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Started by SSJmole, July 07, 2007, 07:20:54 PM

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will Freedom force mods work on FF vs the 3rd?  I ask beacuse I really want that transformers mod.

Thank you



I thought this was going to be a thread about somebody modding the original story onto the new game.

Which would be awesome.


modding the original story into the new game wouldn't be that hard I think. Most of the templates can be merged, the scripts and voices and all that are done already. The biggest pain would be bounding boxes and map layout.


Modding the first FFs' 24 missions into the new game would be fantastic!  I can just imagine playing the whole thing (FF and FFVTTR) from beginning to end...Amazing!

In answer to SSJmole:  As Cat said...No (which is the short answer)...

They would probably work if they were heavily converted and recoded...It would be a lot of work.



Sorry for my terse reply, but my keyboard has  been broken for the past week, and I only now got a new one.  No was one of the few words I could type without resorting to the onscreen keyboard.


Catwho, that is the best thing I've read all day.

I so want a keyboard that can only write 'no'.

It just so happens that 'no' was the first word I learned to speak
back to the scheduled thread ;)


Quote from: catwhowalksbyhimself on July 13, 2007, 04:33:51 AM
Sorry for my terse reply, but my keyboard has  been broken for the past week, and I only now got a new one.  No was one of the few words I could type without resorting to the onscreen keyboard.

Cat, please don't think I was picking on you...Your answer was right, for the most part.  It would be a lot of work to make FF mods work in FFVTTR.



QuoteIt would be a lot of work to make FF mods work in FFVTTR

Yes, the mods would be tought, but for the regular campaign....

...with EZ Script you can duplicate nearly every situation from FF1

...a good number of FF1 resources have bounding boxes, and several others are duplicated (or can be replaced with an alternate object) in FF2, so you wouldn't have to re-create every template (all FF1 character meshes are already updated for FF2, right?)

...as Lunarman said, voices are done already, you don't need to worry about the scripting if you're using EZ Script

...you could use FF2s city maps, the blitzkrieg maps could replace the robot factory, the red oktober maps could replace shadow and/or pan, so you'd only really have to produce FF2 versions of the end-of-time maps

I'm not saying it would be easy, but....




QuoteCat, please don't think I was picking on you...Your answer was right, for the most part.  It would be a lot of work to make FF mods work in FFVTTR.

Not at all, I felt a little bad about it anyway.


Ive actually toyed with the idea on and off for the last couple of years of just importing all the content/Missions of FF1 into a Mod for FFvTR. SO that If I wanted to go back and play FF1 (without reinstalling), I could just do it via a mod. Basically covert the first game into a giant full mod.

From the playing around Ive done, the scripting all works, the major hurdles are the occasional quirk of a model or map placement gone wonky, and the lack of bounding boxes on so many FF1 objects. But Ive gotten music, cutscenes, speech etc all working with minimal problems. However its the small details that will kill ya... that and an almost sad lack of free time.

But FF1 recreated via EZ Script?
Intriguing....If a bit daunting.


Well python hasn't changed. The scripts from ff1 should work except object names might need some tweaking.


Nifskope can fix bounding boxes.  Substitutes can be found for the handful of needed meshes, and the scripting works as is. The main thing would be converting/replacing all the maps.


The question I had would be how do you legally distribute it as a mod?


Legally?  Uh....Goggles...You're talking about a game that was made for modding...Not to mention, most of us use various other non-Irrational licensed characters in said game, already.  This mod would be using Irrational characters in an Irrational game.  I don't see an issue (unless somebody tries to charge money for said mod...A big no-no in legal circles).

Dana :D


Yeah i get what your saying. I guess my question was basically, if you convert FF1 to FFvTR, you are basically distributing the first game as a MOD. So people who dont own the first game, would in some sense be getting it for free.

Now I realize finding the first game anymore can be a trick and its old and cheap (when it is found) etc... So I really dont think anyone would care too much, but it just seemed like a grey area.

Its still a good idea though.
We can all discuss the merits of it when someone actually does it...  ;)


Indeed...I'd love to see it done.



Wow, I'm glad my offhand comment garnered so much discussion.
I love planting seeds and watching them grow. Just got to sit back and wait for somebody to actually do this, now.


I actually started porting stuff over to see how much work it would be to make FF1 as a mod.
Its actually gotten pretty far.

I have run into a handful of quirks that were fixed (scripting tweaks, object tweaks and bounding boxes).

And a couple of major level breakers (out of 18 levels tested so far, one map that wont allow characters to move on it, and one level that freezes the game on load), but I'm trying to get everything that does work out of the way so I can focus on those things that aren't working.

Now this is just being done in my limited spare time, so i don't know when or if I can have anything like a "Beta" for people to play around with, but it definitely is going faster than I expected.


wow!  i'm so keen on this coming to fruitiion Goggles!   best wishes!


