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Pulp Fiction (for FFvTTR)

Started by rmt, October 10, 2007, 07:04:17 PM

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The one (and only) mod I will ever do for  :ffvstr: is now available.  It's a conversion of my recent Pulp Fiction mod, 20+ levels using pulp and golden age super hero archetypes that are generally transparent, occasionally somewhat veiled, and once in a blue moon violative of my own rules (my Shang Chi inspired character, for example).

Please note this is a very raw conversion.  Parts of it (especially some of the maps) won't be pretty and knocking people off the skyscraper no longer works as well as in FF, but it's largely playable.  For example, the people knocked off a skyscraper won't fall beautifully into the clouds, but they will die when they hit the bottom ledge that the game inexplicably forces them onto.  Sigh. 

Those of you without FF can at least get the gist of it.  Those with FF, please d/l it instead as it's much closer to what I had envisioned.  But I did want everyone to at least have the option of playing it.  It was honestly much more difficult to convert than I had anticipated so I don't foresee converting any other past or future mod.

Certain camera angles decided to change themselves when people spoke.  I've occasionally overridden that feature and occasionally left it, depending on whether I could live with it in a given scene.

You will definitely not be able to earn all powers as the point systems differ so widely for some attacks.  But the game is beatable on normal difficulty using what you can buy.  I largely did not change the gameplay.  I did dumb down the dreameaters' health a bit as I found them much harder to kill in this version.

Warning: In the one level with Six Gun Sam in the desert, kill the ants first, then punch the ant hole away.  For some reason, Sam loses the ability to target the partially destroyed ant hole, which could cause the level to never end if you don't have a nice automatically repeating attack going.  It's just one of those oddities from converting.  As far as I know, it's the only level where anyone should get stuck due to coding issues rather than game design.

On the plus side, I really do like Dreamweaver having cone attacks.

Also please note that unlike the FF version, this hasn't really been tested.  I will keep the mod until someone can confirm it works on a computer other than mine.  It should.  Honest.   :P

Thanks to Alex, Tommy, and GogglesPizanno for all their help with conversion, and double thanks to Alex for the double hosting.

The Phantom Eyebrow

Great to see you still active RMT.  I've been greatly enjoying the FF version of this mod.


Thanks for doing this--I'm having a great time playing it!



Glad to hear you're enjoying it guys.  Someone let me know when they've beaten the  :ffvstr: version so I can delete it.   :P


I've just completed the FFvTR version... hands-down my favorite mod. Now, I've really got to buy a new copy of FF- I gotta play through the original version.


I'm sorry but I just have to necro post this!

I finally got around to playing this mod.  Normally I just stick to mainstream Marvel/DC stuff as original stuff just doesn't interest me too much, so I figured I'd save and install this mod when "I got around to it".   Well I finally got around to it and I could kick myself in the butt for not playing this earlier.  You have put togeather some cool and interesting characters with abilities and powers that were a blast to play with, and you stuck them in a all around fun mod that kept me interested in what is gonna happen next and where the story takes me next, put that togeather with nice looking cut scenes, neat load screen, cool opening screen, voices durring cut scenes (which really isnt done too much anymore because of time and space), and you have one fantastic mod.   I recommend this to anyone that likes to play mods!

I debated on which version to play FFV3R or FF and I decided the FFV3R version only because it would require me to actually push the disk open button on my laptop and insert my FF disk, and since FFV3R has been in my drive for about a year I just left it ^_^.

My favorite level was the skyscaper level,
[spoiler]The first time I played it I lost because I was just trying to beat down all the dwarfs which took too much time, then I figured out what needed to be done and I had a blast picking those little dudes off the building one by one, even the Thug got the boot as well.[/spoiler]

Through the whole mod I only had one issue:
[spoiler]On the level where you need to rescue your allies, Doc Cylops's hypnotize beam didn't work on anybody, I used it on the 2 villain doctors (Hayes and Reyes) and the Beatlemen, the attack was a success but the villains kept on attacking me instead of each other.[/spoiler]

Once again, well done RMT, thanks for putting that out for us, and I'll be keeping my eyes out for any of those "other" mods you mentioned in other threads.


