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Camera Zoom?

Started by Mego Hulk, October 24, 2007, 05:55:07 PM

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Mego Hulk

Hello everyone, my first post here.
I haven't played FF in a few years and just installed it on my current machine.
I originally had many great skins and meshes and had the game set-up to my liking on the old machine but all the data is gone now.
So I'm basically starting from square one again and I have some questions.
I recall getting skins/meshes on IRC and some other sites but it seems everythings scattered now and sites are dead. Is there still a single spot to get most of the files or have most moved on to FFvTTR?
Also I did a search here and elsewhere for directions on adjusting the camera zoom but only found instructions on the newer game. How do I set the zoom parameters on FF?
Thanks in advance.


Welcome back. :)

For skins and meshes, take a look at topics involving the master mesh list, in the Meshes forum. There is a stickied topic there as well as a few other recent threads of interest. (Note that that is not the proper place to post a request for a skin or mesh that you can't find on the list. The Requests for Skins and Meshes forum is for that.) In addition, the FR World Wiki (see the Game FAQ for details and a link) also has information on getting and installing meshes.

I've updated the Game FAQ entry on camera zoom limits. That should be helpful for your second question.

Hope that helps.

Mego Hulk

Thanks Stumpy for the links and tips, good to be back!
I had gotten about 2/3 through the game the first time around and I want to finish it before moving on to FFvTTR.

How much of an improvement is the second game to the first?


quick, not indept answer:

FFVTTR has the following *improvements*:

  • New characters
  • Better, brighter graphics
  • Dynamic lighting
  • Cone FX
  • New energy system
  • Lots of new stuff for coders (see FFX and patriot city)
  • zero cost attacks
  • some new animations for meshes are made available in FFVTTR

That's about everything I can think of that was changed between ff1 and ffvttr. I may be wrong though. *shrugs*. If ffans is still up, I believe they pretty much spell out a few of the main changes.


There are some new built-in powers (like possession, teleport swap, buoyancy, etc.) too, but I think Previsionary summarizes things well. It's worth noting that the changed energy system is mostly the removal of several gradations for the EP cost of power use, which lots of people don't see as an improvement. Oh, and there is nothing new about zero cost attacks; they are exactly as they were before. Overall, the new game is an improvement, IMO.

If you are just running through the FF campaign the first time through, I would recommend checking into some of the mods for the first game while you are at it. Many of them are excellent and most are listed in the mod list stickied at the top of the Mods forum.