "I will see you all groveling before me!"

End Cutscene:
Hero says, "They were tough, but good always triumphs over evil."
