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Just Drawings Now

Started by UnkoMan, August 01, 2007, 01:39:59 PM

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I really like your style, keep the pics coming!



Thanks, MJB.
Since you insist, here's a totally fake comic book.


WAY cool! Great fake comic.  Also, I love the minister character with the guns.  Excellent!


As a guy that has made more than a few fake covers, you gotta know I'm a fan. :)



Thanks, MJB.

Hmm... should I just be posting pictures instead of deviantart links? Maybe. Too bad that site doesn't allow direct hosting.

This one is a character I saw on a City of Heroes site a long time ago, and recently saw again.


This one is Elvis, in outer space.


This one is a very awesome band called Hank and Lily.


Now quick, tell me how lazy I am for stealing pictures from the internet to use as backgrounds!


love your style, the elvis pic is awesome


Thanks UF. I've got that as my desktop now, actually.

These are some Corpse villains I doodled up in MSPaint, then decided to improve upon in photoshop.


Smogg, Blue Wolf, Green Ghoul, and Vale' Victorian


the 4th one looks like it could be a sprite screen from an old lucasart game, heh heh, awesome stuff



Heck yes. I use it all the time for character conceptions. Quick and easy.

Hey, I don't know where I should put this, but... I am trying to come up with another villain for The Corpse. I'll give you a bit of background, which I posted with this request elsewhere.

"He was, in fact, a highly celebrated artist. Begining in traditional mediums, he had been becoming more and more conceptual. At the same time, he lamented the fact that art's death was actually rather before his time. What was art now? In a world where newspapers were tabloids, what could it be? Art was plastic surgery. Art was public image. The celebrity blog was the new poetry. The height of cinematography was having a sex tape released on the internet.

In lieu of this, he started performing different works of art. The grotesque murder of celebrities. He was, of course, quickly caught and stopped. Placed in a mental facility, locked in isolation, he decided the ultimate form of expression would be cosmetic surgery done to one's self. This, obviously, simply resulted in a disfiguring. Thus, he now wears a mask. Boom, instant super villain.

Considering the fact that the Corpse works in theatre, with the occasional movie work on the side, I figure this sort of villain is a good type. What's that? Theatre not celebretory (make sure you're pronoucing this correct... or incorrect, as the case may be) enough? Well he does happen to be dating a rather popular singer. Granted, it's more local fame than anything too big, but still.

ANYHOW, yeah. I need a design. For him. Something stylish. Modern. With a solid, unique colour scheme. I love colours, as you may notice in some of those other designs. I picture him in some kind of suit. With optional things that I can add or remove, IE an overcoat or whatever, but with the same general feel all around. And, of course, the mask. The mask!

He'd also need some hench people in slightly less exaggerated versions of whatever his suit is. They wouldn't have the same mask either. Actually, I simply wanted to put a sack mask on their heads, as seen in The Strangers or Nightbreed or a million other things. I do so like that look. Perhaps he would have some fashion models too or something.

If people have ideas to say to me, or especially costume designs, I would LOVE to see them."

So, yeah. Love to see what you folks can come up with. Ultimately I will only be using these for inspirations, as with the skull on Corpse.


well if he is an artist then i doubt he would be content with just one look, so perhaps multiple masks of varying styles. a mask with a cherubic face from a renaissance painting (would be pretty creepy i think), an abstract "face", or a mask with an apple on it combined with a bowler hat. you could throw in a carnivale mask just to livin' things up.

Uncle Yuan

I like the mask idea - not a specific mask, but a ever changing series of masks inspired by famous works of art.  Particularly the grim and macabre ones.  In keeping with the play on classic horror figures, how about something like "Dorian Grave?"



That is the perfect name.

Do you mind if I totally use it because it rules?

Anyhow, what I was thinking was something like this:

Maybe the middle stitch opens a bit, and you can see his teeth sometimes.

But maybe he could wear different masks over top of that one. I mean, he definately will wear different outfits and such. This is just his base design.


I really like your drawing style, Unko. 
Dorian Graves is a great name.  Maybe instead of having an aging portrait stuck in another room, Dorian Grave's mask become more sinister as he commits crimes.  It could magically reset after some jail time.  :)


Oh man... that's a perfect idea.

I was going to have him start to dress more and more extravagantly the longer he is on a crime spree, and having him also become more and more grotesque is an awesome idea.

Dorian Grave. I love it. I love this guy. Thanks for your help, folks.

Uncle Yuan

I had suggested "Grave" without the 's' - sounds closer to the original, but you are totally free to use the name (either way).  Xeno's idea is great!


Whoops. That was a typo on my part.

I also think I will add to his backstory that he was obsessed with painting more and more disfigured portraits of himself in the lead up to his complete breakdown. Perhaps his first real big crime will be during the gala unveiling of The Portraits of Dorian Grave. This show would, of course, be attended by the Corpse in his secret identity of Conrad Veidt.


the corpse art is freakin awesome!
ur very good in ms paint!



It's true. MSPaint IS awesome. So is drawing with a mouse. Tablets are for suckers.

This, however, I drew with a pen. Then used photoshop. I am not satisfied with it, though. I think I will make a whole new background, then I can reposition the characters.


Here's another shot at a fake-o comic cover.

It was done for the Champions Online forum, hense the top logo and cryptic icon.


That's pretty awesome, Unko. I especially like the torn/worn look you got going on. So, when will the full comic be out? Tomorrow, right? ^_^


that fake comic looks kick arse!


Wow. You seem to like it quite a lot. I didn't think that making fake comic covers would allow me to get such... umm... questionable benefits.


What about making real comics :)


Quote from: UnkoMan on September 16, 2008, 05:35:38 PM
Wow. You seem to like it quite a lot. I didn't think that making fake comic covers would allow me to get such... umm... questionable benefits.

i like ur artwork unko.
its like awesomness! :thumbup: