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Help needed installing new attributes

Started by crocodamon, September 21, 2007, 02:34:22 PM

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What Am i need to do to install new atributes in  :ffvstr: without using FFX?

Can anyone please help me?


With or without...  :ph34r:


Have you looked at the FFX 3.2 manual? There's a description of the process there. What have you tried and where are you stuck?

Installing new scripted attributes without FFX would be sort of a pain because you have to essentially do what FFX does to get them into the game. It's much easier to do using FFX.


Quote from: stumpy on September 24, 2007, 05:17:24 PM
Installing new scripted attributes without FFX would be sort of a pain because you have to essentially do what FFX does to get them into the game. It's much easier to do using FFX.
"Sort of"? With simply the Python files themselves weighting in about 85,000 lines of code over more than ten releases, I hereby nominates Stumpy for the Understatement of the Year award. ;)

Crocodamon, there is no build-in mechanism to add working attributes in the default game; you can add attributes in FFEdit, but you can't get them to do anything. FFX is a hack which was done precisely for this.

As Stumpy wrote, if you haven't already, make certain you read the FFX manual and then, if unsuccessful, post a *minutely detailed* account of what you're trying to do and how you're doing it.

A further suggestion along the "minutely detailed" line: an explicit post title helps getting answers faster.

(BTW, Stumpy, maybe this thread could be moved to Scripting or Mods?)


Good idea. This belongs in the Mods or Scripting. We'll go with Mods, since I suspect this will mostly have a resolution within FFX. It could use a decent topic name, too...

Of course, you're right that duplicating FFX would be a herculean task. :blink: But much of the work and achievement of FFX is that it's designed to work for any user and to allow for a whole range of attributes that do a wide range of things reliably. I was assuming the OP was likely thinking of something more on a limited scale, perhaps hardwired to one character, that could run from within mission.py. That's how I used to test stuff, back in tha day, before learning python and understanding how extensible FFX was.

And, Crocodamon, that's good advice Épiméthée gives about being very specific in what you want to do, how you are going about it, and the problems you are encountering when you do. I should probably add a "How to get help" sticky to a couple of the FF forums, but, in the meanwhile, you might want to take a look at this post that's more specific to FFX.
