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Recent Works

Started by Mowgli, December 04, 2007, 01:23:35 PM

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Hey there! A friend mentioned to me that I hadn't shared any of my work recently, so I though I would post a few things I have been working on.

Here's a portrait of a friend who passed away recently and his two sons. It's a gift for his widow.

Here's the reference photo:

I did this one for a "draw-off" on another site where the artist was supposed to draw themself as a super-hero. This is me as one of my favorites, Starman (the Jack Knight version):

This is another funny little drawing I did for a "draw-off" about video game characters. It is unfinished as I scanned this because I had to change it when I found out the rules said the characters had to be from different video games. Blanka and Honda got erased, and the new pic didn't look as good without them.  :(

I hope you like them. Any comments, questions or criticism are welcome. As always, thanks for stopping by!  :)


You continue to get worse and worse.

I don't know why you don't just quit.

Go take up needlepoint or something.



Great job with the portraits and the Starman piece. There's a very distinct right-hand "pull" on Akuma, though.


Spud: Thanks!  :thumbup:

Zuludelta: I know what you mean. I have that "pull" in a lot of my drawings. I haven't figured out a way to cure the problem. Any ideas?


Quote from: Mowgli on December 06, 2007, 01:55:58 PM
Zuludelta: I know what you mean. I have that "pull" in a lot of my drawings. I haven't figured out a way to cure the problem. Any ideas?

I actually have the same problem when I draw off-the-cuff, especially when drawing on a board propped on my lap (my preferred position when doing casual drawings). The easiest solution I've found is to keep conscious of the straight edge of the pad or table at all times as a reference point. The janitor at my primary school (my first ever art/music teacher) actually taught me a neat trick to help me keep conscious of symmetry and "leaning"... try drawing with a small mirror propped perpendicular to the surface of the paper. Not sure if it actually works as anything but a psychological/motivational trick but it sure as heck made me more conscious of my right hand tendencies.


Zuludelta: Thanks for the tip about the mirror. I haven't heard of that, but it's always worth a try. I have tried to remain conscious of the edge of the paper. I guess I just get so carried away, I forget to check.  :blink:


I work almost exclusively in digital... doing a flip-horizontal on the pic every couple hours is a HUGE help. You see all kinds of problems you missed because you were just used to looking at them.

So, yeah. Definitely recommend the mirror thing.


the pull trick ...which i learned from jimlee was ...by holding your paper to the light or if you have a light box you can definitely see the asymmetrical problems easier. I think it just takes a crapload of drawing to slowly pull you self the other direction.  i've also seen people draw a big line vertical through the drawing and using that as a balance tool.