Best wishes indeed, Goggles!


Goggles, I'm sure everyone here would greatly appreciate if you can convert ALL the maps for FF1 for FFvT3R's Rumble Room :thumbup:


Just an update....

Ive worked through all the missions -- and by worked through I loaded them up made sure that maps loaded, cut scenes played, and that i could at least start playing though the levels without error. There may be more hidden broken things as the levels go, but as far as just getting the game functioning within FFvTR, its coming together.

Major Issues (that I can think of now since I'm at work):

- The Winter Enterprise map (the frozen aircraft carrier) will load, but something about it will not allow any characters to move or do anything. You can hilight the various objects and villains and select attacks, but the characters cant move anywhere. I ran into this problem on another map when I screwed up something in Nifskope, but I haven;t touched this one, so its something that was already existing.

- Several of the talking Head Meshes (O'Connor, Nick, Mr. Mechanical) have "incorrect number of morph channels" so they error out the game. Ive gotten around that by just replacing them with placeholder Head meshes for now.

- The Law/Order swap doesn't work right. The FX plays fine, and the Speech part works, but the mesh itself doesn't swap so it stays order all the time.

Minor Issues:

- Bounding boxes, Bounding boxes, Bounding boxes.... I used Ren's Map Conversion pack for most of the city objects and then used nifskope to add them to others that were missing. There are still several to do, but once I figured out how to do it in nifskope, it started going pretty quick.

- I'm having to edit the characters to FF1 specs. If you use the characters as they default in FFvTR they are just too powerful and/or have access to too many higher level powers from the start.

- Im sure there are going to be other little fixes that need to come up, but aside from the one Level that doesn't work properly, its almost in a pretty playable state....

Ill keep you guys updated.


Quote- The Law/Order swap doesn't work right. The FX plays fine, and the Speech part works, but the mesh itself doesn't swap so it stays order all the time.

Do you mean when playing them, or for the mission they appear in as an unplayable ally?

- The Winter Enterprise map (the frozen aircraft carrier) will load, but something about it will not allow any characters to move or do anything. You can hilight the various objects and villains and select attacks, but the characters cant move anywhere. I ran into this problem on another map when I screwed up something in Nifskope, but I haven;t touched this one, so its something that was already existing.

Somebody may have to create a substitute map.  I heard of problems with this map before.  If that's the only one you can't get working, then that's actually very good news.


Quote- The Law/Order swap doesn't work right. The FX plays fine, and the Speech part works, but the mesh itself doesn't swap so it stays order all the time.

Do you mean when playing them, or for the mission they appear in as an unplayable ally?

Just for the mission when they appear as an unplayable ally.

I actually haven't tried playing with them as a controllable character yet, so I dont know if its universal to the characters, or specific to the scripting of that particular level.


> Just for the mission when they appear as an unplayable ally.

No biggie, then. It should be easy to script the transformation. Even if the problem is universal... we already have a working version in FFvsTTR, right?

As for the broken map, maybe another map could be hexed to add the aircraft carrier? Add a few snowballs, recolor...

Great work, Goggles – I almost feel like kissing you!*

(*That is, if this wasn't online and if you had been a beautiful brunette.)


QuoteGreat work, Goggles – I almost feel like kissing you!*

Uh Yeah...
I cant even begin to imagine whats gonna go through your head when i tell you that I fixed "the broken" on the map, so that now all the maps load up correctly. In case anyone was wondering, there was a single bounding box assigned to the Tower part of the carrier. This apparently was telling the map that you could click to move on the bounding box but nothing else. Removing the bounding box freed everything up.

Which is really kinda bizarre, as I had to add a bounding box to the Frozen boathouse map to get them to run on the ice. Im guessing its some weird quirk about node placement and parenting. Eh whatever.... Im chockin it up to one of the mysteries of the universe.

There are still two minor issues...

1. There is still an issue with the cutscene that it gets to the end, and then craps out, so that the endcs() finction never gets called, hence the cutscene never ends...Probably just a dumb scripting burp

2. The Turrets work and detect characters and what not, but they dont fire.. I think it may because its missing the FX... I think. Its one of the next minor things to look at on my list.

But regardless...But the map works now.



Wow!  Do you realize just how many people have been stumped by that map, including some big names.  Congratulations!

1. There is still an issue with the cutscene that it gets to the end, and then craps out, so that the endcs() finction never gets called, hence the cutscene never ends...Probably just a dumb scripting burp

Yeah, I've it similar thing before working on LB.  Should be fixable with some minor jiggling of the script.


Quote from: GogglesPizanno on August 02, 2007, 08:56:12 PMUh Yeah...
I cant even begin to imagine whats gonna go through your head when i tell you that I fixed "the broken" on the map (...)
:lol: Don't worry, you're safe.

Beside, since you fixed that last map, I'm more of a mind to build you a shrine or maybe a cathedral. ;)