Glad you liked it USAgent.  About once a week I force myself not to start Pulp Fiction II, though it's awfully tempting.  I never quite nailed the plot down in my head but suffice to say, it would pick up where PF1 ends only it would involve the real deals, not the pastiches.

[spoiler] Not sure what is up on the issue you noted.  Is FFX working OK for you as far as other attacks (example, does Six Gun Sam pull rather than hypnotize)?  I ask only b/c I can't remember if Klops had hypnosis, crystallization, or both.  Assuming he is meant to have hypnosis, my guess is that I have an aggressive AI attack command that repeats too often and overrides the hypnosis in some way.  I can try to debug it if you think it's worthwhile, though I think the version I kept for me was FF1.  Just let me know.

Marvel Wars (100 levels) will be coming to a site near you if the permission issues can be worked out, since Catwhoetc says he can host despite its size, and the folks who thought they had an "exclusive" mod generously agreed to its public release as long as it doesn't cause friction.  I'm going to follow up with Cat, I hope maybe this weekend.  I recently moved, started a new job, and am househunting so RL has made me it's b**** at this point. 

COFE (150 levels with a DC/DC acquisition focus but including a multitude of other publishers such as Tower, Marvel, Timely, Harvey, Holyoke, Ace, Prize, Nedor, etc.) will remain exclusive at least until the bugs are worked out. 

Before anyone gets too excited, I want to be clear that these are plotless mods.  No cutscenes/dialogue, no plot (not even a Pulp Fiction action-oriented light plot).  Think of it as a pre-programmed danger room but with some alternate goals like robbing banks or stopping a jailbreak, coupled with some large Battle Royals and a lot of pre-programmed, hopefully decently balanced levels.  Even the random levels won't just spew out a bunch of unassociated characters but instead might randomly pick Cap's Kooky Quartet to take on Mandarin's Minions, using pre-programmed possible teams.

The best thing I can say about it is that Tommyboy calls it one of his favorite mods ever.  High praise indeed.  The worst thing I can say about it is that it's virtually obsolete in light of COFE, which upped the average team size from 4 to 6, has 600+ characters, expanded the levels to 150, and added things like the random generators for Marvel Team Up, Brave and the Bold, JLA/JSA Teamup, etc.  I almost don't want to make another mod ever as I think it's my definitive magnum opus.  Definitely better than FBR2 and probably better than Pulp Fiction, though PF will always hold a place in my heart as my most original creation.


Marvel Wars and COFE eh?
i was always wondering about that private mod club,  but man, if you are ale to release these...   

:thumbup: :thumbup: :thumbup: :thumbup:


All the FFX state swaps worked just fine for me for the FFV3R version.  As for finding a fix for that one little bug, I wouldnt bother with it at all. Its too minor and doesnt take away from the mod at all.  And yes, it was Klops that had the Hypnosis power, but it was just that level that it didn't work.

As for those other mods you mentioned, to say I am exited about those is a understatement, My poor little laptop is really getting short on hard drive space and those mods just may not fit. So I guess it looks like I'm gonna have to accidently delete the wife's "photo" album folder to make room :D  "honey, I told you to keep the kids away from the computer" :cool:


Man's got to do what a man's got to do, but THAT'S hardcore!  But let's see...

Marvel Wars = 3.53 gb

Crisis = 4.28 gb

You will hate me at some point since they could have been shrunk.  For example, I tended to give every character their own mesh folder even if they shared meshes, because it made it easier to change out characters whenever newer meshes get made.  But of course, that bloats the file size.  On the other hand, it's usually VERY easy to update the art assets, since I pretty much only have to make sure the animations used line up, so it generally has the latest meshes, at least the latest I know about and could find to download.

Detourne_me, it started out as kind of a private swap deal for other reasons but it's grown more into a practical matter b/c of file size, with the distribution numbers kept low b/c I'm personally paying the postage.  Color me funny, but it's kind of cruel to spend months on a mod AND pay people just to play it.   :P  Plus it kept us from getting into all the permission issues, which is my big fear with going wide, though I will be attempting to test those waters and if there are no piranhas, other mods will follow.   :D