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EZScript Campaign Crash

Started by GogglesPizanno, April 26, 2008, 08:05:28 PM

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So I'm trying to create an EZScript campaign and everything is going along nicely. Characters talk, missions happen, objectives are met etc...


On any base screen, if I go to "train" any of my characters, immediate game crash back to desktop. Doesn't matter which mission, as it seems to happen from all base screens.

For testing I'm not doing anything fancy with the base.txt file. I just copied the sample from the ffx documentation and duplicated that for all the missions. The rest of the base screen behaves just like it should, and none of the other buttons (database, recruit etc...) have any problems... Just the training screen.

This strikes me as appearing a bit bug-like, but I have been known to drop the ball and do something stupid...on occasion.

Below are the relevant log parts.

FF.log at the moment of game crash:

00:24:41.27: FF: CInterpreter::init() completed
00:24:41.27: FF: Py_GetPath(.\System;.\System\PythonLib;.\Data\Missions\Scripts;C:\Documents and Settings\Ritchie Vanderlo\Local Settings\Application Data\Irrational Games\Freedom Force vs the 3rd Reich\temp;D:\Freedom Force vs Third Reich\.\MOD_SimpleRandomCampaign\missions\scripts;)
00:24:41.27: FF: Py_GetProgramFullPath(D:\Freedom Force vs Third Reich\ffvt3r.exe)
00:24:41.27: FF: CMission::init(dynamiccamp3, Missions\dynamicCamp3\base.dat)
00:24:41.27: FF: CMission::loadScript(Missions\dynamicCamp3\base.py)
00:24:42.28: FF: CRender: creating DX9 renderer
00:24:42.28: FF: CRender: trying to render in 32 bits
00:24:42.29: FF: destroying font resources
00:24:42.59: FF: Recreating font resources
00:24:42.59: FF: DepthStencil is D3DFMT_D24S8
00:24:42.62: FF: initializing physics
00:24:42.66: FF: Terrain contains geometry under the root node.  It will not be chunked correctly for lighting.
00:24:42.75: FF: ERROR: CRpgSystem::patchRPGABitSet, mentor has unknown attribute telepathy
00:24:42.75: FF: ERROR: CRpgSystem::patchRPGABitSet, mentor has unknown attribute supertk
00:24:42.89: FF: Warning:  Throwable object screens_base has negative mass
00:24:42.94: FF: ERROR: CRpgSystem::patchRPGABitSet, alchemiss has unknown attribute illusionist
00:24:42.97: FF: Warning:  Throwable object screens_base has negative mass
00:24:43.16: FF: CPathNodeList::preprocess: 0 nodes
00:24:43.16: FF: CPathNodeList::preprocess: 0 nodes
00:24:43.29: FF: GEOMETRY COUNTER AT 32394

and the script log:

>>> system/init.py executed
>>> system/localinit.py executed
>>> system\tredir.py executed
loading datfiles version 0.251000
loading cshelper ...
Starting ffx.py v. 3.2.0 build 11; branch = Gold / Release
Loading m25ai.py v. 3.2.0 build 10; branch = beta 2: m25 branch 2
importing missionobjvar.py v1.18
importing MLOG Reader 1.0.18 release
Starting General Utilities 1.0
missionobjvar(FixLongs): Fixing overflow issue with <SCSTATE_BUOYANT>
missionobjvar defining functions for Rumble Room play.
CustomHeadCurrentTime 1209264225.015000
Starting Height Check module 1.4
Starting System Utilities 1.4
OBJECTS_HEIGHT: 604 entries
NIF_OBJECTS: 482 entries
Starting skXMapInfo.py  v 0.79 beta
skXMapInfo: m25ai available
FFX Mission Plugin 'firehydrant' imported
FFX Mission Plugin 'irradiateradius' imported
FFX Mission Plugin 'zombie' imported
Loading freeroam_keepbuildingdamage.py v.1.0.0 build 0; branch = main
FFX Mission Plugin 'freeroam_keepbuildingdamage' imported
FFX Mission Plugin 'm25ai_lowjumper' imported
FFX Mission Plugin 'm25ai_realitymanipulation' imported
FFX Mission Plugin 'cutscene_power' imported
Loading     m25enc_OPENDOOR.py v.1.0.0 build 0; branch = main
FFX Mission Plugin 'm25enc_opendoor' imported
Loading     m25enc_simplechoice.py v.1.0.0 build 0; branch = main
FFX Mission Plugin 'm25enc_simplechoice' imported
Starting Built-In Function Wrapper 1.5
('Object_CalcPrestige', 'js')
ffx3\sk.py importing FFX
ffx3\missions\scripts\sk.py loaded
>>> C:\Documents and Settings\Ritchie Vanderlo\Local Settings\Application Data\Irrational Games\Freedom Force vs the 3rd Reich\temp\base.py executed
! GetMapInfo
Traceback (innermost last):
  File "C:\Documents and Settings\Ritchie Vanderlo\Local Settings\Application Data\Irrational Games\Freedom Force vs the 3rd Reich\temp\base.py", line 26, in OnPostInit
  File "D:\Freedom Force vs Third Reich\.\MOD_SimpleRandomCampaign\missions\scripts\m25minimod.py", line 136, in OnPostInit
NameError: storyfile
initialising FFQ_initialiseExtras()



Using the EZ script 'Campaign Recruit' encounter to recruit characters from .hero files will cause this crash.   You can recruit custom characters from the base screen using the recruit button though, you just can't get EZ script to do it.

Also make sure you have the updated EZ script campaign files from the EZ script wiki (ezscript.wikispaces.com).  The base.py and mission.py files in the release of FFX 3.2 had an error in them.


QuoteUsing the EZ script 'Campaign Recruit' encounter to recruit characters from .hero files will cause this crash.   You can recruit custom characters from the base screen using the recruit button though, you just can't get EZ script to do it.

I didn't use EZScript to recruit any of the characters...
The characters are recruited (all built ins) using a python script that is run during the first mission.

So the first mission is a non-EZScript python scripted mission that sets up all my stuff (recruits characters etc..) then jumps into the EZScript missions starting on Mission 2. On those base screens when I try to Train any of the already recruited builtins is when it crashes.

QuoteAlso make sure you have the updated EZ script campaign files from the EZ script wiki (ezscript.wikispaces.com).  The base.py and mission.py files in the release of FFX 3.2 had an error in them.

I'll try this tonight. I'm pretty sure that I was using a non updated version...


The script.log shows that EZ script isn't running on the base screen, so it may be something in the characters themselves that's crashing the game.

If the update doesn't fix the problem, try adding one of the missions that comes with the game as the second mission in your campaign so that you can try a base screen from a non-ez script campaign.


Well i figured out the problem.
You were right, It was me trying to be more clever than i should be and I was breaking it with some quirky code in my setting up of characters.  :doh: