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patched and still doesn't work

Started by altasmurf, July 18, 2007, 05:20:58 PM

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Hi guy sad that my first post has to be a tech problem

Just got FF1 installed and patched. The program won't even open never mind crash. when I try to run it all i get is the windows wait icon for about 10 seconds and then nothing, no erroe message no beeb, nuttin...

I run good ole windows xp with SP 2 of course, if any one has any ideas please let me know.

p.s. doubt it matters but I do have FFt3r on my comp as well, it works fine.


You are using the 1.3 patch, aren't you?


Yes sir I am indeed. Oddly enough I got it to work on my girl friends comp, just not mine. So the problem appears to be with my comp. Not sure what though. Thanks


Ive got the same problem, sadly.  On a whim, I just played through FFvTTR again, and decided to install original FF too. Patched with 1.3 (without the patch, I get the win compatibility error message).   The properties of the FF.exe post pacth read v 1.3.  The game starts up with the initial splashscreen, then just disappears..and nothing.

I could have sworn I ran FF on this machine at some point a couple years ago.  Looks like some subsequent windows, DX( I update DX frequently since I beta test a lot of MMOs, and they often require I have the newest build), or vid card update broke it.  I'm not messing around rolling any of those things back, so it looks like my time with FF has now officially come to an end.  (Or wait and see if the "play FF in FFvTTR" mod comes to fruition") :(

Just to compare notes:

Win XP sp 2
Amd athlon 64 3500+
GF 6800GT

[edit]For what its worth, I uninstalled FF, uninstalled FFvTTR, reinstalled FF, repatched...but still no luck.


Out of curiosity, the installation size for FF in "Add/remove programs" shows up as 8+ MB...it seems like it should be quite a bit larger for a game.  Is this normal...or might it be indicative of the problem?


Mine shows up as 1.3 GB for FF. I assume that will be different for everyone, depending on installed mods, meshes, etc. Total guess here, but you may have a corrupt install or incomplete uninstall gumming up the works.

If you are looking for a clean install, I would be tempted to open the registry and prune all the stuff from the HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Irrational Games tree. It could be that the registry entries aren't getting cleaned out properly.


Yeah, there was some garbage in there, but deleting it didnt make for any different outcome.  Short of a complete windows reinstall, which I'm not going to do, I don't know what else might be floating around in there or how to get rid of it.

Thanks though!