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Old Iron Man Mod for FFv3R

Started by killercomics1981, February 20, 2008, 11:34:35 AM

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Someone told me today that there was an old Iron Man mod that started you out in the original armor and as you went you got different armor. I'm assuming it was for FFv3R. Where can I find this and other Mods like it. There's a few I want (Iron Man, Crisis, Legion, and any others) Any help pointing me in the right direction would be MOST appreciated! Thanks!



there's a thread above this one with links to all the mods currently available online. The Iron man mod for FF1 isn't available right now as four eyed avenger site went down 1 or 2 years ago. Most of the mods in that thread is also available on the FR wiki which I and others already linked you to.


Somebody remind me and I'll see if I can get it up on the Graveyard.




THANKS! :thumbup:


Wow, cat, this seems urgent!  Just look at the lad's broken Caps Lock key!  You'd better jump right on that request, pronto, out of sympathy (if not annoyance).

Phantom Bunburyist and Fop o' th' Morning



Quoteasylum is down?

I so never get tired of that joke!


and i still dont get it  :unsure:


i don't really get it either.  it's an example of the emporers new clothes.

but i would like to have the iron man mod also.


Well, it just so happened that I exchanged shifts with someone else, resulting in my working two shifts today, and getting a 3-day weekend in return.  Since it's supposed to snow and rain nearly all day, so I likely won't be going anywhere, well, I might just have to dig through my CDs and find that mod.

This reminds me of my old mod review thread.  Of all the threads we lost in the crash, I wish I could get that one back.

Oh well, no matter.  I'll try to put it up.

The graveyard's address, by the way, is http://graveyard.freedomforceforever.com


Quote from: catwhowalksbyhimself on February 21, 2008, 08:52:44 PM
Since it's supposed to snow and rain nearly all day, so I likely won't be going anywhere, well, I might just have to dig through my CDs and find that mod.
Gotta love those Connecticutters (I do--I married one. ;)): they seem to get the worst of the weather coming our way (Boston-ward), and, by the time it gets here, 'tis nothing more than wind and rain.  ^_^

Of course, that may not be the case tomorrow.  :unsure:

Phantom Bunburyist and Fop o' th' Morning


Connecticutters sounds like it would make a good super villain team...

"Bow before us, we are THE CONNECTICUTTERS"
"From Connecticut?"
"No, Philly! Mwa ha ha ha!!"



Quote from: catwhowalksbyhimself on February 21, 2008, 08:52:44 PMThis reminds me of my old mod review thread.  Of all the threads we lost in the crash, I wish I could get that one back.

Hmmm. I had decided to google down maybe half a dozen FR/FFans posts from before the boards went down and save local copies. That one seems familiar. I'll check my USB drives and see if I backed it up somewhere...


Quote from: stumpy on February 22, 2008, 02:30:00 AM
Quote from: catwhowalksbyhimself on February 21, 2008, 08:52:44 PMThis reminds me of my old mod review thread.  Of all the threads we lost in the crash, I wish I could get that one back.

Hmmm. I had decided to google down maybe half a dozen FR/FFans posts from before the boards went down and save local copies. That one seems familiar. I'll check my USB drives and see if I backed it up somewhere...

Actually, I was also looking for a thread like that. ^_^


Quote from: stumpy on February 22, 2008, 02:30:00 AM
Quote from: catwhowalksbyhimself on February 21, 2008, 08:52:44 PMThis reminds me of my old mod review thread.  Of all the threads we lost in the crash, I wish I could get that one back.

Hmmm. I had decided to google down maybe half a dozen FR/FFans posts from before the boards went down and save local copies. That one seems familiar. I'll check my USB drives and see if I backed it up somewhere...

I'm thracking [thread jacking] for a second. Did you happen to save anything from the fanfiction sections as there's a specific thread I kinda want back for my own selfish needs. :P


QuoteHmmm. I had decided to google down maybe half a dozen FR/FFans posts from before the boards went down and save local copies. That one seems familiar. I'll check my USB drives and see if I backed it up somewhere...

If you do find it, get it to me, and I'll re-edit the reviews and re-post them, maybe add a few new ones.


Cat: Check your email. :)

Previsionary: Sorry. I only saved a few reference posts. Now that I've checked, there are literally only four threads between FR and FFans. (Just so that no one is wondering: Cat's review thread, Captain Wigster's hexing ref, my FFans post on XP/CP in FFvT3R, and the FFans patch test thread.) I really wish I had saved a lot more from both sites, but that's all I've got.


Nope, don't have it.  I did get your FFX-related emails, though.  You'll have to try again.

Good to hear that you still have it, though.  Besides putting it back here, I've wanted to put them up on the wiki as well.


Hmm. It didn't bounce. I sent it to the email address you have listed here in your FR profile. PM me your address if you want it sent to a different one.

(You got the messages I posted to the FFX dev group via the group's mailer, since I just post to the group message board. But I don't have your email address for that group, if it's different.)


It's the same address, all right.  Occassionally, yahoo mail takes a while to arrive.  It might be worth tying it again, in any case.