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Completely confused

Started by Uncle Yuan, June 04, 2008, 08:26:58 AM

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Uncle Yuan

I now for a lot of folks here, working with the technical side of FR is pretty second nature, but for me it's all gobbledygook.  I understand the basic difference between a mesh/hex and a skin, but beyond that . . .

So, some questions (in no particular order):

1)If I go to a site, say NPI, and down load a mesh, all I'm really getting is a figure, correct?  In other words, no powers.  I would have to load that into the game then play with adding powers and etc.

2)How can I tell by file name/extension which meshes are FR vs FRv3R?  How about hero files?

3)Where are good places to find hero files?

4)What is the purpose of a hero editor?  Does it replace the hero creation screen in the game?

5)What is the best way to test my character?

6)How do I set up two (or three) power groups like they do in the game/mods?  Every time I play with the character creator I can only get one big group.

7)How can I change/set the descriptions that pop up when you mouse over a power?

8) If I download an FX pack (like the one at Dr. Mike's site) and install it - are those FX all available when I try to make a hero, or do I have to do something else?

9) Can I change the number of contacts and animation time for a particular FX, or are those all hard coded?

I'm sure I can come with more, but this'll do for starters . . .


Some short answers;

1)If I go to a site, say NPI, and down load a mesh, all I'm really getting is a figure, correct?  In other words, no powers.  I would have to load that into the game then play with adding powers and etc.

Yes. A mesh and skin require a powerset which a hero file or entries in the .dat files provide, giving the game info as to how strong/fast/tough etc the character is, and what powers you can use.

2)How can I tell by file name/extension which meshes are FR vs FRv3R?  How about hero files?

You can't tell except by reading readme's, or possibly by opening with nifskope(which can tell you what version a nif file is), or by simple trial and error. In theory, 99% of FF meshes work in FFV3R, especially if you NifConvert. FFV3R meshes DONT work in FF without a lot of fiddling around that most people dont have the expensive software to do. So lets just assume that they dont work at all.
The hero files I don't use much, but think similar 'try it and see, or read readme's'  rules apply.

3)Where are good places to find hero files?

Theres a whole subforum dedicated to them, I like Abenavides (at alex's freedom fortress), USagent's and TaskmasterX's(the lattter two have yahoo groups, IIRC)

4)What is the purpose of a hero editor?  Does it replace the hero creation screen in the game?

It's for editing hero files, and sometimes for making them into heroes 'built in' to the campaign of a Mod. It can generally give you options you wont get in-game.

5)What is the best way to test my character?

Play with them in the Rumble Room. In my opinion.

6)How do I set up two (or three) power groups like they do in the game/mods?  Every time I play with the character creator I can only get one big group.

FFX/M25. Read it's instructions.

7)How can I change/set the descriptions that pop up when you mouse over a power?

Edit the text files then use the Editor to recompile these text files into the format the game uses.

8) If I download an FX pack (like the one at Dr. Mike's site) and install it - are those FX all available when I try to make a hero, or do I have to do something else?

Depends. Sometimes you need to enter info into some of the dat files, or 'merge' dats to do the same. Usually the packs come with install instructions.

9) Can I change the number of contacts and animation time for a particular FX, or are those all hard coded?

I think you may be thinking of powers, ranged or melee, the number of contacts and timings CAN be altered, but from your questions I'm guessing now is not when explaining how will be of much use. Suffice to say, NifSkope or a hex editor can do a lot in the right hands.

(PS, by pure synchronicity, I happen to be reading the book your new 'title' is taken from, having just read that phrase a couple of days ago. Small world. Good book.).


A good portion of your questions could be answered here, so check it out for more info: http://frworld.wikispaces.com/   

You may also find this useful for something: http://freedomreborn.net/archive/index.php?topic=46385.0

All herofiles will work in FFVTTR, and vice versa minus some power options where ff1 is concerned, and alex's herotool will greatly aid in that.

Fx Packs usually require you to merge dats or install each fx individually. Read the readmes. Everything else, Tommyboy already covered pretty efficiently.

PS. If you really feel like jumping into editing text files as Tommy pointed out, instructions to that are actually in your help files (assuming you have the mod tools downloaded) and pretty much all over these forums (assuming they haven't been lost in the forum crashes)

Uncle Yuan

Quote from: tommyboy on June 04, 2008, 08:41:51 AM

(PS, by pure synchronicity, I happen to be reading the book your new 'title' is taken from, having just read that phrase a couple of days ago. Small world. Good book.).

Synchronicity abounds - I had just closed your site, where I was looking at your meshes, to find that you had posted on my thread . . .

Uncle Yuan

Quote from: tommyboy on June 04, 2008, 08:41:51 AM
3)Where are good places to find hero files?

Theres a whole subforum dedicated to them, I like Abenavides (at alex's freedom fortress), USagent's and TaskmasterX's(the lattter two have yahoo groups, IIRC)

Where?  I've poked around and I can't find such a subforum.  Which forum is it under?  Is it stickied?


I think he was referring to the general "Hero File Discussion" Sub forum:


Also, regarding #6, what you refer to sound like the two groups of powers that the built-in characters have. Those groups are called tiers and only built-in characters have them as they are set in FFEdit. For example Minute Man has

     Tier A: patriotism     Tier B: vigilance
     smash     national guard
     strike for freedom     minute missile
     300-percenter     eternal vigilance
     vanquish     rally the troops
     patriot whirl     

BTW, if it comes up, here is a link to a post in another thread about setting the strings for a character and that post includes an example that sets the strings for the tiers as well.