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G.I. Joe: The Movie

Started by catwhowalksbyhimself, October 28, 2007, 06:24:16 PM

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an aside: in that article posted it mentions the new Solomon Kane movies! YES!


Don't know if this has been posted:

Snake Eyes pic


Wow.......no matter how badly the rest of the movie sucks (if indeed it does), that looks incredibly awesome.  I LOVE that they just translated his look straight, not trying to 'update' it or anything.


Quote from: BentonGrey on March 20, 2008, 06:21:52 PM
Wow.......no matter how badly the rest of the movie sucks (if indeed it does), that looks incredibly awesome.  I LOVE that they just translated his look straight, not trying to 'update' it or anything.

Well, you can say that Snake-Eyes second uniform (or "costume," if you prefer) was pretty much ahead of its time in terms of design... while everybody else was wearing BDUs or variations thereof, he was already rocking the skin-tight bodysuit a lá Metal Gear Solid's Snake and Splinter Cell's Sam Fisher.

And yeah, no matter how bad the movie the movie might potentially be, that screenshot looks dead-on (looks like they mixed elements fo the original costume and the second costume)... the only real complaint I have with the costume is that he's got the Arashikage trigram plastered on his shoulder and sword... you'd think that was the kind of thing he'd want to keep discreetly hidden (unless, of course, the fact that it's there for everybody to see is somehow addressed in the story).


Well, in his second costume, he sometimes wore it on his sleeve (literally), and you know what?  When I first saw it, I thought that the red on the sword was just reflection, but I think you may be right, and that is actually the hexagram mark on the blade itself.

As for them mixing elements of the two designs, yeah, he looks a lot like the "Reborn" look, and the combat pouches and stuff are fine by me.  After all, in various comics in the main series he had stuff just like that over his standard combat togs.  Doesn't that picture just make you wiggle with glee ZD? ^_^


Are they going to use laser guns or real guns?  Will anyone actually be hit...hahaha!




You know he's just thinking to himself 'I'm #@%&ing awesome!'
i know i would be


Several people I know had the same reaction to it.
"Thats so awsome... and yet so... not"

I cant really explain it. Its like they made it so close the actual character, that it somehow feels off.
They succeeded in making a live action character look too CGI-ish to me  :blink:
It looks like high end 3D render.

Although this has increased my interest in seeing the film quite a bit..and it was already pretty high.


Quote from: BentonGrey on March 20, 2008, 09:53:21 PMDoesn't that picture just make you wiggle with glee ZD? ^_^

Yeah, as an old fan of Hama's GI Joe work, I'll be watching the movie at the cinema when it comes out (something I rarely do these days... it's getting harder and harder to justify spending $12 just to listen to people talk on their cellphones in the middle of a flick), even if it's just for nostalgia (and even if the movie turns out to be a typical Hollywood turd sandwich). I spent hours as a kid dreaming about a live-action GI Joe film. 


GI Joe preview at USA Today:
QuoteChanning Tatum (Step Up) plays all-American team leader Duke. Rachel Nichols (Alias) plays the crossbow-wielding Scarlett, Marlon Wayans is paratrooper Ripcord and Dennis Quaid is the commander, Hawk. On the evil-doer side, Sienna Miller plays the raven-haired Baroness, Christopher Eccleston is Destro, the arms dealer who hides behind a silver mask, and Joseph Gordon-Levitt (3rd Rock From the Sun, Brick) plays multiple roles, including the Cobra Commander.
Emphasis mine.
Baroness won't suddenly be blonde.  Yay!  Hopefully she'll wear glasses too.  :wub:
Destro WILL have his silver mask!  :thumbup:
Joseph Gordon-Levitt plays multiple roles?  Could he be the Fred clones?  :o

Edit: Grammar


Wow... what odd casting.

At least those two fellas are good actors. I don't actually know anything about Sienna Miller's tallents, but I do know she's no Baroness.

Mr. Hamrick

Funny thing about Sienna Miller, I was expecting to like her in Stardust and she did fine with the little screen time given to her.  Depends on what they do with The Baroness therefore as to how well she will do in the role, I think. 

Joseph Gordon Levitt as Cobra Commander?? Now that has my attention even more than the Snake-Eyes teaser pic,


Finally a movie thats sticks to the original concept!!!!! Thank YOU!!!! :thumbup: :thumbup: :thumbup:


Quote from: style on March 24, 2008, 09:31:18 AM
Finally a movie thats sticks to the original concept!!!!! Thank YOU!!!! :thumbup: :thumbup: :thumbup:

In Snake's look at least.........but CC as a member of the JOE team?  There is still cause for concern....

Quote from: detourne_me on March 21, 2008, 08:32:24 AM
You know he's just thinking to himself 'I'm #@%&ing awesome!'
i know i would be


That's okay Frostbite, no one is as awesome as he is.

Glitch Girl

A littel slow but I finally saw the Snakeseyes pic...

Up until now I couldn't get excited about this pic because... well, it's Hollywood.  The stuff I liked about it is going to go away.

For the first time, I'm actually looking forward to this movie.  :)


Quote from: Midnite on April 16, 2008, 03:45:53 PM
The actress is hot.  She looks like a good choice.  I do have a problem with her suit though.  Although her traditional costume is arguably a bit gaudy for a live action, I don't think the black works for her at all.
Two reasons:
1) Black is the Baroness' color.  If Scarlett is in black, and the Baroness is in black, will the only thing differentiating them be the color of their hair?  Will the inevitable catfight be a blur of black catsuits with the occasional flash of red hair?
2) Black is Snake Eye's color.  I hope this isn't part of a trend to have the entire Joe & Cobra team in black.  That would take all the cool out of Snake Eye's black commando/ninja schtick.


SnE and Scarlett are an item so maybe they like to dress alike to show there unity.

I hope they have some BATs in the movie.  I love those guys!



This starting to look more like Snake Eyes and his Ninja Squad.... instead of GI Joe.



I'd like to state something I posted at another board when someone had concerns over Scarlett's outfit:

Scarlett hangs out with Snake-Eyes and is Covert Ops, so it does make sense that she's dressed in black.

Besides, for all we know that could be a special missions\stealth outfit, and not her normal gear, anyway.

However, if they have the entire team dressed in black..... :banghead:


Just felt like digibashing the picture:


awwww I like the digitally enhanced image :(


I'm more of the opinion that in feature film versions of comic books, when a costume doesn't work in real life, they just default to black body suit armor.

Thanks X-MEN!


Unfortunately, after seeing this image of Duke & Scarlett maquettes, I'm afraid that my original fear may be correct:  The Joes will all be genericized.  I am just hoping this is an "origins" type suit or a special "stealth mission" suit.


A bunch of images: (I'm not linking the article due to language.)
I think the designs shown are somewhat lackluster.  I'm not as excited as I was for the movie.  I do hope the ones not shown are better, but I'm not holding my breath.


That site is blocked here at work, but if its the images I read about earlier, they were stolen and posted illegally and a lot of sites have pulled them... but prior to that, all of them seem to have had the same sort of "ugh" reaction...

I almost don't wanna see em now.


I'm actually okay with the indistinct costumes. I think they're closer to the spirit of the original 1982 Real American Hero toy line designs (when everybody except Scarlett and Snake-Eyes basically wore the same green crew-neck commando sweaters and green BDU pants) instead of the "Village People" look of the later incarnations of the toy. The one problem I have is that I wish the common costume wasn't in solid black... it becomes harder to distinguish Scarlett from Baroness and sort of takes away from Snake-Eyes' uniqueness.
