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Combo attribute gone horribly wrong

Started by Hugh Jazz, August 23, 2007, 04:35:38 PM

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Hugh Jazz

I followed Dr Mike2000's directions on creating combo attributes and tried to make one myself; unfortunately, I think I messed it up pretty badly.  :banghead: I opened up the game and saw that almost all ffx attributes were named by their ffedit names and missing descriptions, as was anything ffx related. Some attributes such as weather control and megablast were working, while others like summoner were not.  Also, when creating powers, the "/special" part was missing from any switchable powers.
I looked at ffxmulti.py and saw that I forgot a comma!  :banghead: :banghead: :banghead: I put the comma but the problem was still there so I deleted the line I added in ffxmulti.py, deleted what I added to scripts.txt, and deleted the attribute from ffedit. But the problem is still there!

Does anyone know what's going on? Any help would be awesomely appreciated!   


Why don't you just export all your customizations and reinstall FFX.  It isn't that hard. . .


and for future reference...it sounds like you didnt generate (or finish generating) your language files or you made an error in them.

Hugh Jazz

Quote from: catwhowalksbyhimself on August 23, 2007, 05:47:24 PM
Why don't you just export all your customizations and reinstall FFX.  It isn't that hard. . .

Ok, thanks, but...how do I uninstall it? As stupid as that sounds, I can't find an uninstallation thingy anywhere. I've uninstalled it before and I think I remember one coming with it but I don't have one this time.


Well uninstalling FFX should just be a job of deleting the FFX folder in the FFVTTR folder.


I could be forgetting something, but there may not be any reason to uninstall FFX before reinstalling it. Just run the installer again. It that doesn't work, I would just rename the FFX3 folder to something else (like zFFX3) and then run the installer. In fact, I know that when running the FFX 3.2 betas, that's what I did.

Taking into account cat's point about exporting customizations, of course....


Yeah, like Stumpy says, there's no reason to uninstall it.

Hugh Jazz

Ok thanks, I'll try it out. By the way, this is for ff, not ffvttr.


In this case, it doesn't really matter.