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ff custom characters crashing danger room on second entry.

Started by grey, November 08, 2007, 12:27:09 PM

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Ok here I go, after installing  :ff: and 1.3 patch (running on xp service pack 2), the danger room is fine, after installing the ffx mod and ezfx the danger room crashes on second entry, the strange thing is that the crash only happens with custom characters. I admit I'm a complete noob so any help would be appreciated this problem is starting to drive me insane.


It's a known issue that the 1.3 patch destabilized the FF Danger Room. I don't know that there is any fix for it. As I recall, it only happens when you leave the DR and then come back to it, not if you just play several DR sessions in a row without leaving (that is, without going to the main game menu).

If it only happens with custom characters, then that is a new bit of information on this problem. Does that mean that you can quit the DR and come back without crashing if all of the characters you played before are built-ins? Does it matter if the custom characters are in your squad or in the enemies list? Also, if you play with built-in heroes (like Minute Man) in the enemies list (but no customs anywhere), you can leave the DR and come back without crashing?