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a new FF board

Started by the_ultimate_evil, July 19, 2007, 02:50:53 PM

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i've been thinking about this, with npi being down, would a similar style board be welcome here. as great as the feedback here is there are very few people who will actually give honest and constructive critique. so  the basic idea would be a place were skinners/meshers/artists could post there work and expect good feedback.

the idea is a double edged sword if the board was created, and you post your work dont expect nothing but praise, if somethings worng or could do with work it would be said.


Hey I would love that Evil! :thumbup:

Deaths Jester

Quote from: ips on July 19, 2007, 04:13:56 PM
it's always good to have alternatives.

I second that!  Sounds like a grand idea to me...specially if it were a bit more "original" character oriented!


Ideally I'd rather just see it done here, even if it was in a sub-forum, but if a new board was created I'd most likely use it.


I really like the idea. It worked well on NPI (i learned so much at that forum), and people who are after a deeper critique and discussion of aesthetics and technique than 'great job' (but they are always nice too) will be able to find it there.

Will people give honest, open, detailed feedback? I like it when someone just drops by my thread to say good work, but the responses i crave are feedback, C&C, letting me know what worked and what didn't and offering suggestion for improvement, sometimes with a relevant link or advice about technique.

I feel people can't be completely honest because the mods here have done such a good job fostering a positive community here (seriously, have you ever seen a more friendly, helpful and for the most part polite community on the net? I sure haven't) that any criticism might be seen as too negative. I know a few times I have written a constructive and critical post, only to censor or outright trash it because I didn't want to upset people, adn i dont mean the skinner themselves, but i sus[pected that others must rush to his defence, rendering and C&C useless.

At NPI people were handled honestly, but politely. A few times people just straight up said, "Carravaggio, that doesn't work, its off, and it needs to look like this." I thought I had done a good job, but they didn't. So i weighed their advice and took what i could from it. I prefer that kind of ruthlessness, that unabashed honesty. If what i made sucks, let me know. I might not agree, but I'd be interested to hear why you think the way you do.

I know UE and DJ are always looking for more involved feedback, and i find unless i ask a specific question of the thread viewers i will get well-meaning praise and very little actual C&C. Its always nice to know people like what I/we do but I'm sure there is a solid contingent of us that would jump at the chance for a more involved forum aimed at discussion specifically technique, aesthetics and development of our skills.

i would greatly welcome such as this. I don't think it would need a huge number of visitors to make it worthwhile. I'm sure the Vs. CCG thread is supported by MJB alone :P, so if we can get a  half dozen interested people, it should be enough. From there it should (hopefully) grow.
I think the most important aspect would be "this board is for honest, uncensored constructive critique". Now that doesn't mean that we can swear and cuss, just that if you think, even for a minute, that your pride or sensibilities might be offended, you should post in the regular skins thread instead. i know a few instances where skinners have either

a. been greatly offended at some honest critique


b. refused to take advice on board multiple times (Vlad had a bad habit of this. He got the same advice all the time and never heeded it. He was obviously after praise and a showcase for his 'skills' rather than a discussion of technique and how he could improve).

If you just want a showcase, the regular skins thread works fine for this.
If you like how you skin/mesh now and don't want advice, post in the regular boards
If you know that you don't or won't take criticism well, post on the regular boards

I remember writing a detailed critique on a skin once and the artist replied, fairly so, I add, that he was more interested in making skins at his level and wasn't seeking to advance his abilities at all. And thats fair enough. Not every one wants to get better, not everyone has that need or drive. if you are happy with where you are, then i won't offer critique. But if you post in the new board i will assume you want feedback, and you will get it.
So can we safely say check your egos at the door, ladies and gentlemen?
I can guarantee that if this sub forum became a reality I would participate as fully as i can. There is a void left with NPI folding, especially for those people who create original characters. I would really like to see something like this implemented here at FR.
So, MODS, what is the chance this could come to pass?


I'd be only too happy to set up an art-workshop and critique subforum on the MeshMatters forums, which, to date, has accepted members via invitation only for mates working on alternative meshing methods and the FF 2 1/2 sequel mod.  The MeshMatters forums were created to be more open to critical (not to mention political) discussion, so it sounds to me as if what you seek might fit nicely into the tone of the site.  If this sounds like an agreeable idea, I suppose I could send out invitations to those who indicate that they would like to join up either in this thread or via PM.  Just let me know if 'twould be of interest to anyone.

EDIT: In the event that anyone might take interest in this site, I have prepared the sub-forums on MeshMatters.  I am happy to take requests for membership invitations.

Phantom Bunburyist and The Prat in the Hat


well if it seems like a good idea does anyone want to get together to see how we could work it. the easiest option would be just using a simple free board


I know that I usually like to give some constructive criticism, but I do tend to hold back, for a couple reasons. One, I don't want to make posts a mile long, and since I tend to overexplain myself, well... there you go. And two, a lot of times I think "Well who am I to be telling people what they should do?" Still, I do like being helpful and seeing people improve their techniques. Although I do post a lot of general "neato" comments... to encourage really great skinners to keep on.

Anyhow, back on track. I'd love it as a sub forum. One of the reasons I never started a thread for skins at NPI was... well I'm a creature of habit. I had a thread here, so why make another? I don't skin often enough for cross posting. I did get some useful feedback, but I think I could have improved more (and still improve) with more of it. So, yeah, I think it's a good idea. I might even make a couple new skins, if it happened. Maybe.


I must say, it's a very good idea, a truly artistic forum is needed.

To Unko and Caravaggio:  I find that your comments on skins are normally really helpful and well thought out


Speaking as someone who hasn't gotten into user creation yet,

I think it's a great idea.  The stuff in the other threads look so great that I'm compelled to comment and give props.  But I agree that a more constructive thread is needed, one that is more technically inclined so growth can be had. 

I'm still gonna peek, though.  YOU CAN'T STOP ME!!!!!!   :ph34r:

Cyber Burn

Right now I'm just using a trial version of paint shop pro, and I dont think I'll ever really know the tools well enough to get the hang of the program, at least for the two more weeks that I have it.   But I was experimenting with paint.net and would like to learn more.   So if a new board would give me the venue to bring out, not only my imagination, but also the knowledge of the art tools, then I'm all for it.