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Archlord.... Free Download... Free Key... Free to Play?

Started by UnfluffyBunny, September 08, 2007, 04:21:54 PM

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announced just today!
yup indeed, you can download, log in, and play forever, for free!
check out http://www.archlordgame.com/

i've been playing sporadicly for a little bit now, i'll post character and server detail mess later if there's any interest, in short tho, i'd call the game a cross between neverwinter nights, rising force online and guild wars, so download, have a play it's free!!! :P


I'm vaguely interested, although Dungeon Runners seems more interesting, but I may give it a try.


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Mr. Hamrick



Quote from: catwhowalksbyhimself on September 08, 2007, 05:06:08 PM
I'm vaguely interested, although Dungeon Runners seems more interesting, but I may give it a try.
Dungeon Runners was just horrid.  It is a really poorly done WoW clone.  It's "free" aspect was also misleading since you can do almost nothing cool without paying them something.  I couldn't use any potions except the most basic.  I couldn't buy any magic items from the merchants despite the massive amount of cash I had.  Most of the items that started dropping after a couple of levels couldn't be used either.  Each of those gave a message of "For Premium Members Only".  Premium of course meant paid.  Oh, and the graphics/animation/sound reminded me of the type found in some shareware games from 10 years ago.
I'll check out this Archlord.  At least the screenshots are pretty. :)


QuoteDungeon Runners was just horrid.  It is a really poorly done WoW clone.  It's "free" aspect was also misleading since you can do almost nothing cool without paying them something.  I couldn't use any potions except the most basic.  I couldn't buy any magic items from the merchants despite the massive amount of cash I had.  Most of the items that started dropping after a couple of levels couldn't be used either.  Each of those gave a message of "For Premium Members Only".  Premium of course meant paid.  Oh, and the graphics/animation/sound reminded me of the type found in some shareware games from 10 years ago.

You must have played it a while ago.  From what I understand, it is now more of a Diablo clone--the only place you run into players you don't take with you is the towns--and everything is available to the free account.  It's just some features, like potion stacking, are left out.

As to Archlord--maybe we should agree on a server, so we can all meet, since this seems to be gathering at least some interest.


For some reason, Archlord Elf=Catgirl.  I tried, but after seeing a city of catgirls fighting platypuses....  If you like catgirls its ok.


gotto say i've never played as a moon elf, humans start off fighting gelatinous cubes, and orcs get spiders :P


ooooo catgirls  :thumbup:
Now I just need to get this thing downloaded.  Been trying so far with no success yet.


I like it a lot,   its nice to get into,  although it still is kinda buggy and crashes on me.  but i've been able to level at a decent enough speed for me.  and i got some pretty good drops.  like weapons i was saving up for with other character.  so ffar i've got a catgirl in a harlequin outfit with a killer all-elements bow,  and then i have a human mage.




Im on Gaiahon.
ive got a catgirl elf and a human mage,  i think mine is one of the only catgirls with black hair.


i'm on Gaiahon too.
something to keep in mind, you can reset your skills, but only once, after that you need to buy resets and you can only do 1 skill at a time >_>
my beserker went buhbye cos of that :P easier to start again
I have an orc mage and a human knight currently


Not impressed so far... and that's just the download attempt.  The hoops you have to jump through... well, I only suffered through registering on MMOsite thus far and judged it not worth the massive sluggish download.  Maybe later on if things die down it will go faster.

(And speaking of MMOsite... would it have killed them to include avatars that weren't a) cutesy and b) didn't cause excessive eye strain?)

If anyone knows a different way to download it that doesn't involve painful registrations and pay-for-speed downloads, I'll be willing to give it another try.


I got mine from the Boomtown mirror.  They have a free download manager for their site and it helped with the resuming of the download.  Didn't take to long with them.
I finally got to play last night.  It's gonna take a bit getting used to since the movement controls aren't intuitive.  Still haven't figured out how to properly turn with the keyboard.  All I can manage is forward, back and strafing.  So having to use the mouse to rotate the camera to then click where I want to run is a bit awkward.  If any of you know how to set it up so I can have full motion with the keyboard, that would be appreciated.  I'm used to moving around with the left hand and only using the mouse for aiming and selecting things.
I started my life on Gaiahon as a Moon Elf Elementalist named "Lunatari".  So for I have long pink ponytails and a blue gothic lolita dress.  Definitely an Manga/Manwha styled character. :)  I've also created an Orc Archer named "Athenova" and a Human Knight named "Argentium".  I haven't tried those yet.
So far I'm impressed with the detail of the textures and the simplicity of the combat so far.  Their switch to "free" came just a few days after I cancelled my WoW subscription, so that was an opportune time. :)


Quote from: Kommando on September 09, 2007, 08:55:23 PM
For some reason, Archlord Elf=Catgirl.  I tried, but after seeing a city of catgirls fighting platypuses....  If you like catgirls its ok.

Wait a tic....platypuses?  I'm THERE!


Ok, I'm poor and easily amused. I can't play CoH/V because, well....I'm poor.

Will I be just as entertained with this game?


Quote from: UnfluffyBunny on September 09, 2007, 03:38:25 AM
wait... there are mac compatible games???


*cough* second life *cough*

Sorry, couldn't resist ^_^

I might try this, but the absolutely huge download is a bit of a turnoff for me :/



huge download.....
like installing any large entire game from scratch....

*thinks of time it took to -image GW on a laptop and a pc...., suprising archlord was faster, even if it was having a hissy installing on vista*


everyone realizes theres an official Archlord torrent right?    that doesn't take to long to download, depending when you do it.


I tried to play this game but for some reason the conformation screen tells me I have the wrong key. I sent a email to tech support but got back a vague response so I just deleted the game. I don't have the patience to work the problem out. Figure if it doesn't work the first time through forget it. It looks like a Guild War/Neverwinter night clone anyway.


I've been playing it, and enjoying it.  Not as much fun as I had when I started WoW, but it's pretty cool for a free game.


I think I am not destined to play this game. I have tried at least five times to get it to work. Everytime I get the message "the key you have entered is invalid". I have redownloaded the game and regenerated the keys and still the same message. Customer service is terrible, they offer no help at all. How is this game, should I even try any longer? The only reason I have tried to get it to work is because it is free.


Did you copy paste the keys or retype them?  I copied mine into a notepad file and kept it until I installed it.  It worked without issue.  You shouldn't need to redownload it.  Good luck.


Ok, got it working. Seems pretty cool so far, want to play it in 1600x1200 though.


Is anyone else playing this?  I'm not doing to badly with my knight character.  Argentium is currently lvl 16.  At lvl 15 I went toe to toe with a lvl 18 mage and almost managed to win that PvP.  Guess it helps that my Slayingnova Curaiss has a natural +6 defense even w/o stones.  The mage claimed I did well since she totally expected to one-shot me.  Anyone running a guild?  Anyone in a good guild?


for the record, i'm using evengarda as my back up server