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From Krypton to Oa

Started by youtellatale, August 09, 2007, 11:16:16 AM

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Anyone done this GL yet? I doubt it because I've searched but never found it...I'd like to see it as some sort of God-like character.

Lemme know if someone's done it because I haven't found it if they have.

I've got some more images on my comp from these issues in case anyone is interested, PM me if you want and I'll send them to you, idk how to load personal images onto a msg board yet otherwise I'd have done it already (goes with being new).

Here's the other 3 covers from the series

From Krypton to Rann

From Krypton to Thanagar

From Krypton to Mars

anyone interested?


Reminds me of a silver age story where Supes was Batman and The Flash (at least). I think the story was called "One Man Justice League"... Got a scan to th cover of that issue. Keep wanting to do a skin for the Flash version...

Dreamerziod  http://idd01px5.eresmas.net/ffskins.html  did the GL version. It looks like he has a different one on his site also.

I may have to track these comics down when I am once again gainfully employed.


thx, he had Supes as GL, not the others, I'm still searching for that. Thanks for the link tho, it is greatly appreciated. If anyone else hears anything or sees anything about more of them, lemme know.


Call this a first draft. I can't see the "S" shield clearly, but upon looking back at your posted image, it is incorrect.
The staff and raygun are visible because despite waht the text file said, the original Adam Strange keyframes do NOT work with this mesh.
Oh, he has Chris Reeve's face.


The last of these four variations of Superman is now posted at Character Obscura II