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Having problem with Style's skope Hulk6

Started by SingleMalt, September 13, 2007, 05:36:33 PM

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The hulk6 skope is really dark ingame. I ran it through EZNifConverter but it is still dark. My video card is a geforce 7950GT so I doubt that is the problem.


I've got the same problem with Luthor. Every once and a while I have that problem. Haven't found a solution.  95% of the meshes convert find but others just no. Any help would be greatly appreciated. The others I seem to have trouble with  are Revanant's  batmanTD and his VX wonder woman hex.


Exactly the same ones I have problems with. I wonder if the hulk6 works for anyone? I have been trying for hours to fix the dark hulk6 and came close but the mesh was way to bright. Seems there is no fix for it, a real shame too, because I really like the hulk6 skope. Though it does need to be much larger than it is to look like Hulk.



I don't have any real help here, but just a little explanation as to why the converters don't do anything to lighten FFvT3R meshes.

The reason the EZ-converters don't brighten these meshes is because they (I am pretty sure this is true of both of them) use my NIF lightening code, which I wrote to work on FF meshes, assuming (falsely, I guess) that anyone making FFvT3R meshes would already have the right light settings. The format of the second game's meshes is different, so different code would be needed to deal with them.

(The whole reason there was an issue with the FF meshes is that FF didn't pay attention to those settings and the game renderer lit the meshes acceptably for the first game. Since FFvT3R does use those settings, the low-light defaults for FF looked dark. The lightener code did some auto-hexing to set those values to some that Renegade found worked well.)

Anyway, I think a post in the skoping thread has some suggestions for this problem. (That may be what SingleMalt was referring to above.)